A Needs Assessment of Online Health Sciences

A Needs Assessment of Online Health Sciences Continuing Education: Findings from a Focus-Group Study Nicole Chabot1, Rachael Park1, Paige Colley1, Karen Schouten1, Nick Baker2, and Ruth Martin1. 1: Western University, Faculty of Health Sciences 2: University of Windsor, Office of Open Learning

Background • Unmet need for continuing

postsecondary education in the health sector.

• Development of an Online

Graduate Diploma in Applied Health Sciences.

• A needs assessment was

conducted to ensure that the graduate diploma program meets the needs of students and healthcare providers.

The Foundation

Market Research

mmmmm Focus mmmmm


Program Design

Market Research Identifies the Needs

Focus Groups Defines the Needs

Methods of Critical Analysis

Determinants of Health and Health Equity

Critical Thinking and Critical Analysis

Health Leadership

Health Across the Lifespan

Program Design Answers the Needs

In Conclusion • • • •

Application of Knowledge Flexible Interdisciplinary Interactive online program

Graduate Diploma in Applied HEALTH SCIENCES

supported by eCampusOntario

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