Anupam Srivastava

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Promoting STCs in Asia: Next Steps for CSCAP Dr. Anupam Srivastava Senior Fellow, CITS [email protected]; [email protected]

Elements of a Comprehensive STC System


Enforcement Legal Basis Institutions Implementation (Training)

Government-industry outreach

International compliance/regime adherence

STC Licensing Official authorization by the government for the transfer of controlled goods or technologies  Licensing system should be supported by laws/legislation that provide authority to designated officials/agencies to license all activities and items related to trade & transfers of sensitive dual-use goods AND military items  This includes   

Identifying/listing items and defining transactions that are subject to licensing process Identifying who reviews and/or issues export licenses Identifying where end-user/end-use-based controls might apply


STC Enforcement What happens if exporters do not comply with licensing requirements? Enforcement becomes critical  Requires laws & regulations that designate one or more govt agencies with enforcement authority (both dual-use & munitions)  This includes:  Authority to search, detain, seize, investigate shipments  Understand which items/transactions/destinations might require the exporter to submit a license  Capacity and resources (training, procedures & tools) to identify shipments and shippers of concern  Authority & protocol to get inter-agency inputs  Impose penalties for violations


Regime Adherence in STC Regime adherence includes international cooperation on nonproliferation, through participation in – treaties, regimes, conventions and initiatives  Requires the country to be a member/adherent to int’l agreements that require it to establish an STC system  This includes  Adopting guidelines/lists/Best Practices into national laws and procedures  Coordinating with other govts & international organizations  Tasking an agency, and providing it adequate budget, to participate in deliberations, investigations, interdictions


Government-Industry Outreach in STC What happens if the industry violates STC regulations out of ignorance or confusion? Govt needs to assist the industry understand and comply with STCs  Outreach requires laws & regulations that designate one or more govt agencies with the responsibility to educate industry  This includes:  Choosing more than one method to communicate with the industry  Assistance in establishing compliance programs  Incorporating feedback on efficiency/suitability of STC process and procedures


CSCAP Memo No. 14 of 2009  Recommended specific measures involving legislation, licensing procedures, enforcement practices and industry outreach that are essential to an effective STC  It was accepted by the CSCAP Steering Committee and presented to the ARF  After 7 years, it is time for a detailed assessment of implementation of the identified best practices among CSCAP Member States (MS)

Sample Questions (adapted from Memo #14) STC related Legislation

Control List(s)




More than one


Separate for dual-use & munitions


Correlated with HS Codes

Brokering & other facilitation Catch-all ITT (intangible technology transfers)

Sample Questions (adapted from Memo #14) Agencies identified for each function

Electronic Tools

Licensing – nodal & other

Inter-agency data sharing

Legal updates Writing IRRs (Implementing Rules & Regulations) Update & harmonization with other regulations List(s) revision

Risk Management & Profiling

Outreach to other stakeholders • Domestic (industry & academia) • International (regional and extra-regional partners)

Info sharing with the public about license review process/procedures

Enforcement • Developing risk-management databases • Interdictions Investigation Prosecution

Electronic submission of license applications; conveying decisions

Training of Personnel Licensing Outreach Enforcement

Outreach to the stakeholders

International Coordination Treaty-regimes updates Reporting – to UNSCRs 1540; 1637 & 1718 - UNSCRs on terrorism-financing Coordination with assistance providers

Training for industry/academia

Next Steps -1 1) CITS can convert CSCAP Memo #14 into a Matrix 2) MS-CSCAP can use their internal resources to complete the Matrix for their own country 3) Alternately, they can submit (to Pacific Forum CSIS) a copy of documents that provide info corresponding to specific elements in the Matrix. CITS can analyze and help complete the Matrix 4) .CITS & Pacific Forum CSIS can  review and consolidate all submissions  identify any additional Best Practices of some MS & suggest how these can be adjusted & adopted by the remaining MS

Next Steps - 2  Results of these activities will be used to draft  A report assessing the pros and cons of establishing common guidelines, lists of DU items & suspect entities within ASEAN  Report will include a section on additional steps required by CSCAP MS to implement & enforce UNSCR 1540  Once CSCAP MS approve the Report  it can be used a guide for further development of national STC systems; should improve regional coordination  a copy can be submitted to the ARF to include in its dialog with the 1540 Committee

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