Bethlehem Youth Hockey Association Agenda ... - League Athletics

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Bethlehem Youth Hockey Association Agenda/Minutes for Board Meeting: 29 February 2016

BOARD ATTENDANCE B. Gregg (Pres) Y P. Kelly (VP) A. Kurdziolek (Regstr) Y J. Mash M. Koenig Y I. O’Connor

Y M. Putnam (Trsr) Y G. Cunningham Y S. Stannard

Y D. Devaprasad (Sec’y) Y Y M. Hull Y N B. Backlund Y

Others Present: Levasalmis, John Queenan Agenda Item Materials for review



Meeting called to order



Review and approval of prior meeting minutes



Officer Reports President’s Report

Treasurer’s Report


Registration Registrar’s Report (AMK)

Bantam A won TVHL 2 draft policies for review Working on 2016-2017 budget and scheduling Some Individual team banquets $9748 deposits – February $10715.75 expenses – February February 2016 Treasurers Report Switching to Easy Merchant

Only $5200 outstanding; 10 families; payment plans and a couple


BTG motion, JM second, passed unanimously

Bethlehem Youth Hockey Association Agenda/Minutes for Board Meeting: 29 February 2016 Agenda Item



of drop dead dates. 17 eagle awards; need to update eagle award document on website


Hockey Operations (PK)

ACE Coordinator (MH) Coaches Development Coaches Selection Player Development (PK) ADM Coordinator (MH) Goalie Development (BG) Disciplinary Review (MK)

3/21 meeting briefing on past season, coaches selection process for next year, summer clinics, dry land training, coaches and players training. Levasalmi questioned C team program, particularly coaches; can we make it better, get coaches from outside usual channels, or maybe non-parent coaches. Nothing to report Nothing to report Nothing to report Report from MK on player issues at the Bantam level (see also bantam coordinator report below). Families of players involved with verbal abuse issue to be sent letters on issue. Leland Thomas had conduct issues throughout season, including accumulation of excessive aggressive penalties. Give parent opportunity to address board before consider banning from registering next year.

GC motion to suspend for rest of season, IO second, passed unanimously, with DD abstain.

Coaches need to maintain score sheets; tighten up guidance for coaches. Queenan will draft conduct policy revision, and initial coaches letter to team; will coordinate with PK and DD. Consider mandatory parent/player conduct education meetings prior to start of season; Queenan will draft revised player code of 2

Bethlehem Youth Hockey Association Agenda/Minutes for Board Meeting: 29 February 2016 Agenda Item



conduct. 6 Level Coordinator Reports LTP (BB) Mite (SS) Squirt (PK) Peewee (JK)

Bantam (GC)

Midget (IO) 7 General Coordinator Reports Ice Schedule (SS) Equipment (IO)

Trophies done; season end unfortunately corresponded to break weak; having banquet No issues No issues Peewee A and B1 are winding down their seasons. There were some problems with cross rostering between the B2 and C teams. A number of C players had committed to cross roster with the B2 team and the C team was forced to forfeit a playoff game because they did not have enough players. I received a complaint about this the day before the playoff game but there was very little I could do to remedy the situation. It looks to me like a clear violation of BYH's cross rostering policy and warrants further discussion. Leland Thomas was suspended two weeks after receiving code of conduct letter and received two 2 and 10 minute penalties one for a hit from behind and another for fighting. Tim Talmage feels at this point they would be better served if this ended his season as they had no games this weekend and have a tournament in Lake placid coming up. Tim has several commitments from Dave Williams kids to play in this tournament but have mentioned if Leland plays they would reconsider. Nothing to report

Working on schedule for next year Working on jersey collection 3

Bethlehem Youth Hockey Association Agenda/Minutes for Board Meeting: 29 February 2016 Agenda Item Officials (JM) Tech Valley Hockey League (DD) Parent Education (MH/MK/DD) Advertising/Fund Raising/Public Relations (JM) Scholarship (GC) Website (BG) 7

Old Business


New Business



Nothing to report Playoff issues No report No report No report No report

Review proposed electronic voting policy, and grievance procedure.

BTG motion to approve electronic voting policy (ver 1.0), MK second, passed unanimously BTG motion to approve grievance procedure (ver 1.0), MK second, passed unanimously


Executive Session


Next Meeting

April 4


Meeting adjourned



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