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Child Care / SCHOOL

Raising BounceBack Kids


15 seconds


45-60 seconds


1 serving

I NG R ED IENTS • 1 thin sliced deli ham (1 ounce) • 1 egg, beaten • Shredded cheddar cheese D I RECT IONS • Line the bottom of an 8-oz ramekin or custard cup with ham slices, folding ham in half if necessary. Pour egg over ham. • Microwave on high, 30 seconds; stir. Microwave until egg is almost set, 15 to 30 seconds longer. • Top with cheese. Serve immediately.

The idea of resiliency is big in child care lately, and Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind Sesame Street, is on it. A new series of activities and apps called Little Children, Big Challenges ( offers insight and strategies for boosting preschooler resilience. Here, Jeanette Betancourt, EdD, senior VP of outreach and educational practices, gives ideas to share with preschool and use at home. Encourage “mistakes.” We often try to help kids do things “right.” But experimenting, without a goal, is important for young children. A kid whose block tower falls can become frustrated that he’s “failed.” So help him focus on figuring out why it fell, or suggest knocking it over on purpose, for fun. These strategies help kids develop fortitude and understand the joy of play for its own sake.

Find words for impatience. Waiting is so hard for tiny tykes. Before a child has the ability to verbalize that, say, he wants to leave the supermarket, he might act out. But even very little ones understand more than they can express. Slow him down and get him to breathe, then help him find just the right word to express his exasperation—even if it’s a strong word like “mad.” Follow up with a soothing hug.

Cope with big change. Young kids relish stability. So a move— even across town, but especially one that takes him away from everything he knows— can be extremely upsetting. Talk about it early, and involve your child in the change: Pack his suitcase together, and make up a special bag to bring in the car or airplane and then unpack in the new location. Once you’ve arrived, reestablish old routines ASAP, like times for breakfast and calling Grandma. or visit us on Facebook

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