Occupational Therapist Thermoplastic Molding Manual - Thingiverse

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Occupational Therapist Thermoplastic Molding Manual Compiled by Richard and Beth van As 28 September 2013

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Cutting the Template 1.


Measuring ................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 – Molding the Template 6 2.

Molding ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 3 – Shaping the Mold


Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


Table of Figures Figure 1: Drawing the Template ............................................................................................................. 4 Figure 2: Cutting the Template ............................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: Cutting the Template ............................................................................................................... 4 Figure 4: Cutting the Template ............................................................................................................... 4 Figure 5: Template on Thermoplastic ..................................................................................................... 4 Figure 6: Template on Thermoplastic ..................................................................................................... 4 Figure 7: Template on Thermoplastic ..................................................................................................... 5 Figure 8: Template on Thermoplastic ..................................................................................................... 5 Figure 9: Scoring Thermoplastic.............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 10: Breaking Thermoplastic ......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 11: Scoring Thermoplastic............................................................................................................ 5 Figure 12: Pre-mold Cut from Thermoplastic ......................................................................................... 5 Figure 13: Pre-mold Cut from Thermoplastic ......................................................................................... 6 Figure 14: Thermoplastic in Frying Pan................................................................................................... 6 Figure 15: Thermoplastic Translucent .................................................................................................... 6 Figure 16: Cover with Baby Powder ........................................................................................................ 6 Figure 17: Cover with Baby Powder ........................................................................................................ 6 Figure 18: Cover with Baby Powder ........................................................................................................ 6 Figure 19: Mold to body.......................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 20: Secure with Bandage ............................................................................................................. 7 Figure 21: Mold Secured ......................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 22: Hardened Mold ...................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 23: Hardened Mold ...................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 24: Hardened Mold ...................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 25: Mark the Excess ..................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 26: Mark the Excess ..................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 27: Mark the Excess ..................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 28: Cut off the Excess ................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 29: Cut off the Excess ................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 30: Cut off the Excess ................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 31: Cut off the Excess ................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 32: Excess Cut Off......................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 33: Clean up with Dremel ............................................................................................................ 9 Figure 34: Clean up with Dremel ............................................................................................................ 9

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


Chapter 1 – Cutting the Template 1. Measuring 1.1. Measure the arm on the paper towel and draw out the markings (Upper arm and Lower arm pieces separately) 1.2. Create a template from the paper towel

Figure 1: Drawing the Template

Figure 2: Cutting the Template

Figure 3: Cutting the Template

Figure 4: Cutting the Template

1.3. Draw out the template on the Thermoplastic

Figure 5: Template on Thermoplastic

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2

Figure 6: Template on Thermoplastic


Figure 7: Template on Thermoplastic

Figure 8: Template on Thermoplastic

1.4. Cut out the template from the Thermoplastic 1.5. Using a Stanley knife draw on the lines of the template to create a groove (i.e. scoring) which you can then bend to break the Thermoplastic. This requires some force

Figure 9: Scoring Thermoplastic

Figure 10: Breaking Thermoplastic

Figure 11: Scoring Thermoplastic

Figure 12: Pre-mold Cut from Thermoplastic

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


Figure 13: Pre-mold Cut from Thermoplastic

Chapter 2 – Molding the Template 2. Molding 2.1. Use an electric frying pan to heat up water to submerge the Thermoplastic 2.2. Once the water is boiling place the Thermoplastic in the frying pan. This will make it translucent and pliable for molding on the body 2.3. Carefully remove the Thermoplastic from the hot water 2.4. Place on a steady surface and cover with baby powder. This will prevent sticking

Figure 14: Thermoplastic in Frying Pan

Figure 15: Thermoplastic Translucent

Figure 16: Cover with Baby Powder

Figure 17: Cover with Baby Powder

Figure 18: Cover with Baby Powder

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


2.5. Mold the Thermoplastic to the body and secure with a bandage 2.6. If it gets hard too quickly before completely molded, reheat in the frying pan

Figure 19: Mold to body

Figure 20: Secure with Bandage

Figure 21: Mold Secured

Figure 22: Hardened Mold

Figure 23: Hardened Mold

2.7. Once the Thermoplastic is cold and hard remove the bandage 2.8. Mark on the mold the places where to cut off the excess Thermoplastic ensuring you miss the area around the wrist joints and elbow joints i.e. the fulcrum points 2.9. Remove the mold from the arm

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


Figure 24: Hardened Mold

Figure 25: Mark the Excess

Figure 26: Mark the Excess

Figure 27: Mark the Excess

Chapter 3 – Shaping the Mold 1. Using tin snips, cut away the excess Thermoplastic from the mold 2. Keep trying the mold on between cutting to ensure you do not cut off too much. Also ensure you keep a nice gap in the fulcrum points i.e. between the wrist bend and elbow bend. 3. Ensure when your candidate bends their arm with the mold on it is comfortable and not pinching them anywhere. Cut away the pieces the pinch. 4. Clean up any rough areas with a small handheld drill with sanding tip.

Figure 28: Cut off the Excess

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2

Figure 29: Cut off the Excess


Figure 30: Cut off the Excess

Figure 31: Cut off the Excess

Figure 32: Excess Cut Off

Figure 33: Clean up with Dremel

Figure 34: Clean up with Dremel

This completes the entire process of making a Thermoplastic mold Refer to point 7 onwards in the Children’s ABS Robohand assembly manual for the creation of the hand cap and attaching the Robohand to the mold.

Robohand Occupational Therapist Manual v2


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