SRA 16A - April 3, 2016 - amended

Student Representative Assembly Meeting 16A Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 10:00am BSB 137

Called to Order at 10:08 am CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present


Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, D’Angela, Farah, Flowers, Ghani, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge Dales, Eom, Quinn, Shingleton-Smith Eom, Threndyle Almeida, D’Souza Miranda Clayton (VP Finance Candidate), Hayley Regis (VP Administration Candidate), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Nishan Zewge-Abubaker (VP Administration Candidate), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Patricia Kousoulas (Welcome Week Faculty Coordinator), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Blake Oliver (VP Education Candidate), Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Education Candidate), Joshua Yachouh (MSU Member), Jonathon Tonietto (VP Administration Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Hsu that the agenda be adopted as presented. Passes Unanimously ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIR 

The Chair congratulated all members on being elected, and welcomed them to the first meeting of the year. The Chair encouraged members to use a “point of parliamentary inquiry” if they are unsure of the proceedings. The Chair advised that the presentations and debates from the VP candidates would be presented today. After each debate, the Chair will entertain a motion to postpone the rest of the election until tomorrow. The Chair asked all observers to sign the observer’s list.


Election of the Vice-President (Administration)

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Guarna that the SRA close nominations for the Vice-President (Administration) 2016-2017. Nominations  Shaarujaa Nadarajah  Hayley Regis  Jonathon Tonietto  Nishan Zewge-Abubaker 

Guarna went over the role of the VP Admin with the Assembly.

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Vote to Close Passes Unanimously Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Robinson that the Assembly set parameters of 30 seconds of rebuttals during the debate period for all elections. Passes by General Consent 

Candidates spoke within allotted time.

Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Cole to postpone the remainder of the VP Admin election to tomorrow.       

 

D’Angela suggested postponing the rest of the election to tomorrow so voting is not happening today. Hsu asked how many questions were left. The Chair stated that there were 17 unanswered questions. Lee asked if those questions would be asked tomorrow. The Chair advised that only individualized questions would be asked tomorrow. Hsu was opposed to this motion, as there were science students who had questions and wanted answers. D’Angela stated that the Assembly would never be able to answer all of the questions. D’Angela stated that if the question period were extended every time, the Assembly would be here for days. D’Angela encouraged members to use the information at hand and ask additional questions online. D’Angela did not think it would be effective to go through all of the questions. Guarna was in support of the motion. The operating policy was just passed, and the Assembly agreed on the time limits. Guarna stated that if the question period were extended for this position, it should be extended for all positions. Guarna advised that the Administrative Assistant has offered to type up the additional questions and circulate to the candidates for responses. Guarna was concerned if the time limit was extended and not all of the questions were asked the Assembly would be prioritizing some questions over others. Guarna thought this was a good compromise, and members can look for the answers online. Bengizi stated that students wanted to engage with the candidates now, and thought that they should answer the questions now. Bengizi stated it was important that the Assembly asks as many questions as possible. Baiden was also against this motion. Baiden stated there are questions that science students wanted to hear answered. Baiden added that there are creative questions that the science caucus asked so they could hear collective answers. Baiden stated that all members gave up their Saturdays, and it is important to hear all questions. Khanano agreed with Guarna. The elections take a long time, and not all questions will be asked. Khanano thought emailing the unasked candidates was a good compromise. Khanano did not think it would be fair to extend this position and not the others, and if all positions are extended, the meeting will be lengthy. Cole stated that an open forum was important, but if students had questions they wanted to have answered, they should contact the candidate directly. Cole stated this would be a valuable experience for these students and they would receive tailored answers.

Moved by Areghan, seconded by Lightstone to call to question. In Favour: 24 Opposed: 1 Abstentions: 5 Opposed: D’Angela Abstentions: Osazuwa, Farah, Ngo, Bengizi, Ragnanan Motion Passes Vote on Motion Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Cole to postpone the remainder of the VP Administration election to tomorrow.

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In Favour: 21 Opposed: 7 Abstentions: 1 Opposed: Ngo, Hsu, Baiden, Farah, Bengizi, Areghan, Flowers Abstentions: Nadarajah Motion Passes Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Beley to recess for forty-five minutes. Passes Unanimously Recessed at 12:19pm Called to Order at 1:07pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present



Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, D’Souza, Farah, Ghani, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Ngo, Osazuwa, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge Dales, Eom, Quinn, Shingleton-Smith D’Angela, Eom, Threndyle Baiden, Flowers, Nestico-Semianiw Miranda Clayton (VP Finance Candidate), Hayley Regis (VP Administration Candidate), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Nishan Zewge-Abubaker (VP Administration Candidate), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Patricia Kousoulas (Welcome Week Faculty Coordinator), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Blake Oliver (VP Education Candidate), Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Education Candidate), Joshua Yachouh (MSU Member), Jonathon Tonietto (VP Administration Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Election of the Vice-President (Finance)

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Guarna that the SRA close nominations for the Vice-President (Finance) 20162017. Nominations  David Cheng  Miranda Clayton  Ryan MacDonald 

Osazuwa went over the role of the VP Finance with the Assembly.

Vote to Close Passes Unanimously 

Candidates spoke in allotted time.

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Krause to postpone the remainder of the VP Finance election to tomorrow.  

Areghan asked how many questions were left. The Chair stated there were five unasked questions.

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Vote to Postpone In Favour: 24 Opposed: 4 Abstentions: 1 Opposed: Areghan, Flowers, Ngo, Bengizi Abstentions: Farah Motion Passes Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Areghan to recess for fifteen minutes. Passes Unanimously Recessed at 2:23pm Called to Order at 2:40pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Chair 3.

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, D’Angela, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Flowers, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge Dales, Quinn, Shingleton-Smith Ghani Threndyle Miranda Clayton (VP Finance Candidate), Hayley Regis (VP Administration Candidate), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Nishan Zewge-Abubaker (VP Administration Candidate), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Patricia Kousoulas (Welcome Week Faculty Coordinator), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Blake Oliver (VP Education Candidate), Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Education Candidate), Joshua Yachouh (MSU Member), Jonathon Tonietto (VP Administration Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Election of the Vice-President (Education)

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Nestico-Semianiw that the SRA close nominations for the Vice-President (Education) 2016-2017. Nominations  Pearl Almeida  Blake Oliver  Christine Yachouh   

Nestico-Semianiw went over the role of the VP Education with the Assembly. Bengizi asked if being OUSA President had an effect on how Nestico-Semianiw managed time as the VP Ed. Nestico-Semianiw stated that OUSA President was a dimension of the role that the Board of Directors saw as a priority for the year. Nestico-Semianiw stated that McMaster Students benefitted from OUSA’s successes. Nestico-Semianiw added that having the Research Assistants was beneficial to support the MSU’s internal advocacy priorities and maintain the work that past VP Educations had started. Nestico-Semianiw stated that it was about Board priorities and figuring out how to accomplish those goals.

Vote to Close

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Passes Unanimously 

Candidates spoke in allotted time.

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Krause to postpone the remainder of the VP Education election to tomorrow.       

Areghan asked how many questions were left. The Chair stated that there were twelve unanswered questions. Areghan stated that he would be voting against this motion. Areghan thought the Assembly could ask more questions for the students watching the live stream. Baiden did not think it would be fair to ask additional questions, as the time was not extended for the other positions. Baiden thought the Assembly should be consistent. Krause stated that the Assembly set a precedent and should keep going with it. Farah asked if candidates would be held accountable to answer the additional questions. The Chair advised that it was not mandated in the operating policy, and it would be the decision of each candidate whether to answer.

Moved by Baiden, seconded by D’Angela to call to question. In Favour: 27 Opposed: 0 Abstentions: 3 Abstentions: Osazuwa, Ngo, Anbalagan Motion Passes Vote to Postpone In Favour: 28 Opposed: 2 Abstentions: 0 Opposed: Areghan, Ngo Motion Passes 4.

Election of the MSU Speaker

Moved by Krause, seconded by Lee to postpone to tomorrow. Passes Unanimously INFORMATION PERIOD  

 

Osazuwa advised that he would be making a motion tomorrow to extend individual question period from 10 minutes to 25 minutes. Guarna reported that the MSU and our partners won a national award for planning Light Up The Night, tying for first place with the WestJet Christmas party. Guarna reminded the Assembly that this year’s Light Up The Night celebration is on April 8, and it will be lots of fun with free rides and free food. Guarna advised that tomorrow’s meeting will probably be longer, and members should come prepared with food and have rides lined up. Yachouh announced that there was a town hall on April 12 for the task force report on the future of the faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Science. Yachouh encouraged all members to attend. Deshpande reported that the Diversity Services Abilities Pillar was hosting an event on Tuesday.

Nominations  Farah nominated Inna Berditchevskaia for Bylaws & Procedures Commissioner - accepted  Krause nominated Hsu for University Affairs Commissioner - accepted  D’Souza nominated Kevan McDougall for Services Commissioner – accepted  Baiden nominated Flowers for Services Commissioner – accepted

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 

Beley nominated Matthew Brodka for Finance Commissioner – accepted Nadarajah nominated Anbalagan for Operations Commissioner - accepted


Lightstone asked Osazuwa if there was anything he wished he could have accomplished this year but did not have time to complete. Osazuwa stated he still has the month of April to wrap things up. Osazuwa noted that he had a few outstanding items at the full time level to wrap up. Areghan asked what Nestico-Semianiw could have done better in terms of internal support as a result of taking a leadership role in OUSA. Nestico-Semianiw stated the MSU had a successful year with internal advocacy. Nestico-Semianiw stated that the Board will have to have a conversation about balance. Nestico-Semianiw thought the MSU was able to maintain relationships with the University administrators, and he was not concerned with the success of internal advocacy this year. Osazuwa did not think there was anything wrong with an internal or external focus, it was about good communication with the Board and about balancing priorities.


Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present


Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, D’Angela, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Flowers, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, Threndyle Dales, Quinn, Shingleton-Smith Ghani Miranda Clayton (VP Finance Candidate), Hayley Regis (VP Administration Candidate), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Nishan Zewge-Abubaker (VP Administration Candidate), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Patricia Kousoulas (Welcome Week Faculty Coordinator), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Blake Oliver (VP Education Candidate), Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Education Candidate), Joshua Yachouh (MSU Member), Jonathon Tonietto (VP Administration Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Hsu to recess until 2pm on Sunday, April 3, 2016. Passes Unanimously Recessed at 4:14pm Called to order at 2:13pm (Sunday, April 3, 2016) CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, D’Angela, Eom, Farah, Flowers, Ghani, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, ShingletonSmith, Threndyle Guarna Cole, Dales, D’Souza, McBride Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie

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(Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Ed Candidate), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Ed Candidate), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member), Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), Nishan ZewgeAbubaker (VP Admin Candidate), Jonathon Tonietto (VP Admin Candidate), Hayley Regis (VP Admin Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Chair 

The Chair announced that today’s meeting would be in the order in which the items were postponed.

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Bengizi to extend individual question periods for each VP candidate by 15 minutes. 

 

 

Osazuwa was concerned that if the Assembly did not extend the question period before the elections resume, there will be a discussion at the end to exhaust the Speaker’s List. Osazuwa thought it was better to have the discussion now. Bengizi was eager to have the candidates answer as many questions as possible. Bengizi stated that it was important for the members to get a better understanding of what candidates had to say. D’Angela was against this motion. D’Angela stated that the operating policy was created to outline how VP elections should be run, and did not understand why the policy was approved if the Assembly was going to make amendments on the floor. D’Angela stated that he has gone through the process twice, and individual questions are daunting. D’Angela stated that extending individual questions was making the elections less accessible. D’Angela encouraged the members to be efficient and thoughtful in their questions. Lightstone noted that yesterday, there were many questions unanswered. Lightstone stated the Assembly should take the time to ask these questions. Bengizi stated she would benefit if there were more time for individual questions. Bengizi understood that not all questions would be asked, but specific platform points from candidates need to be explained.

Moved by Quinn, seconded by Bengizi to call to question. In Favour: 29 Opposed: 0 Abstentions: 3 Abstentions: Osazuwa, Ngo, Krause Motion Passes Vote on Motion In Favour: 19 Opposed: 8 Abstentions: 5 Opposed: D’Angela, Shingleton-Smith, Inigo, Robinson, Krause, Mertens, Rudge, D’Souza Abstentions: McBride, Kula, Almeida, Beley, Nadarajah Motion Passes Nominations  Lee nominated Victoria Liu for External Affairs Commissioner – accepted  Bengizi nominated Quinn for External Affairs Commissioner – accepted  Flowers nominated Areghan for Bylaws & Procedures Commissioner – accepted

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 

Osazuwa nominated D’Souza for University Affairs Commissioner – accepted D’Angela nominated Nestico-Semianiw for External Affairs Commissioner – declined

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by D’Angela to move back into the Vice-President (Administration) Election. Passes Unanimously Moved by Areghan, seconded by D’Angela to postpone the Vice-President (Administration) and Vice-President (Finance) elections indefinitely.  

Areghan stated that some candidates were not present and it was unfair to start question period until all candidates were present. D’Angela thought the Assembly should continue in the same order from yesterday. D’Angela was not concerned because the individualized questions have been extended and other candidates do not need to be present.

Amendment Moved by Baiden, seconded by Lightstone to amend the motion to include postponing the Vice-President (Education) election indefinitely.   

Baiden thought all VP elections should be postponed and the assembly should start with the Speaker election. Lightstone disagreed, stating that the Assembly has been working on the VP Elections and they should work through those elections first. Krause thought it was important to go in the order of the agenda and encouraged everyone to vote this down.

Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Krause to call to question. In Favour: 28 Opposed: 0 Abstentions: 5 Abstentions: Osazuwa, Ngo, Baiden, Hsu, Anbalagan Motion Passes Vote on Amendment In Favour: 3 Opposed: 21 Abstentions: 6 Opposed: Osazuwa, D’Angela, Nestico-Semianiw, Carrera, Shingleton-Smith, Cole, Ngo, Beley, Inigo, Anbalagan, Rudge, Long, Eom, Robinson, Krause, Mertens, Areghan, Flowers, McBride, Lightstone, Dales Abstentions: Quinn, Threndyle, Baiden, Ragnanan, Almeida, Lee Motion Fails Main Motion Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Krause to call to question. In Favour: 28 Opposed: 1 Abstentions: 3 Opposed: Hsu Abstentions: Osazuwa, Ngo, Anbalagan Motion Passes Vote on Motion

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Moved by Areghan, seconded by D’Angela to postpone the Vice-President (Administration) and Vice-President (Finance) elections indefinitely. In Favour: 10 Opposed: 16 Abstentions: 8 Opposed: Osazuwa, D’Angela, Nestico-Semianiw, Carrera, Threndyle, Inigo, Baiden, Bengizi, Rudge, D’Souza, Eom, Robinson, Krause, Mertens, Ghani, Dales Abstentions: Nadarajah, Quinn, Beley, Hsu, Anbalagan, Long, Ragnanan, Almeida Motion Fails 1.

Election of the Vice-President (Administration) - continued

 

Candidates spoke in allotted time. The Assembly voted by secret ballot.

Candidate Shaarujaa Nadarajah Hayley Regis Jonathon Tonietto Nishan Zewge-Abubaker Abstentions 

22 1 2 9 1

Shaarujaa Nadarajah was elected as the Vice-President (Administration) 2016-2017.

Moved by Lightstone, seconded by Lee to recess for thirty minutes. Passes by General Consent Recessed at 4:56pm Called to Order at 5:27pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, Dales, Eom, Flowers, Ghani, Hsu, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, Mertens, Nadarajah, NesticoSemianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, Shingleton-Smith, Threndyle Guarna, D’Souza Beley, D’Angela, Farah, McBride Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie (Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP Finance Candidate), Christine Yachouh (VP Ed Candidate), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), David Cheng (VP Finance Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Ed Candidate), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member), Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), Miranda Clayton (VP

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Finance Candidate), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by D’Angela to move back into the Vice-President (Finance) Election. Passes Unanimously 2.

Election of the Vice-President (Finance) – continued

 

The candidates spoke in allotted time. The Assembly voted by secret ballot.

Candidate David Cheng Miranda Clayton Ryan MacDonald Abstentions 

11 0 24 0

Ryan MacDonald was elected as the Vice-President (Finance) for 2016-2017.

Moved by Lightstone, seconded by Bengizi to recess for ten minutes. Amendment Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Carrera to amend the motion to recess for thirty minutes. Passes Unanimously Main Motion Moved by Lightstone, seconded by Bengizi to recess for thirty minutes. Passes by General Consent Recessed at 7:05pm Called to Order at 7:36pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Beley, Bengizi, Dales, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Guarna, Inigo, Krause, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, Shingleton-Smith, Threndyle

Baiden, Carrera, Cole, D’Angela, Flowers, Ghani, Hsu, Mertens, Nadarajah, NesticoSemianiw, Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie (Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP FinanceElect), Christine Yachouh (VP Ed Candidate), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator),

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Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Ed Candidate), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member), Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Krause to move back into the Vice-President (Education) Election. Passes Unanimously 3.

Election of the Vice-President (Education) – continued

 

The candidates spoke in allotted time. The Assembly voted by secret ballot. st

Candidate Pearl Almeida Blake Oliver Christine Yachouh Abstentions 


1 Round

2 Round

5 15 14 1

18 14 3

Blake Oliver was elected as the Vice-President (Education) for 2016-2017.

Moved by D’Angela, seconded by Threndyle to recess for twenty minutes. Passes by General Consent Recessed at 9:27pm Called to order at 9:52pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, Dales, D’Angela, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, Shingleton-Smith, Threndyle Ghani, Krause Baiden, Flowers Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie (Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP FinanceElect), Christine Yachouh (VP Ed Candidate), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Ed Candidate), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member),

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Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

Nominations  Bengizi nominated Ali Yazdankia for Bylaws & Procedures Commissioner – accepted  Anbalagan nominated Ryan Rogers for Finance Commissioner - declined 4.

Election of the MSU Speaker 2016-2017

Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Hsu that the Assembly close nominations for the Speaker 2016-2017. 

The Chair went over the role with the Assembly.

Nominations  Jide Egbewumi  Genya Oparin  Urszula Sitarz  Zara Udochi  Safia Yusuf Vote to Close Nominations Passes Unanimously 

The candidates spoke in allotted time.

Moved by Quinn, seconded by Shingleton-Smith to recess for ten minutes. Amendment Moved by Lightstone, seconded by Carrera to amend the motion to recess for five minutes. In Favour: 16 Opposed: 9 Abstentions: 6 Opposed: Quinn, Ngo, Beley, Anbalagan, Bengizi, Eom, Areghan, Flowers, Kula Abstentions: Cole, Threndyle, Baiden, Hsu, Guarna, Osazuwa Motion Passes Main Motion Moved by Quinn, seconded by Shingleton-Smith to recess for five minutes. In Favour: 25 Opposed: 5 Abstentions: 2 Opposed: Guarna, D’Angela, Dales, Hsu, Baiden Abstentions: Osazuwa, Nadarajah Motion Passes Recessed at 11:24pm Called to order at 11:30pm CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, Dales, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Flowers, Guarna, Hsu, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge,

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Shingleton-Smith, Threndyle Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Chair  

Candidates spoke in allotted time. The Assembly voted by secret ballot.

Candidate Jide Egbewumi Genya Oparin Urszula Sitarz Zara Udochi Safia Yusuf Abstentions 

Ghani, Krause D’Angela, Inigo Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie (Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP FinanceElect), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member), Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Education-Elect), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member), Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia





1 Round

2 round

3 Round

4 Round

9 18 1 4 1 1

10 19

13 20




4 1

Genya Oparin was elected as the 2016-2017 Speaker with confidence.

TIME OF NEXT MEETING Sunday, April 10, 2016 10am Council Chambers, GH 111 CALL OF THE ROLL Present

Absent Excused Absent Late Others Present

Almeida, Anbalagan, Areghan, Baiden, Beley, Bengizi, Carrera, Cole, Dales, D’Angela, D’Souza, Eom, Farah, Flowers, Guarna, Hsu, Inigo, Kula, Lee, Lightstone, Long, McBride, Mertens, Nadarajah, Nestico-Semianiw, Ngo, Osazuwa, Quinn, Ragnanan, Robinson, Rudge, Shingleton-Smith, Threndyle Ghani Ghani, Krause Justin Monaco-Barnes (MSU President-Elect), Kornelia Palczewski (TAC), Mike Beattie (Communications Officer), Nicole Burke (MSU Member), Ryan MacDonald (VP FinanceElect), Genya Oparin (MSU Speaker Candidate), Olajide Egbewumi (MSU Speaker Candidate), Scott Hastie (The Silhouette), Urszula Sitarz (MSU Speaker Candidate), Kevan McDougall (MSU Member), Kamini Persaud (IRC), Shane Loutan (MSU Member),

SRA 16A Page 14 April 2 & 3, 2016


Michelle Xu (SASS Observer), Ryan Rogers (MES President), Maha Moin (MSU Member), Raymond Khanano (Horizons Coordinator), Matthew Brodka (MSU Member), Daymon Oliveros (SCSN Director), Blake Oliver (VP Education-Elect), Mike Gill (Spark Coordinator), Sarah Jama (MSU Member), Ethan D’Mello (MSU Member), Helen Zeng (DRO), Katie Pita (MMT President), Kristina Epifano (MSU Member), Angela Mutoigo (MSU Member), Kayla Enriquez (MSU Member), Ryan Deshpande (Diversity Services Assistant Director), Rachel Persaud (MSU Member), Lauren McClinton (MSU Member), J. Bauman (Recording Secretary) Inna Berditchevskaia

ADJOURNMENT Moved by Osazuwa, seconded by Bengizi that the meeting adjourn. Passes Unanimously Adjourned at 12:13am


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