Study Guide Test #2

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Test #2 is this Friday, 10/6/2016

Study Guide Test #2 Animal Structure and Function Senses & Information Processing Learning Targets  I can give examples of external animal structures that contribute to survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.  I can give examples of internal animal structures that contribute to survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.  I can explain the relationship between structures (internal or external) and their functions in animals.  I can use a diagram to describe how an animal receives information, processes it, and responds in different ways.  I can explain how an animal uses its senses and memory to react to its surroundings.  I can diagram the path of the light that allows an object to be seen. _________________________________________________________________________________ Examples of possible multiple choice questions: 1. Which external structures on a crayfish function to help it swim and catch its food? 2. What internal structure makes it easier for birds to fly? 3. I’ll give you a scenario involving an animal and then ask: What can you infer about its structure and how it functions? 4. What internal structure does an animal use to process information from its senses? 5. How do our eyes see objects? (remember the flash light & mirror with the owl and the mouse) 6. I’ll give you a scenario involving an animal and then ask: Which sense is the animal using to gather information? 7. Draw a diagram of how an animal receives information, processes it, and responds in different ways. (remember our stick man with the spinal cord) 8. Extended Response:  Owls have many internal structures. One Structure is______________________________  Its Function is _______________________________________________________________  It helps the organism by ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (Be sure to include how it supports survival, growth, behavior, and/or reproduction)

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Matching - Possible Vocabulary Words (Look for Online Flash Cards on our Class Webpage) 1. Crustaceans: A class of mostly aquatic animals with hard, flexible shells, jointed legs, and two pairs of antennae 2. Bristles: The short hairs on crayfish that help them sense things in their environment. 3. Antennae: The feelers on a crayfish. 4. Pincers: The big, jointed leg like structures in the front of the crayfish. 5. Carapace: The main body shell of crustaceans. 6. Swimmerets: Small leg like structures under the tail of a crayfish. 7. Territory: The part of an animal’s habitat that it defends against others of its own kind. 8. External structures: Any identifiable part on the outside of an organism 9. Internal structures: Any identifiable part on the inside of an organism 10. Function: How a structure works or how it is used by animal 11. Habitat: Where an animal lives. 12. Survival: To remain alive or to continue to live 13. Growth: When an organism gets bigger and more complex 14. Behavior: Things that animals do 15. Reproduction: To produce new plants or new animals 16. Reflection: the throwing back by surface of light without absorbing it 17. Senses: How an animal perceives an external stimulus through sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. 18. Information Processing: When a memory helps the brain react to a situation and guide their actions.

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