The Church, Your Church and You, Part Four Scripture: Matthew 16:13 ...

Series/Message: The Church, Your Church and You, Part Four Scripture: Matthew 16:13-19; 18:15-20 Speaker: Randy Pope Date: 4/5 August 2012 Accountable Relationships Require A Recognized Authority

THE CHURCH This Week: 1. Every Believer Needs The Spiritual Accountability Of A Church Covenant.

1) Why Do We Make Covenants With Christ’s Church?

2) What Are The Benefits Of Being A Church Member?

Next week: 2. Every Believer Needs The Spiritual Accountability Of A Faithful Community.

YOU 1. Purpose – Why Do I Exist?

2. Vision – What Am I Trying To Accomplish?

3. Mission – How Do I plan To Accomplish My Vision?

4. Values – What Is Most Important To Me?

My Personal Values Values 1) Love

Beliefs That loving and serving Christ is the highest priority and the most satisfying experience of life and that giving and serving are much richer life experiences than receiving and being served.

2) Integrity

The believer’s responsibility is to integrate truth into every aspect of life so as to live as a bond-servant of Christ whether in the marketplace, home, social arena or church.

3) Faith

That salvation is only by faith and since faith is the certainty of things unseen, it pleases God to attempt things so great for Him that they are doomed to failure unless God is in them.

4) Truth

That God alone is absolute. That all truth comes from God and that the only special revelation of truth to man is God’s Word, the Bible, being inspired, infallible, unchangeable and powerful.

My Family Values Life Values

Life Beliefs

1. Rightly Relating to That the essence of Christianity is a God vital, loving relationship with a loving God. 2. Love for God and Man

That loving and serving Christ is the highest priority of life and the most satisfying experience of life, and that giving and serving are much richer life experiences than receiving and being served.

3. Character and Physical Development

That character development is more important than human success and that one’s body being the temple of the Holy Spirit, should be given the proper diet, exercise and rest needed to keep it healthy.

4. Worship

That daily personal worship and weekly corporate worship of God is vital for healthy Christian living.

5. Moral Purity

That moral purity is the highest physical goal toward which to strive.

6. Disciple Making

That other than worship of God, making disciples of men is the most important life endeavor.

7. Effort

That doing one’s best is more important that being the best.

8. Stewardship

That man owns nothing, but is merely a steward of what God owns.

9. Personal Relationships

That quality life requires building and nurturing significant relationships.

10. Spouse Selection

In choosing a spouse, spiritual qualities are more important than physical attractiveness or personality traits.

11. Family

That loving one’s spouse is the most important relational commitment a married believer can make and loving and equipping one’s children with godly values is the highest call of a Christian parent.

12. Good Reports

That one should never share or receive information that damages another person’s reputation unless done as part of the problem solving process and that all speech should be designed to benefit the recipient.

YOUR CHURCH Perimeter’s Vision: To make and deploy mature and equipped followers of Christ for the sake of family, community and global transformation.

Perimeter’s Mission: We plan to make mature and equipped followers of Christ by: 1) Winsomely engaging the unchurched where we live, work and play. 2) Attractively exposing the unchurched to God’s Word and God’s people. 3) Sponsoring newcomers into church membership. 4) Discipling members in life-on-life missional discipleship.

We plan to bring about family transformation by: 1) Equipping children & youth to understand the gospel and to embrace a biblical world and life view.

2) Equipping singles to leverage their missional mobility and to make wise marital decisions.

3) Equipping marrieds to delight in their God-given roles and to fulfill their God-given responsibilities.

4) Equipping parents to develop a family plan and to shepherd their children’s hearts.

We plan to deploy our people for community and global transformation by: 1) Serving people in need. 2) Partnering with other churches and organizations. 3) Planting new churches. 4) Igniting movements of disciple making churches for the renewal of the city.

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