
Key Concept for Lesson


In Christ I am unconditionally forgiven and totally accepted by God.

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Please pray and ask God how this concept can apply in your life. Now please review this lesson. What has God shown you that can help you?

M"-otize this Step's

memory verse, Romans 12:1.

Worki.g the Step, Part One We mqke a decision to turn our


and our liaes oaet to God through lesus

Christ. Yet to all who receiae him, to thttse ntho belieaed in his nsme, he gaue the right to becorne children of God.

-John 1:12, NIV Key Concept: I can begin a new relationship with God.

As you learn to apply the Steps, you will discover these principles apply to many different areas of your life. On page 57 you learned about two ways to apply step 3. In this lesson you will explore step 3 and your relationship with God. In the next lesson you will explore Step 3 and your relationship with recovery from chemical dependency.

Trusting in Christ God desires to have an intimate relationship with you. He has provided you with continual access to Himself through His Son, jesus Christ. Are you trusting in your oun abilities to errn acceptance



Are you trusting in your own abilities to earn accePtance with God, or are you trusting in the death of Christ to pay for your sins? Are you trusting in what you can accomplish, or are you trusting in the resurrection of Christ to give you new life?


a moment to reflect on this question. On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, how sure are you that you would spend eternity with God if you died today? Circle your response.






70 80 90

Sure 100

An answer of less than 100 percent may indicate that you are trusting, at least in part, in yourself. You may be thinking,lsrt't it arrogant to say tlmt I arn 100 percent sure? Indeed, it would be arrogant if you were trusting in yourself-




your abilities, your actions, and good deeds-to earn your salvation. However, if you no longer trust in your own efforts but in the all-sufficient yora

were lo A\e


a\A sfar\/


be*ore Go),, e+tAHe weYe fo atsk yora, tUhy shoql/ I lef yota info heatved" Whatf woql/ yota



payment of Christ, then 10O-percent certainty is a response of humility and thankfulness, not arrogance.


Reflect on the question to the left. Would you mention your abilities, church attendance, kindness to others, Christian service, abstinence from a particular sin, or some other good deed?

Paul wrote to Titus:

But when the kindness of God our Ssaior and His loae t'or mankind appeared, He in righteousness,but according

saaed us, not on the basis of deeds which zue haae done

to His mercy.

-Titus 3:4-5

And to the Ephesians he wrote:

For by grace you haae been saaed through faith; snd that not of yourselues,

gift of God; not

as a

it is the

result of works, that no one should boqst.

-Ephesians 2:8-9


f'rorr, these two passages, which of the things listed below are necessary in order to be saved? (Check all that apply.)

tr tr

God's grace good deeds

D a positive attitude D attempts to reform

D self-punishment D help from others D willpower


faith in God

Only the first and last items in the list-God's grace and faith in God-are essential to salvation. The others actually may block the way because of a false sense of pride in your own efforts. Give up your own efforts to achieve righteousness. Instead, trust Christ's death and resurrection alone to pay for your sin and separation from God.

In Acts 15:31, Luke wrote, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved."

If you have not done so already, you can receive Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

-John 1:12, NIV

Jesus Christ right now by invitation. Read the promise of |ohn 1:12 appearing in the margin.

If you are not 100 percent sure that you would spend eternity with God if you died today, and if you are willing to trust Christ and accept His payment for your sins, tell this to God in prayer right now. You may use this sample prayer to express your faith. Lord lesus, I need You. I want You to be my Saaior and my Lord. I accept Your death on the cross as payment t'or my sins, and I noru entrust my life to Your care. Thqnk You for forgiaing me nnd t'or giaing me a ne70 life. Please help me grow in my understanding of Your loue and power so that my life will bring glory and honor to You. Amen.






If you

ht.rve placecl your trust in Jesus Christ before you read this, consider reaffirming your faith and commitment to serve Him. You may do so by using this prayer:

Lrtrd lcsus, I need You utd thnrtk You that I am Yours. I confess thst I hortc sinrrcd agnittst You, and I nsk You to " creste hr me s clean heart , rutd reneur s stcatlt'ast spirit utithin true" (Psalm 51:10). I renettt rny commitment to serrtc You. Tlnnk You for louittg nte and forgiuing ftrc. Please giae me Your strength nnd rcisdttrrr to corttiuuc grouting irt Yorr so thst my lit'e cnn bring glonl nnd honor to You. Arnen.



Trusting in Christ does not guarantee tl-rat you will be delivered instantly from chernical dependency or from any other problem in life. It means that you are forgiverr; that you are' restored to a relationsl-rip with Him that will last throughout eterrrity; and that you will receive His unconditional love and acceptance, as well as His strength, power, and wisdom, as you continue to grow in recovery.


ldentifying with Christ

Water baptism is the biblical way of showing on the outside what Christ has clone for you on the inside. The act of baptism symbolizes being dead, buried, arrd raised rvith Christ. Through baptism we identify ourselves publicly with Christ ancl with His people. I encourage you to go to a Bible-believing church, make a public profession of your faith in Christ, and demonstrate that faith through water baptism.

Key Concept for Lesson 4 I can begin a new relationship with God.


Say aloud five times this Step's memory verse, Romans 12:1.

Workirg the Step, Part TWo We make q decision to turn our


and our littes ouer to God through lesus

Christ. He rthtt hos fountl his lit'e shnll lose it, snd he utho has lost his lit'e t'or My sska shsll t'ind it,

-Matthew 10:39 Key Concept: A new relationship with God can help me overcome my addiction.

Stt'p 3

last lesson you had an opportunity to express your decision to turn your and life over to God or to renew your previous decision. That decision applies Step 3 to your relationship with God. The Bible compares that decision to a spiritual birth. Just as physical birth is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,




spiritual birth is permanent. When you are born into the Father's family, vou never lt'ill be rejected again. You never will be able to commit a sin for which Jesus has not paid. Your relationship with God is absolutely secure in Jesus.

How I received


The wonderful truth in the last paragraph does not mean tirat your problems all arc solvc.d. Now you are ready to begin applying Step 3 in a second way. God warrts to help yorl grow and leam to trust Hirn in all areas of your life. Colossians 2:6 is a wonderful verse that describes the two ways we work Step 3: As rlotr tlrcrct'ort hnt,e receited Christ lcstts thc Lttrd, so zttnlk in Him.

s:$ In the margin box describe how you received Christ. Then



how Colossians 2:6 says you are to continue to follow Him. Someone paraphrased Colossians 2:6 this way, "The way you get in is the way

How I am to


And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are callecl according to His purpose. -Romans 8:28 remember that you were at that

time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the


you Eio on." Did you note that you received Christ entirely by faith and not by any act of your own? You may have used the words of the Step. Those words saicl that you made a decision to turn your will and life over to Jesus Christ. Therefore, the only workable solution to living problems is to make the same decision in practical matters every day.

Making the rc-sponsible choice to trust Cod moment by moment, day bv day, begins your new iife of healing, growth, and renewal. When trouble.s arise, your response can be the same-to turn yollr iife over to God through Jcsus Christ. When circumstances threaten to overwhelm yctu and your drug of choice calls to you-turn your life orrer to God through Jesus Christ. When you need to make an importarrt personal decision-turn your life over to Gocl through Jesus Christ. When anxiety and fear threaten to overtake you, when you experience trouble and hardship-your decision can be the same. Turn your life over to God through Jesus Christ.

The Promise of Hope The Bible word hoTte means the confidence or certainty that comes from Cod. He is completely dependable so we can have hope-confidence-that what He says He




Fo.r, verses about our hope in Christ appear in the margin. Match the passages to the following statements. Next to the statement which best reflects the meaning write the reference of the Scripture. We have done the first one as an example.

-Ephesians 2:12

EPhesiaols 2: Christ in you, the hope of glory. -Colossians 1:27


1. Before

I received Christ, I had no hope.


My hope is assured by Jesus' victclry over death.

Blessed be the Cod and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of |esus Christ from the


God will use all the events in my life to bring about His glory and mv good.


My hope comes from the fact that



-1 Peter 1:3

Jesus Christ

lives in me.

Mv hope comes not frclm mv performance but from Cod's mercy.




The verses reveal that we have hope because of Christ. His love, forgiveness,

and power give hope for a new life. We can be confident in knowing that absolutely nothir-rg happens to the believer that God doesn't use to his or her betterment. The ansr'vers were: 1. Ephesians 2:12;2. 1 Peter 1:3; 3. Romans 8:28; 4. ColossiansT'27;5. 1 Peter 1:3.

fhe Bible, Ho Pe = co\li/ehce 'r\ lh

Gol's powe'

This hope-confidence in Cod's power-is key to conquering your chemical dependency. Complete the following statement and memorize it. By the authority and power of the Son of God, I have hope that I

will conquer

The Promise of Faithfulness God's faithfulness is His very nature. Christ always is faithful to do what He has promised. Read the following Scripture. Then respond to the statements that follow. No tcrnpttatittrt htts ortcrtskcn you hut such ss is common to mon; and God is foitht'ul, rt,ho rttill ttot nlloru you to be tempted beyond ruhat yotr are able, but ruith the ternptntiorr zt,ill ltrortide the u)oy ot' escope also, thst you mlV be able to endure it.

-1 Corinthians 10:13


nlark the following statements

as T (True) or F (False).

God cannot give me enough strength to endure the difficulty. I have uncommonly powerful temptations. Many of my temptations are beyond my ability to resist. Beiug ten,ptt'd is as wrong as sinrring.

All but one of the above statements are false. Your temptations may be beyond your ability to resist, but they are not beyond God's power to work in your life. Look for God's faithfulness as you trust Him to help you when you are tempted to drink or to use. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for is faithful. He who promised -


Read Hebrews 10:23 appearing in the margin. In light of the earlier statement about your hope of conquering your chemical dependency, paraphrase and personalize the verse.

-Hebrews 10:23

Steps 1, 2, and 3 scrve as preparation for the work you will do in recovery. To move beyond this point will require continued courage.

Following the Path Step 3 is a decision. Many people make a fatal error at the point of the decision to follor.t'Christ. They think the decision is the destination. They may say, "I'm

Stcp 3

savcd" as tl.rotrgh that is the ultimatc..rccrxnplishrnent. On the portion of the collrsc mirp belon', rrote the. rvorcJs on the crclss, "Clrangc.cl Life Al'read." 1. Powerlessnes_s



- -a. Trust in

God a'

Step 3 brings rrs io a tlecision lrascd on the facts thato Wc are por,r,erless r.rtlt tltrly ovcr chetmicals but ovLrr ntaltV things including



oi sin (Step l).

o Wc arr'ct'rt-trirrg to trtrst


Living Clocl r,vho both kr',,cs us and is ali


(Ste.p 2).

o Thercfctrc

r.t'c tnake the

cie'cision-to tnrn over to (,od the right to clirect our


The journey begins

The decision to folkrr'r' Christ is not thc tlcstin.rtion. It is tl-rc bcginning of the 1'Ounre'y.

RJ Ur" the course

map, the paragraphs above, and all that you have been experiencing in recovery to write your otvn statement about how you will seek carry out the decision in Step 3. Or, write how you would tell a newcomer how to carry out the Step 3 decision.

In response' to thc ltarrrirrg activitv, ()ltc pcrrsolt I,vrulte,"Norv I knolr.' holv


follorv Christ. I ncc.ci to rt'ork the Stcpsl"

ln tl-re' Ok1 Te'stanrcrrt Joshua r,r'as Ntoscs' sllccessor. As hc preptrred to assume leaclership alld brilrg tlte n.rtion of Israerl into the. promisecl land, he ttnclortbtecilv fclt.rnxiotrs at the- en()rmolrs task treforc hirn. Clod promised Joshun, "Jttst .ts I have beer.r n'ith Moses, I n'ill bc. r'r,itir vor-r; I r.vill not fail yor-r or forstrke vorr" (Jq;5l1na l:5). Jcstrs rnatlc the s;rrne. prornise. lle said, "l am r.vith vor-r allr,a1's, trvtn to cncl of the age" (N4atthcrt,2E:20).'fhre.c times God tolcl Jtrslrr,rir, "I3c sircng.rncl corrrageotrs" (Joshua l:tt-7,()). [n Step 4 vc'ru l,r'ill learrt c'ractiv lr'ltat cottrltge()us trle(ll1s.tnd hor,r'to be. "strorrg and cclur.rgeous." As vott prcparc to t;rke tlre Step, v()Ll nlav fincl helpful the u'ords of trn old hvmn.



"Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.

"When thro' fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I wiil not desert to his foes; That soul, tho'all hell should endeavor to shake,

I'll never. no never, no never forsake."3

Key Concept for Lesson


A new relationship with God can help me overcome my addiction.

Step Review

-) w.it" this Step's memory verse.


St"p 3 says: We make s decision to turn our will and our liaes ooer to God through lesus Christ In your own words write what Step 3 means.

Have you made that decision? Describe how you to your life and recovery.

will daily apply Step



lAlcoholics Anonymous, 26-27. ztaia,sos.

3John Rippo n' s Selection of Hymns, 1787 , "How Firm a Foundation ," The Baptist Hymnal (Nashville: Convention Press, 1991).


Stt1t 3

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