Who's Case Plan Is It Anyway.pptx AWS

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Who’s Case Plan Is It Anyway? A Revolution in Written Reports William Schrikker Group, The Netherlands

Douwe Kamer, Brenda van den Berg

Who’s case plan is it anyway? Revolution in written reports

William Schrikker Group - Part 2

Weaknesses in report writing

Emphasis on the past Unsa3sfied authori3es Jargon

No understanding

No Facts




No cohesion

Too long

Cover What’s working well? What needs to happen?

What have we been working on?are What we worried about? Timeline

Conclusio n Scaling questions Attach-ments like Words & Pictures, three houses

Cover What’s working well? What needs to happen?

What have we been working on?are What we worried about? Timeline

Conclusio n Scaling questions Attach-ments like Words & Pictures, three houses

Case plan compartments Cover What’s working well? What needs to happen?

What have we been working on?are What we worried about? Timeline

Conclusio n Scaling questions Attach-ments like Words & Pictures, three houses

Case plan in process

Case Discussion Form

Risk Assessment

Mapping & Case Plan

Lessons learned

A good for( doen’t make a good case plan. Good par67ership makes a good case plan.

Revising repor6 writing: It’s a jour7ey!

Who’s case plan is it anyway?

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