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S TheGuidetoM

Dgco-rating Tipsfor EveryRoom

RealLife Lessonsfrom Pesigners',. HomEs

(SitDown& StayaWhile) **-.-'-.$'-----*







4"!1i I :ttili i.,$'is:


lsra*ii *e*ign*r fris Kad*r:ri q*sesTh*wras He$ls$m'* imventi**r ns * deeqrative element. en**p**:lnting a vo*rlcir:g lr*fog*n hulb within m h{own-glns: *howpi+c,e; thre€ sre prercl'l*d a*#F ths alumin*nl has* mf her &S-incfu{"a Fax fia*r lanrp ($3SS;also a v a l l a h l e m sa t e h l e {arnp. $Es$. or ceiling {ixt*rre, $44S; iris d *lsi g ntt*d icl.c*rn ).

Tord Boontje's latest flight of fancy is a pend*nt }*mp constructed of clverNapping lVlylar wings. Calied the lcarus. if's sa{e {rnnl heat-relat*d disasters, ns tfue bulb tup te 60 watts can be utsed)is shielded by a cone-shaped protector {laH"* x 31}a"h, $7S; artecnicainc,conr)"

# 6 u u l * gp n i r so { t a b l e

A silver {ebnie sh*** ;*r*s dr*rnat!cally *ver ?he hln*$c-la*quer*d ba*,e o{ Armani {*xa's ffr*mb* lar;p, c;lsting a shimnt*ry g l o _ w{ t X " w x l 1 " c ! x 19?'r"h, 51,*4s; a;'ma n iease,*oru ],

8 4 M E T H O M E N O V E M B E R2 O O 5


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pN ac * r r r * tr - r l,tr nps i n *ynr n- r *tr lc;,ti i s a n s n r i y{ * * l p r * o f l i ' g h * i n g rre*c{r;'i. ci*sign trick. l"-iEhtir:{:r nlwnysL:* pur eiy functi* n;* i .l r r * l * r i * * iiglrt that'n seulpltursl,u+1"'rirrtsic;ii, y*u just l * v e. A d* qsq:r ne{ hing qpnmt*qde ftmmtBEmm gnt*mt wmy ficeS$B$ eps" edd $rntersst*w m d*md qsff"rtffis"

tfueemdmf mhe$8wffiy. %ry "-ffnvrd F*#sr*#J*,rt'csignr*ii q){-J.51'r'} $ci#,*lt. c:s rn :}

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