1 Lower Farm Bungalow, Watersplash Lane, Sunninghill Park, Ascot,

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1 Lower Farm Bungalow, Watersplash Lane, Sunninghill Park, Ascot,

1 Lower Farm Bungalow, Watersplash Lane, Sunninghill Park, Ascot, SL5 7RG A well presented three bedroom bungalow situated within Sunninghill Park. The property comprises reception room, kitchen, conservatory, three bedrooms, bathroom and separate WC. Also offering large garden with off street parking and garage. The property comprises reception room, kitchen, conservatory, three bedrooms, bathroom and separate WC. Also offering large garden with off street parking and garage.

The property is neutrally decorated throughout with tiled flooring unless otherwise stated below. Lobby With front door leading to Inner Lobby With space and plumbing for washing machine. Cupboard housing boiler. Door to WC & kitchen Separate WC Comprising of white WC and wash hand basin Kitchen Eye and base level units with built in stainless steel electric cooker with five ring electric hob, stainless steel back splash and extractor unit over. Space for fridge freezer and dishwasher. Door to: Living room Neutral colour carpet and electric fireplace. Doors to: Conservatory With french doors to garden. Bedroom one With neutral carpet, built in single wardrobe with hanging space. Bedroom two Neutral carpet. Bedroom three Neutral carpet. Bathroom Comprising white three piece suite with WC, wash hand basin and bath with shower over.

Garden Gravel driveway and parking area. Path leading from front door to conservatory. Mainly laid to lawn with mature trees, plants and shrubs surrounding. Access to double garage - with lighting and power. Administration fees A tenant will be required to pay a fee of £90 for the first application and £50 for each additional applicant. If a guarantor is required, we will need their application form together with a fee of £50. If any reference should be unsuccessful, or should you withdraw from the tenancy, your fee is non-returnable. The deposit held against the inventory will be 6 weeks of the rental, this will increase if pets are accepted. There will also be a fee of £195 for the inventory & check in costs.

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