Akron Safe Routes to School

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Akron Safe Routes to School The Akron Public Schools are beginning a new year long program to help encourage and enable kids to be able to walk and bike to school.

Get Involved! • • •

1 in 3 Children in America are obese. Adult obesity has risen above 35%. Kids need at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity and walking or biking can give them a substantial boost for the health as well as setup a life habit for an active living choices. 14 % of Akron Public Schools students walk or ride their bike to/from school. There is a lot of opportunity to improve this through a SRTS program at your school. Conduct some or all of the monthly Walk to School Days. Educate on healthy active transportation.

THE BIG DIG – Snow Removal – THIS COMING WEEK WE NEED YOUR SCHOOL & STUDENTS to help raise awareness in our community to clear sidewalks to help those who need to use them even in the snow – students walking to school, adults going to grocery or library, walking the dog or getting good exercise. THIS COMING WEEK (Thursday 2/11 through Friday 2/19 we are asking for student volunteers to take time together to shovel snow after school one day in an area needed in the neighborhood (perhaps consider someone who needs assistance). We are asking teachers to consider giving extra credit or service hour credit to students participating. We are asking parents to help organizing some shoveling events in the neighborhoods around the schools. TAKE A “BIG DIG SELFIE” to post on your school website and submit to the SRTS Coordinator, Andy Davis at [email protected] for inclusion in a District Wide Collage as part of our city-wide campaign.

SNOW SHOVELS - We will be obtaining a limited number of snow shovels to donate to participating schools for the event. Please contact Andy Davis at [email protected] or 330715-1368 to confirm your participation.

February Friendship Walk to School Day, Weds 2/17 Our Monthly Walk to school day takes the theme of Friendship & Valentine’s Day. As we walk together in groups it is not just safer, but a lot of fun to be with friends and family. Parents are encouraged to walk with their kids & engage in conversation on this trip to school. Schools can provide tips on safe winter walking as we get through the final weeks of winter and bouncy temperatures.

February SRTS Messages Each month we will provide messages about Healthy & Safe Walking & Biking to school. These messages can be spoken over the morning announcements and sent home in school newsletters. We want to communicate regular messages encouraging students to walk or bike for health and develop an active lifestyle. February’s messages: Healthy – Practice safe shoveling the following are tips from the National Safety Council: • • • • • • •

Do not shovel after eating, (or while smoking or better yet quit smoking) Take it slow and stretch out before you begin Shovel only fresh, powdery snow; it's lighter Push the snow rather than lifting it If you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel Lift with your legs, not your back Do not work to the point of exhaustion

Dress for the weather – use layers. Days in this time of the year are going to have more changes in temperature as we approach spring. Calories burned snow shoveling can be between 275 to 415 Calories depending on body type. Safe – Walk in Groups!! It’s a lot of fun to talk and be with friends before and after school. It’s also a way to be safe and keep an eye out for one another. Invite your classmates to walk with you.

Ongoing SRTS Activities Below is a listing of some of the activities we will be doing over the year as part of the Akron SRTS program.

Walk & Bike to School Days - We will continue monthly Walk to

School Days to help encourage kids and their parents to consider walking if they have never tried it. Dates for this year include:

February 17th – Valentines/ Friendship Walk – Walking in Groups March 16th – Bring On Spring Walk – Warmer Weather theme April 20th or 22nd – Remembering the Earth Walk – Earth Day/Environment/Sustainability May 4th – National Bike to School Day

Park N’ Walk - For students that live too far away and need to drive we want to create opportunities to Park N’ Walk from a designated location 10-20 minutes (1/2 mile to 1 mile) way by foot. This provides the exercise for the students, and also helps relieve traffic congestion at the school parking lot.

Walking School Bus - We are working with K-6 schools to help setup Walking School Busses which provide a regular adult supervised walk along a designated route to pick up kids and they can walk together as a group. Besides being fun and a time to socialize, this provides safety and an opportunity to train kids in safe ways to walk and cross streets. It can be a benefit to those families that need additional transportation assistance.

How We Roll Bicycle Program – In May we will be making bicycle training available

to schools upon request. The program targets 4 – 6th graders. Program works can be done as a during school or afterschool program. Students will receive free helmets for participation. Please contact Andy Davis for more information.

We Need Volunteers We are looking for family members or friends of families that can help us do these activities and events throughout the year. Please contact your school or the APS SRTS Coordinator, Andy Davis at [email protected] or call 330-7151368 for more information and how to help out.