Annapurna, Bulgarian Attempt on South Face

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A nnapurna, Bulgarian A ttem p t on South Face, W inter 1988-9. A B ulgarian expedition was led by M etodi Savov and com posed o f Ivan V lchev, Arso A rsov, Dino Tomov, D im itr N achev, Kostas K andidis and L iubom ir Ilyev. A fter a difficult approach com plicated by snow falls, B ase Cam p was established from N ovem ber 6 to 10, 1988. T hey acclim atized on low er sum m its. A dvance Base was at 5100 m eters. B etw een D ecem ber 1 and 12, three cam ps were placed along the 1981 Polish route on A nnapurna’s south face, the highest at 6500 m eters. The leading team reached a high point o f 6800 m eters. A ng Kam i Sherpa was injured in a crevasse fall betw een C am ps II and III. H eavy snow falls betw een D ecem ber 16 and 27 interrupted clim bing. On D ecem ber 30, a new attem pt was m ade. H ow ever, it began to snow heavily again and on January 6, they decided to abandon the clim b. T his was the second unsuccessful B ulgarian w inter attem pt. In 1985-6, they got to 7000 m eters. J ó ZEF N y k a ,

Editor, Taternik, Poland

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