Application for Parking Permit

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TARKINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 2770 FM 163 Cleveland, Texas 77327 281-592-7739

Date Received: __________________

Permit # __________

Application for Parking Permit Please print First Name: ____________________ Last Name: _________________________ Driver’s License #:______________________

Birth Date: _______________

Vehicle Information: License Plate#:________________________ Make: ___________________________ Model: ___________________________ Year Model: ______ Color of vehicle: ________________________ Please attach proof of insurance and valid driver’s license. You will need the following to purchase a parking permit: Drug Test No holds (fees owed for dues etc…) Insurance card with your name listed as driver Valid Driver’s License Your signature below acknowledges that you have received the Parking Regulations and you agree to adhere to the rules: Student Name: _____________________________ Student Signature: _________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________

Office use only: Any Holds (

) Drug Test (

) Insurance (

) Driver’s License (

) Paid (


The Tarkington High School Parking Regulations Parking for Tarkington High School students is a privilege and not a right. The school district furnishes bus transportation; therefore, the school is not obligated to furnish parking for students. We have regulations which must be followed to allow safety, convenience and courtesy for the campus. The following regulations apply to ALL STUDENTS parking vehicles on the THS campus. Please remember that the Graduated License Law Sec. 545.424 which in part states: “a person under 18 years of age, during the 6-month period following issuance of a driver’s license may not operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger in the vehicle under the age of 21 years of age who is not a family member,” will be followed and enforced on THS campus. Please note that students who drive are subject to the Drug Testing Policy for Random Drug Testing throughout the entire school year. The student will be held to the sanctions approved by TISD/THS for a positive drug test. All HOLD charges must be cleared before parking privileges will be granted. 5 or more unexcused tardies or absences per semester in 1st period will result in 10 day parking suspension. Any two violations of the following rules will result in permanent loss of parking privileges. Please read the following carefully: 1.

All vehicles must have parking permit displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the windshield on the passenger side of the vehicle and all vehicles will be parked in the designated student parking area. If a new/different vehicle is acquired during the school year, the vehicle must be registered before the student may drive on campus and a new permit must be purchased. Registration packets are available from Ms. Georges’ office. 2. Safety for all students is our top priority. Speed limit for the parking lots on campus is 10 mph. Students may not cross yellow lines or drive in the wrong direction to pass cars in line. Students driving recklessly or dangerously will receive a 5 day minimum parking suspension and may receive additional citations. Subsequent offenses will result in a permanent parking suspension. Parking fees will not be refunded or prorated when parking privileges are revoked. 3. State law requires that all students wear a seat belt. No person under the age of 18 may ride in the open bed of a pickup truck. 4. Only the vehicle registered for parking on campus may occupy a parking space. If a student drives a different vehicle, the student must notify Ms. Georges, prior to 1st period class, for a temporary tag. Non-registered vehicles may not park at THS. Vehicles parked in handicap area, fire zone, bus ramp, visitor parking, occupying more than one parking space, or while suspended may be booted/towed at the owner’s expense. A citation may be issued if parked in a handicap area or fire zone. A warning is issued on the first offense. A second offense will result in a 10 school day parking suspension and possible citation. A third offense will result in the revocation of parking privileges for the remainder of the semester. If the offense occurs during the last 6 weeks of a semester, parking privileges will be revoked for the following semester.

5. Students may not go to their cars at any time without permission from the Assistant Principal. Students may not loiter either in cars or in the parking lot at any time. Students on work program and seniors with approved off-campus passes must have their pass available and must leave the parking lot immediately. Students in the parking lot during the day without permission are considered out of location and may receive disciplinary action. 6. Students needing parking for temporary handicap parking must see Assistant Principal the day before parking is needed for approval. Students parking without prior approval in handicap spaces will be subject to booting/towing and disciplinary actions. 7. Students may not sell, loan, alter, transfer or give their parking sticker or parking privilege to anyone or another vehicle. All parking assignments must be generated through Ms. Georges office. 8. The school district will use trained dogs to alert school officials to the presence of prohibited or illegal items. At any time, trained dogs may be used in area around vehicles parked on school property. A vehicle to which a trained dog alerts may be searched by school officials. School officials may search any vehicle any time there is reasonable cause. 9. If student drives a different vehicle to school a temporary parking pass is required. If student requires a new parking sticker; a copy of insurance card with new vehicle information is required. Please keep these parking regulations and read carefully as they are strictly enforced. Additional parking suspensions/sanctions may be assigned at the discretion of the THS administration. Tarkington High School and THS are not responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or property of any kind.

Print Student Name________________________________ Student Signature__________________________________ Student ID #___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________ Date________________ Office use only date received___________

Revised 7-11-17