Dry Creek Centerlines DRE_BFEs DRE_Floodway DRE_EX_100yr_FP Streets Toad Critical Habitat LPHCP Area Parcels 2' Contour Index D3 FIRM Panels Base Flood Elevations Floodway 2006 FIRM 500 Yr 500 Yr A AE AO X
DISCLAIMER: Bastrop County provides this map "as is" and assumes no liability for its completeness or accuracy. This map is intended as a general representation only and is not to be used as survey grade information. FLOOD WARNING: The flood insurance rate maps and other data used in evaluating flood hazards to proposed developments are considered reasonable and accurate for regulatory purposes and are based on the best available data. On rare occasions greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This map does not imply that development outside an identified flood hazard area will be free from flooding or flood damage. Floodplain representation shall not create liability on the part of any officer or employee of Bastrop County.