Blanco Creek Ranch

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DALLAS ● HONDO ● HOUSTON [email protected] (888) 726-2481

Blanco Creek Ranch Sabinal, Texas

3,703 Acres

The Blanco Creek Ranch offers the rare combination of excellent south Texas hunting terrain with exceptional live water, with miles of the Sabinal River and the Blanco Creek. High fenced with tremendous Whitetail genetics, excellent quail habitat and some exotics make for a remarkable hunting ranch. Impressive improvements offer a real showplace for discriminating ranch buyers. $10,925,000

DALLAS ● HONDO ● HOUSTON [email protected] (888) 726-2481

Blanco Creek Ranch Hunting

Deer hunting on Blanco Creek Ranch is superb. An excellent herd that has been intensively managed for the past six years producing trophy whitetails. Now under an MLD III level program with year round protein feeding, the ranch is producing excellent trophies and with only culling having been done over the past three years the age class is just right for high numbers of high scoring deer. Much of the ranch is also excellent quail habitat with good native grasslands mixed with low brush. Bobwhites dominate the quail population but there are a fair number of Blues as well. Dove hunting and turkey hunting are excellent as well with farming in the area and so much river bottomland. There are also a limited number of exotics with Elk, Fallow and Axis to hunt in the deer off season.

DALLAS ● HONDO ● HOUSTON [email protected] (888) 726-2481

Blanco Creek Ranch Terrain/Water

There is a great variety of terrain on this ranch from high rolling hills to the Sabinal River bottom. Elevation changes on the ranch exceed 80 feet. There is 1.8 miles of frontage on the Sabinal River which runs clear along rocky bottoms surrounded by huge Pecan and Cypress trees. Blanco Creek runs through the middle of the ranch for over 3 miles and often runs with many deep ravines that hold water year round. The river and creek bottoms are covered with huge Live Oak, Bull Mesquite, Hackberry, Pecans, Cedar Elms and Texas Persimmon trees. The higher ground is covered with big native brush with excellent plant and forage diversity. Brush includes guajillo, blackbrush, guayacan, granjeno, hogplum, mesquite, hackberry, etc. There is approx. 300 acres of open cropland/grazing pastures and 600 acres of mixed low brush/native grasses for excellent quail habitat. There are three water wells on the ranch with many underground pipes running to water stations and ponds. There are four ponds on the place along with many permanent water features along Blanco Creek and the Sabinal River.

DALLAS ● HONDO ● HOUSTON [email protected] (888) 726-2481

Blanco Creek Ranch Improvements

The beautiful main lodge has five bedrooms each with its own bathroom and includes a swimming pool. There are two other houses for manager/workers, cleaning room with walk in cooler, 12 stall horse barn, and several large storage barns. The entire property is high fenced and there are six high fenced pastures within the property. There is a set of four high fenced pens for further genetic enhancements. The property also includes a 3,500 dirt runway. The main road is paved for 2.5 miles from the entrance gait to the lodge. There are excellent blinds, feeders and feed bins in place with tractor, trucks and other equipment that will convey.

Blanco Creek Ranch 3,703 Acres Sabinal, Texas

Blanco Creek High Fence

Sabinal River

water well transmission line


3,500’ runway water well

water well homes storage barn

Blinds horse barn

entrance (paved road)

99°32'00" W

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WGS84 99°29'00" W

99°30'00" W

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99°31'00" W

29°12'00" N

99°32'00" W

Blanco Creek Ranch 3,703 Acres Sabinal, Texas




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