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NEXT GEN TOOLS Strategies and Innovations for Implementing Breakthrough Models

Blended Learning Classroom Design Why was this strategy developed?

Merit Prep Newark, Touchstone Education’s first blended learning

TOOL:  Large classrooms and breakout rooms for blended learning and team-teaching GOAL: Professional development of teachers and increased student success through personalized learning BREAK THROUGH MODEL: Touchstone Education

With three teachers in the classroom, students have access to the best teacher for the best activity, any time they need it.

Ben Rayer, CEO and Founder

school, enables students to advance at their own pace by demonstrating mastery of standards through online educational resources and

Touchstone sees two distinct

individual conference with a teacher,

advantages to designing Merit

or work independently on their

Prep Newark classrooms to

school-issued MacBook Air laptops.

accommodate these large student/

teacher populations. First, teachers

useful when teachers provide

work in teams allowing “master

direct instruction to the entire

teachers” to provide professional

group, but it can also support many

development to less-experienced

students working at small tables

teachers throughout the school day.

on independent learning paths;

Second, students get the benefit of

teachers might roam the room to

personalized learning (working at

provide support as needed or provide

their own instructional pace) but in

direct instruction to small groups of

a large classroom community with

students. The stadiums are subject-

peers they can work with for support.

based, and every two hours students

move to another stadium focusing

How is it different?

The large stadium space is

alternately on English, math, science,

assessments. While the school began

Merit Prep Newark is a

and “flex time” (physical education,

with less than 100 low-income sixth

40,000-square-foot former

music, art).

grade students—many of whom were

commercial office building.

performing well below grade level—

Touchstone acquired the five-story

Merit Prep Newark now has 240 sixth

property from KIPP, a charter school

What is the advantage for students?

through eighth grade students and

organization that had already modified

Ben Rayer, CEO and Founder of

plans to add a cohort each year until

it to have a cafeteria, playground,

Touchstone Education, says that with

the school serves approximately 500

and other typical school facilities. To

three teachers in the classroom,

students in grades 6-12. Touchstone’s

further modify the space to suit its

“students have access to the best

learning approach includes having

model, Touchstone knocked down

teacher for the best activity, any

teachers work in teams of three to

walls to create 3,000-square-foot

time they need it.” The space allows

teach up to 115 students at a time

spaces called “stadiums” to serve as

teachers to work in teams to provide

(when the school reaches capacity)

classrooms. Each stadium has three

the most effective instruction for

in two-hour, subject-specific periods.

glass-walled “skyboxes” directly

individual students. The classroom

This model calls for spacious

connected to it that serve as breakout

design also allows students to learn

classrooms that accommodate a large

rooms. The skyboxes accommodate

in the various modes prescribed in the

number of teachers and students

various configurations of students,

school’s academic model: self-paced,

moving fluidly and gathering in

directed by teachers based on their

mastery-based, blended learning.

various sized instructional groups.

instructional needs; students might

work in small groups, meet in

the student-to-teacher ratio at Merit

When the school reaches capacity,

NEXT GEN TOOLS Strategies and Innovations for Implementing Breakthrough Models

Prep Newark will be higher than in a

daily in-service professional

planning, and a sense of teamwork

traditional classroom (about 38 to 1),

development for less experienced

to establish smooth working

but Rayer expects that student access

teachers. Because blended learning

relationships. “We strongly believe

to teachers, and teachers’ overall

models are relatively new, many

that this is the most promising model

effectiveness in the classroom, will

teachers have not learned blended

for our students,” says Rayer, and

be preserved since a large portion of

classroom teaching strategies, such

that’s why the school is committed to

students work independently and in

as effectively leveraging technology

work through the challenges of co-

groups. Although the open stadium

to provide core content knowledge,


space can be noisy and distracting,

using direct instruction time to

students working independently wear

explore complex topics more in-depth,

What’s Next?

headphones, and the intent is that

or assigning a line-up (“playlist”) of

As the school scales up to its

students will learn an important life

online work for a student based on

full enrollment and grade span,

skill: how to stay focused in spite of

real-time assessment data. Teaming

Touchstone leaders will be flexible


teachers allows them to also learn

with grouping students in classrooms

classroom management strategies

(whether they continue to be grouped

from one another, such as rituals

by age versus instructional level)

How does it improve learning?

and routines that keep the classroom

and consider different classroom

To effectively teach a large group

running smoothly, managing

configurations for middle and high

of students, teacher teams are

differentiated instruction, and dealing

school students. Rayer says that high

encouraged to use real-time data

with stress. Touchstone hopes that the

school science labs might look more

(provided through Touchstone’s

model will help teachers support each

like traditional classrooms with direct

Scoreboard tool) to strategically group

other as a team.

instruction—they will make those

students so that they can support,

decisions as students begin working

inspire, and learn from one another.

develop their craft in a way we don’t

on the high school science curriculum

Students might be grouped according

usually allow,” said Rayer. “Take heart

and administrators assess their

to mastery, in a peer coaching

surgeons, for example. We don’t


scenario, or to work on a specific

expect them to finish med school and

project. The learning potential for

then take a heart out. They take many

Matchbook Learning, a school

students working in groups benefits

years to perfect their craft. Likewise,

developer that emphasizes blended

from the larger pool of students

teachers need time and space to

instruction and developing teachers in

in Merit Prep Newark’s stadium


a public school turnaround model. As

classroom than found in a traditional

“New teachers must learn to

Touchstone has recently joined

the Merit Prep Newark model scales

classroom. In addition, the stadium

What are the challenges?

and skyboxes give teachers flexibility

The blended learning model and the

on coaching teacher teams to

to create groups of different sizes.

large classroom size and population

personalize instruction will continue

The teacher teams, combined with

are relatively new concepts for

to grow.

the ability to group students according

students and teachers alike at Merit

to instructional need—without limits

Prep Newark. “I had to learn to

that might be caused by the physical

think outside the box,” said master

space—could allow many students

language arts teacher Tiffany McAfee.

to achieve grade-level standards

“And I think that’s the greatest

and beyond more quickly than in a

thing that ever happened to me as a

traditional school setting.


What is the advantage for instructors and administrators?

Another challenge for teachers is

smoothing out the logistics of working together in the classroom (such as figuring out who is in charge of what

Teaming master and apprentice

and when), and effectively managing a

teachers in the classroom provides

large group of students. It takes time,

in this new partnership, the emphasis

NEXT GEN TOOLS Strategies and Innovations for Implementing Breakthrough Models

ARTIFACT: Architectural floor plan of the stadium space (Open Classroom) and skyboxes (Seminar Rooms)

USE IT: • Merit Prep Newark •T  ouchstone Education: An Opportunity Culture Case Study

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact: Ben Rayer [email protected]

By Jodi Lewis, Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy ©2014 EDUCAUSE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.

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