Brand New ~ Don't forget

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Brand New ~ All of our recorded baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and funerals have been archived by Family Search. This is a free on-line family tree search agent. Family Search is an organization under the guise of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is their wish to make available all known genealogical records free of charge through the world. A flash drive, of our records, was made available to us free of charge. I’ve used the site personally and have found some interesting information on my mom’s side! Their web site is Friendship Dinner Thank you to everyone who helped prepare, serve, and clean up for the October 28 Friendship Dinner. We served 135 meals at a cost of $1.84 per meal. Our next Friendship Dinner will be November 25. There is a sign up sheet in the undercroft to help serve this meal. Our dessert for November will be pie, a sign up sheet is also available in the undercroft. This dinner falls the Saturday after Thanksgiving, please consider giving a couple of hours to volunteer for this dinner. We will be offering our guests hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and socks to help combat the cold weather. Men's gloves, mittens, and socks for all ages are needed. A box will be in the undercroft to collect these items, please be generous. We appreciate your continuous support.

Don’t forget ~ Fr. Morris will be celebrating All Saints on November 1 at 5:30. The All Saints Necrology will be read during the mass on Sunday November 5 when All Saints will again be celebrated. All Faithful Departed/All Souls Mass will be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday, November 2nd. Fr. Rob is returning from his sabbatical the First Sunday of Advent (December 3rd). He would like to encourage everyone to join him at mass on the day of his return. Fr. Rob would also like your ideas on topics of interest or discovery for the Lenten Series. You’re welcome to send those ideas to the office. I’ll forward them all at once to Fr. Rob. Mother Kitty will be celebrating a Thanksgiving Eve Mass on November 22nd at 5:30. She is requesting that you would bring a donated food item to be used by the Friendship Dinner. The following is a list of their suggestions for donation:


Decaf coffee Commercial size cans of green beans, sliced carrots or corn Large containers of marinara or spaghetti sauce 12 oz plastic glasses Plastic table covers Powdered milk Dawn Liquid Dishwashing soap Cooking spray Creamer Individual salt and pepper shakers

Dates to remember ~ Stewardship pledges should be returned by November 5th. Vestry nominations are due in by November 12th. Vestry meeting is Wednesday, November 15.

Other information ~ The following people are scheduled for Sunday, November 5, 2017. 8:00 AM Chalicer and lector: Eric Blake 10:00 AM Chalicers: Eric Blake and Susan Benson Acolytes: Diane Ischy and Laura Johnston Tellers: Susan Benson and Jane Ellen Wiles Lectors: Eric Blake and Barbara White Ushers: Barbara White and Bob Welsh Altar: Charlie and Jeanann Dickerson BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES for November 1 through November 7, 2017 Cheryl Onega (11/1), Laura Tompkins (11/2), Martha Staley (11/2), David Clausen (11/3), and Susan Riis (11/7) PRAYER LIST: Pat Longshore would like you to add Ken Paul to your prayers

On Going ~ The Adult Forum classes will be held on the 2nd Sundays of each month: Nov. 12; Dec. 10 and into the next year until we finish the book. All are welcomed to join in the conversation even if not having read the book. If you want a copy of each lesson’s notes for further reference & study, please let me know. Barbara Saunders Our Friendship Dinner Committee is again collecting items for distribution at the November 25th Friendship Dinner. The items requested are men’s gloves, children’s mittens and socks for all ages. Ornaments are also needed to decorate our Christmas Tree.


Please leave your donations in the Undercroft by November 19th. Your donations are appreciated. Fr. Rob Willmann is on sabbatical. He will be returning on December 1st. During this time both Fr. Morris and Mother Clausen will be available for your spiritual needs. Sr. Warden Evan Abood and Mindy Rush will also be available for other matters. Michelle and Lee Dayton are inviting the parish to join them for a “Happy Epiphany Day” party on January 6th, 2018. The Vestry discussed the possibility of a parish Christmas party but with so many things occurring in December, Michelle offered to host the event in January. More details will be coming! This will be a family event, Michelle states that they have a play room!

Community ~ Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds 2017-2018 Season: Concerts are held in Brown Chapel on the Muskingum University Campus. Concert Tickets are available at the door. Adults $7.00, Youth ages 5-18 - $5.00. Children under age 5 are free. The first concert is Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 3:00 pm. “Hail Britannia!” is a concert featuring British band classics and other works from across the pond. The featured soloist will be Muskingum trombone instructor, Lucas Kaspar. Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra: November 19 – Brown Chapel 7:00 p.m. – Best of Baroque (with some modern, too)…Handel’s Messiah with the Muskingum University choirs and Coral Society. Violin favorites with the Maestra. November 30 – Secrest Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. – Annual traditional and FUN! Holiday Concert. Zanesville Community Theatre, Inc: In-Laws, Outlaws, and Other People (That Should Be Shot). A comedy that is relatable to anyone with a dysfunctional, but loving family, anywhere. Show dates are October 27 through November 5th. Auditions for Evita (musical) are November 12-13, 2017 at 7 pm Immanuel Church, 105 South 7th Street will be holding its Annual Sauerkraut Luncheon on Thursday, October 26 from 11 to 1. Tickets are $9.00 and advance sales only. For ticket information call their church office at 740-454-1294. The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to ring the bells. If you are interested in forming a group to volunteer, please let me know and I’ll pass the needed information on to you.

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