Brushy Mountain Herald

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Mrs. Mike (Stacie) Stamper


Mrs. Hadley (Lisa) Triplett


“Our mission is to glorify God by partnering with churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ.”



Rev. Andrew Heathershaw


May Birthdays

ld a r e H in ta n u o M y h s u r B Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

Rev. & Mrs. Tim Henderson


Rev. & Mrs. David Sparks


Rev. & Mrs. Brian Sampson


Special Thanks! Thanks to everyone who answered the urgent request for Baby items for the Baby Closet. It was very successful and all items received were greatly needed…….God’s people are so good to meet the needs of others.

Building Loan Update: The Building Loan balance as of April 28 is: $59,964.22

National Day of Prayer


Thurs., May 1, 12:00 pm, Courthouse Lawn


Wilkesboro Baptist Church has NCBAM invited Deep Impact to Wilkes (Baptist Aging Ministry) County the week of June 23. All churches in the Association are The Association is actively in- asked to support this ministry for volved with the Aging Ministheir Youth. Please mark your try for those over (65) years of calendars and pray that this effort age. If you know of someone with a need, please contact the will “Share God’s Love with people through word and deed.” office at 838-4407.


Wilkesboro, NC 28697


Association Week of Prayer Emphasis PO Box 1375, 1519 River St

Mr. & Mrs. John Triplett

Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

May Anniversaries

Materials are available at the Association Office.

Donations (Operating Acct) Receipts Beaver Creek Bethany Boiling Springs Community Cub Creek Davis Memorial Edgewood Elk First Baptist-NW First Light Fishing Creek Goshen Greater Vision Harmony High Rock Hinshaw Lewis Fork Liberty Grove Little Rock

March 27.19


288.45 416.67 383.00

267.37 1416.03 1655.74 525.00 649.23 1280.00 2248.87 200.00 4000.00 1348.93 1591.66 1132.85 2761.40 300.00 -02148.72 2916.69 2298.00



270.37 75.00 649.23 1070.90 500.00 140.00 262.30 399.48

Cont’d…. 03/26/14 to 04/28/14 Receipts Millers Creek Moravian Falls Mt. Pleasant Mt. Zion New Hope Oak Grove-MC Oak Grove-NW Oakwoods Parkway Garden Pilgrim Pleasant Grove Pleasant Home Purlear Roaring River Stony Hill Walnut Grove Welcome Home Wilkesboro Zion Hill

March 200.00 50.00

500.00 1500.00 25.00 300.00 255.00 75.00 329.42

400.00 1138.86 197.86

YTD 16531.73 1400.00 350.00 -0700.00 300.00 1000.00 10510.00 150.00 2100.00 150.00 1722.00 595.00 2256.47 500.00 -02400.00 10873.25 1100.95

Thank you for your faithful financial support of the Association!

Churches can choose the date to participate.

Contact Information: Director of Missions: Dr. Steve Gouge Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Lois Woodie 336-838-4407 [email protected] Web address: ---------------CCM Director: Mr. John Triplett Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Violet Francis 336-903-1414 wilkesministryofhope@

Pastor Update: Hinshaw-Seeking Pastor Rev. Sherrill Wellborn, Interim Little Rock-Seeking Pastor Rev. Robert Webb, Interim Pilgrim-Seeking Pastor Rev. Rex Eldreth, Interim Purlear-Seeking Pastor Stony Hill-Seeking Pastor

Mother’s Day Offering This Offering has been taken since 1924 and truly makes a difference, touching people’s heart with Christ’s love. PLEASE PRAY for this ministry. PLEASE GIVE as God leads you. “Be rich in good deeds, generous, and

May Association Calendar: May 5-Ministers’ Meetings, Association Office. 9:45 am– Prayer time. 10:30 am-Ministers’ Meeting May 8-Roundtable Meeting, 8:45 am, Association Office. May 11-Mother’s Day May 14-SureCord Christian Counseling Meeting, 12:00 noon, Association Office. Light lunch will be served. All Pastors or a church representative is needed to attend. May 15-Team Meetings, Association Office. 6:30 pm-Leadership Council 7:00 pm-All Team Members May 26-Association Office & h.o.p.e. Center closed.

Missionary Moments As I write this article, I am in Louisville, Kentucky attending the spring meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Eight years ago, messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, elected me to serve as one of two trustees from North Carolina. In this article, I want to give you an update on the oldest of our six seminaries. First, let us look at the history. Southern Seminary was organized in 1859 in Greenville, SC. It was originally located on the campus of Furman University. Unfortunately, with the coming of the Civil War from 1860-1865, classes were suspended. Following the War, the school reopened in 1877 in downtown Louisville. Then in 1926, it moved to an 84-acre campus in its current location. Today, the school has a total enrollment of 4,567 students and is one of the largest, if not the largest, seminary in the world. More than fifty percent of the men training to be pastors today are enrolled at Southern. That is an astounding figure reported by seminary President, Albert Mohler. With recent updates to its programs, the school offers programs of study leading to: Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors degrees, Masters degrees, and several types of doctoral degrees. The seminary has three school programs: School of Theology, the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry, and Boyce College. These schools are equipping the next generation of church leaders in a splendid. In addition to the academic degrees mentioned above, the school operates four strategic centers. Bevin Center for Missions Mobilization – This center trains and mobilizes students in evangelism, missions, and church planting from the city of Louisville to the ends of the earth. Dehoney Center for Urban Ministry Training – This center facilitates healthy local church growth in the cities of the world. Center for Biblical Counseling – This center encourages and equips church leaders involved in biblical counseling. Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam – This center is brand new and one-of-a kind. It brings exposure to the Islamic religion in light of the Christian faith. It is a blessing for me to represent you as a Trustee. You can be proud of the educational opportunities Southern Seminary provides our students. Pray for all of those who serve on the Board and Agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention. New Books in the Library available for checkout-

Postal Food Drive Saturday, May 10, All food received goes to local Food banks and the h.o.p.e. Center is a recipient. Please contribute by placing non

“The Deliberate Church:” Building Your Ministry on the Gospel by Mark Dever. “Jesus or Nothing” by Dan DeWitt. “What is Biblical Theology?” by James Hamilton, Jr. “Risky Gospel” by Owen Strachan. “Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy” by Stephen Garrett. “Conviction to Lead” by Albert Mohler. “The King and His Beauty:” A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testament by Thomas Schreiner. “Living by Revealed Truth” by

March h.o.p.e. Center News Number of families (317), Individuals (974)=17,715 lbs New families


Financial Assistance


Professions of Faith 1 & 2 rededicated Baby closet


Handyman Projects


Loads of wood


Handyman Projects: Woodshed Volunteers-Men, Women, Boys and Girls.

Baby closet Needs: Toiletries, Diapers, Wipes and Summer clothes are greatly needed.

Food needs: Peanut butter, Crackers, Macaroni & cheese, Spaghetti Sauce & noodles, Ramen Noodles, Cereal, Soup, Treet, Spam, and Canned chicken. Also Hygiene items. Boomer Food Pantry Number of families (51), individuals (144) (2,416) lbs of food. Churches responsible for food in May High Rock, Lewis Fork, Moravian Falls, Parkway Garden, Purlear, Zion Hill

Greetings from the h.o.p.e. Center……….. First let me say what a blessing it is to be part of what God is doing at h.o.p.e. In March we asked for diapers and summer clothes for the Baby Closet. You blessed us with so many summer clothes and diapers that we were overwhelmed. Thank you, it is a blessing to know we have the items that are needed for the small children. At this time one of our needs involves the Wood Shed Ministry. We need volunteers to go with Calvin and Gary to pick up wood that has been donated. If your mission group or youth group can help, please call me. We need to get the Wood Shed ready for next winter. Can I share with you how God answered a prayer this month? Susan from the Pregnancy Center brought a young lady that needed help with her power bill. She was helped with her power bill and I asked her if I could pray with her. She said, “yes.” I prayed specifically for a job and a car to get to work. I reminded her of Philippians 4:6: ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Within three hours, I received a call and the person asked me if I knew of someone that was in need of a car. He had a car that he would like to give to someone. But that is not all, the very next week the lady got a job. All I can say is GOD IS SO GOOD TO US! Thank you for your prayers and support.

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