17, 2016
Emergency Food
Children’s Homes
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association 1519 River Street Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Power Point presentation is available to use for church and other meetings. Go to the BMBA website @ brushymountain.com for more information and to download the power point.
The VIRTUAL Church Office
Brushy Mountain Herald
A Publication of the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association “Our mission is to glorify God by partnering with churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ.”
November 2016 Issue
Missionary Moments from Dr. Burt Wilbur
Special Prayer Request
Staff and Services
[email protected] Cell Phone: (828) 443-3247
Pray for our sister churches as they seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit in calling the under-shepherd of Christ to serve His Church of God’s own choosing.
Director of Missions Dr. Burt Wilbur
“Brethren, pray for us.” 1 Thessalonians 5:25
Thank You Saying, Thank You is so important and brings joy to those who hear these simple words. Today I want to say Thank You to everyone that made our Annual Meeting such a wonderful day. It is truly a joy to serve this association as we journey together in Kingdom Service. Thank You: Greater Vison Baptist Church, Thank you for hosting the meeting and greeting us in the love of Christ. Officers and Team Leaders, Thank You for the wonderful support you offer to me and the associational staff during the meeting and through out the year. Speakers, Thank you for your devotion to the Word of God and sharing it with His people. Worship Leaders and Singers, Thank you for enhancing worship with your voices of praise. Messengers, Thank you for carrying the messages of ministry to the association and returning to the church to share the ministry vision we share together as the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association. This Thanksgiving please stop and take time to thank God for the richness of His blessings that surround us every minute of every day. Remember the joy of hearing a little child say thank you and remember you are God’s child if you believe in Jesus Christ.
Elk Baptist Church Rev. Mike Hamby, Interim First Baptist Church (NW) Seeking Pastor Dr. David Smith, Interim
DOM Emeritus Rev. Lawson Horton Administrative Assistant Mrs. Gloria Kilby Receptionist Mrs. Linda Holland Phone 336-838-4407
Greater Vision Baptist Church Seeking Pastor Rev. Tim Roten, Interim
[email protected] Little Rock Baptist Church Seeking Pastor Rev. Robert Livingston, Interim
Web address brushymountain.com
Pleasant Home Baptist Church Seeking Pastor
Associational Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Purlear Baptist Church Seeking Pastor Rev. Robert Webb, Interim Stony Hill Baptist Church Seeking Pastor Rev. Jay Johnson, Interim
Good Soil Ministry -
The Good Soil Ministry of Liberty Grove Baptist Church reminds everyone to collect their used quarterlies, teaching packets, and other Christian materials and deliver them to the BMBA Office. For
more information, contact J.C. Trivette at (336)877-4067 or (336) 977-8381 (cell).
-----------CCM Director Rev. John Triplett Administrative Assistant Mrs. Jackie Hollis Phone 336-903-1414 Email
[email protected] Wilkes Ministry of Hope Hours Monday · Tuesday · Thursday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Church Giving
Beaver Creek Bethany Boiling Springs Celebration Community Cub Creek Davis Memorial Edgewood Elk First Baptist-NW First Light Fishing Creek Goshen Greater Vision Harmony Hinshaw Street Lewis Fork Liberty Grove Little Rock Millers Creek Moravian Falls Mt. Pleasant Mt. Zion New Hope Oak Grove-NW Oakwoods Parkway Garden Pilgrim Pleasant Grove Pleasant Home Purlear Roaring River Stony Hill Walnut Grove Welcome Home Wilkesboro Zion Hill
31.43 820.60 313.18 150.00 309.00 1,880.00 1,100.99 100.00 1,000.00 367.00 990.03 621.00 652.83 833.34 766.00 230.27 4,709.84 200.00 100.00
2,000.00 50.00 300.00 618.00 150.00 614.73
400.00 1,000.98 402.25
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association - November 2016
YTD 31.43 820.60 313.18 0.00 150.00 309.00 1,880.00 1,100.99 100.00 1,000.00 367.00 990.03 0.00 621.00 0.00 652.83 833.34 766.00 230.27 4,709.84 200.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 50.00 300.00 0.00 618.00 150.00 614.73 0.00 0.00 400.00 1,000.98 402.25
Church Of the Month Thank You for Your Faithful Financial Support of the
New Hope Baptist Church Organized 1830
1286 New Hope Road, Purlear, NC 28665 (336) 973-4673
Sunday Sunday School 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am
Rev. Mike Stamper Pastor
Wednesday Adult Bible Study 7:00 pm Children and Youth 7:00 pm
“And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.” Acts 16:5
November Associational Calendar 1st Minister’s Conference, 6:30 pm Rev. Brian Sampson, Needs of the Association New Associational Moderator
2nd Faith Health meeting, 1 pm (Media Center) 3rd Evening Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:30 pm 6th Daylight Savings Time ends, 2 am 8th Election Day 8th Minister’s Conference, 10:30 am Rev. Richard Cardwell, Testimony and Life Message Pastor of Fishing Creek Baptist Church
10th S.A.M. program, 10:30 am, Wilkesboro Baptist Church 11th Veteran’s Day 12th Food Pantry, Zion Hill Baptist Church,9 am –noon 12th Association Choir Rehearsal 4-6 pm and Concert, 7 pm, Oakwoods Baptist Church 15th Minister’s Conference, 10:30 am Rev. Dr. Charles Whipple , Testimony and Life Message Pastor of Community Church
16th SureCord meeting, noon-1pm (media Center) 17th Evening Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:30 pm 21st Newsletter Information due before 5 pm 21st Quarterly WMU meeting/WorldCrafts party, 6 pm 22nd Minister’s Conference, 10:30 am Dr. Burt Wilbur, DOM - What we need to Know
23rd—25th BMBA and h.o.p.e. offices closed 24th Thanksgiving Day 28th Toy Store “Shoppers Aid” Training, 7:00 pm Hope building
29th Pastors and wives Christmas Dinner, 5:30 pm, Brushy Mountain Smokehouse, North WIlkesboro
29th Toy Store “Stocker” Training, 7 pm Hope building (All Meetings are held at the Associational Office unless noted otherwise)
November Birthdays
Mrs. Michael (Cara) Johnson
Rev. Sherrill Wellborn
Rev. Steve Smith
Mrs. Tim (Sara) Roten
Rev. Joey Moore
Mrs. Kevin (Pam) Brown
Mrs. Joey (Lisa) Moore
November Anniversaries Rev. & Mrs. Dennis Chapmon Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Collins Rev. & Mrs. Dennis Chapman
1st 13th 23rd
The Quarterly associational WMU meeting is Monday, November 21, 6 pm at the BMBA office. All WMU members are invited to attend. This is a WORLD Crafts party with an opportunity to purchase items from the catalog. Please bring something for refreshments if you can attend. If there are questions, please call the Associational office at 336-8384407 or Associational WMU director, Jessica Ferguson at 336-984-9845 or email her at
[email protected] November 13-20, 2016 Week of Prayer for Baptist Children’s Homes Offering Offering goal: $1,500,000 Call 336-474-1209 to schedule a speaker or order materials
The annual Ministers and Wives Christmas Dinner will be held at Brushy Mountain Smokehouse, 201 Wilkesboro Blvd in North Wilkesboro, NC on Tuesday, November 29, 5:30 pm. BBQ, beans, slaw, drink, dessert and tip will be $11.25 per person. Bring a $5.00 gift to play “Dirty Santa”. Plan to join us for an evening of good fun and Christian fellowship.
November Calendar of Church Events Revival Services, November 6-9 Sunday, 6:00 pm, Monday-Wednesday, 7 pm Oakwoods Baptist Church 2385 Brushy Mountain Road, Wilkesboro NC Dr. Burt Wilbur, guest speaker
Arts and Crafts Show, November 19, 5 pm Liberty Grove Baptist Church 5899 River Rd/Liberty Grove Rd, N. Wilkesboro, (Sponsored by the LGBC Seniors) Crafts, foods & baked goods available to bid on “Take home gifts for Thanksgiving & Christmas”
November 24 - Thanksgiving Day, 11 am-1 pm FREE Thanksgiving Meal SONCrest Outreach 464 Suncrest Orchard Road, N. Wilkesboro, NC *For information call: Pastor Adam Wood at 336-984-0976 Chris Wyatt at 336-902-1549 ********************************* Child Abuse Prevention Team and “Our House” are doing a Diaper Drive. Call “Our House” at 336-667-5555 for more information Announce your next Church Event Here, Email or call in the following: Church Name, Time and Date, Event Name, Cost and Purpose. Newsletter Deadline 3rd Monday of each month. Send to
[email protected] Or call (336) 838-4407
h.o.p.e. -
September h.o.p.e. Center News Helping Other People Excel Food distributed: 22,830 lbs
Rev. John Triplett, C.C.M. Director
Families served: 413
Greetings from Hope Ministry,
Individuals served: 1260
As I sit down and think about what to write, it hits me, Wow! it is November 2016, four weeks till Thanksgiving! Can I just stop and say what I am thankful for? My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You see without Jesus I am a lost sinner, but because of him I am a saved sinner. Because of Him I get to serve at h.o.p.e. Ministry. I can’t put in words how thankful I am for Jesus. Thanksgiving reminds me that after we have spent time with our families and friends, the Toy Store opens in one week on December 5th. We need your help. We have about 500 children left that need to be sponsored. It only takes $60 to sponsor a child. I am reminded of Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. The way God does this is through His people. Please pray about how you can be part of the Toy Store Ministry. Your monetary gifts can be mailed to: 514 Elkin Hwy N.Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Financial Assistance: $2,845.13 Baby Closet served: 77 New Families Served: 50 Handyman Projects: 1 (rebuilt set of steps)
Boomer Food Pantry: September 2016 Families served: 47 Individuals served: 129 Food: 2,696 lbs
Food Needs: SpaghettiO’s, Spaghetti sauce, Ravioli, Green beans, Canned corn, Ramen Noodles, Rice, Canned Ham, Mac&Cheese, Green peas, Mixed vegetables, Pizza kits
Thank you for your continued support of hope ministry.
John Triplett Thanksgiving Service of Praise and Worship Saturday, November 12th - 7:00 pm Oakwoods Baptist Church 2385 Brushy Mountain Road Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Presented by the Association Choir An offering of Thanksgiving will be received for the Toy Store of h.o.p.e. Ministry. Bring a toy or financial support.
Churches Responsible for Food in November
Celebration, Lewis Fork, Moravian Falls, Parkway Garden, Purlear, Zion Hill Baby Closet Needs: Diapers–sizes 4, 5 and 6, baby wipes, baby toiletries, winter clothes-12 months to Toddlers-boys and girls