Cerro Torre, Fitz Roy, Aguja Poincenot and Aguja Guillaumet in the ...

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C erro Torre, Fitz Roy, A guja Poincenot a n d A guja G uillaum et in the 19881989 Season. T here were three ascents o f C erro Torre, all by the M aestri bolt route: on N ovem ber 10, 1988 by A m ericans Brad Schilling and M ike C lifford and by Spanish C atalans Toni Torà Borredà and Joan Javer G arcía and on January 5 by Poles M arek O lszyk and K rzysztof D jiubek. A w inter ascent o f Fitz Roy was m ade on A ugust 8, 1988 by Italians Paolo C rippa, D anilo Valsecchi and Dario Spreafico, w ho clim bed the Franco-A rgentine route. This was not the first w inter ascent as they reported; the first w inter ascent was m ade on July 27, 1986 by A rgentines. On January 9, A ustrians T hom as Bonaface and G erold D ünser com pleted an ascent o f Fitz R oy’s Supercanaleta. All other Fitz Roy ascents were by the Franco-A rgentine route: on N ovem ber 7, 1988 by Spaniards C ésar Tome O ndicol and Eladio L antada Z arzosa and by Italians Fabrizio D efancesco and Paolo B orgonovo; on January 12 by Sw iss T hom as U lrich and G eorg H ödle; and on February 14 by Sw iss M ichael Schw itter and Brazilian Luis M akoto Ishibe. All A guja Poincenot ascents were by the W hillans route: on N ovem ber 7, 1988 by Spaniards V icente Lagunilla and Angel V illán; on N ovem ber 30, 1988 by Spanish Basques G uillerm o B añales and Ion Laskano and by Italians D iego Z anesco and M auro Bernardi; on D ecem ber 27, 1988 by Spaniards A ntonio Ram os Villar, C ésar A orta O rduña, M iguel O rtega, Juanjo R uiz and Iñ aki V icente; on January 6 by Sw iss M ichael S chw itter and G erm an Joseph Heine; and on M arch 3 by A rgentine Jorge and M ariano Tarditti. T here were ascents o f A guja G uillaum et: on O ctober 2, 1988 by A rgentines Pato Seuflejer and M arcelo Venere; on D ecem ber 27, 1988 by A rgentines José Váquez, M arcos A prile, Fernando Ferios and M arciano Tarditti; on January 2 by A lfredo Flury and Pablo A lvarez; and on February 23 by Sw iss M ichael Schw itter, B razilian Luis M akoto Ishibe and C anadian A lex Fried. A l b e r t T a r d it t i,

C lub A ndino Có rdoba, A rgentina

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