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To: Saratoga Planning Commission From: Sandy L. Baily, Special Projects Manager Date: July 11, 2017 Subject: 19100 Austin Way (PDR17-0005) Item 1.1

Following is a correction to the staff report regarding the height exception that was approved on Madrone Hill Road and a clarification regarding the fence height exception. Height Exception The height exception on Madrone Hill Road was originally approved in 2013, not 2012 and the maximum height approved was 32 feet not 33 feet. A condition was included by the Planning Commission to lower the heights by one foot so that the roof ridge would be no taller than 30 feet and that the main entry and the spire stairwell would be no taller than 32 feet. Fence Exception The landscape architect has clarified some inconsistencies for the iron fence dimensions provided on Sheet L-2, detail one, of the development plans (Attachment 7). The maximum height of the iron fence within the front setback will be 4.5 feet as illustrated, not five or six feet as referenced in the detail note and the detail label.

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