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December 1, 2013

DISCIPLINE Main Scripture: Proverbs 3:11-12 Additional Scriptures: Pro 5:23, 10:17, 12:1; Psa 66:8-12, 1 Cor 3:5, Mk 1:14-15; Rom 2:4

Discussion Questions Nobody likes discipline. Discipline from the Lord is a means and method that God uses to draw us close to him. • • • •

Who was the disciplinary in your life when you were growing up? Did it cause you to change? Why or why not? Have you ever gone through a season where you wondered why things in your life were so hard? If so, how did you respond to God? How do you “not despise the Lord discipline?”

Discipline reveals our hearts. READ Job 1 & 2 • What are some questions people wrestle with when they read this story? • What do you think Job’s problem was? • How does Job respond to the Lord’s discipline? • How do you respond to the Lord’s discipline? Many believers like Jesus as Savior but not as Lord. • What does it mean to make Jesus Lord of you life? • It what ways is you life under His authority? Give some practical examples. • How does His kingdom affect your way of viewing life? Discipline gives us the choice to grow. Being broken open allows Him to put you back together with HIS handprint on your soul. • What areas in your life do you feel you need to grow in? • How is the Lord’s discipline helping you make that choice? • Where are you being stretched in your faith walk? • How can you help someone else who may be walking through testing’s and trails?

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