Dollar Mountain Bears Itinerary

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Sun Valley SnowSports School

Dollar Mountain Bears Age: 6-12 Year Old All Day Program Ski and Snowboard Beginner to Intermediate Dollar Mountain—Dollar Mountain Children’s Center The times listed are estimates only.

8:00 a.m. SnowSports School Desk Opens for reservations Parents may purchase lesson packages early as 8:00am.

8:30 a.m. Check-in Begins Parents may check their preregistered 6-12 year old child into the Children’s SnowSports School between 8:30am and 9:45am. Children needing rental equipment will be fitted by our staff after checking in at the SnowSports Desk.

9:45 a.m. Registration Ends The registration process takes approximately 30 minutes depending on the season. (Holiday periods and weekends may take longer.) In order for your child to participate they must be registered by 9:45am.

10 a.m. Bears Depart Mid-Day: Lunch Begins All levels will be at the Dollar Mountain Children’s Center Cafeteria.

3:00-3:45 p.m. Bears are ready for pick up at the Dollar Mountain Children’s Center.

End of Day: If you have already paid for a lesson/rental package, keep the boots and we will store the rental equipment overnight. If you are done with your lesson and rental package, your instructor will return your skis/board. Parents—please drop the ski/board boots off at the Children’s Center. Please remember to pick up your kids shoes if left in the shoe storage area.

4:00 p.m. SnowSports School Closes

Sun Valley SnowSports School

Dollar Mountain Bears Age: 6-12 Year Old All Day Program Ski and Snowboard Beginner to Intermediate Dollar Mountain—Dollar Mountain Children’s Center Ski/Board Equipment Kids with their own equipment should arrive wearing their own ski boots. Rentals include ski boots, and poles or snowboard and boots. Helmets are included in all rentals. Since we provide helmets, please take your child’s hat with you. We provide a storage cubbies for all children.

Registration Parents may register their children between 8:00a.m.-9:45a.m. Children needing rental equipment will be fitted by our staff after they check in.

Drop Off Times-Morning 8:30a.m.-9:45a.m.: Pre-registered students may be dropped off at the Dollar Mountain Children’s Center.

Pick Up Times-End of Day Bears must be pick up at the Children’s Center between 3:00p.m. and 3:45p.m.

Clothing Required—PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING! Children should arrive dressed ready to ski or board—warm socks, waterproof mittens, goggles/sunglasses, sun block, neck gaiter (if very cold), ski jacket and pants or suit.

Parent Contact In case of Emergency, the school will attempt to contact you using the Emergency Numbers you provided during registration. Cell phones have limited coverage at our resort; please check your messages throughout the day in case we need to contact you. Messages may also be left on the boards at the base of lifts.

Refunds We do not offer refunds due to weather, when children are unwilling to participate, or if they become ill after being in our care.

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