ELEMENTARY SUPPLY LIST 2017-2018 4th Grade 4 Packs mechanical pencils with lead refills 1 Package of pencil-top erasers Zippered pencil keeper 4 PLASTIC heavy pocket folders with holes 600 Note Cards (3x5) Soft note card holder with tab dividers Glue sticks 1---2” 3 ring binder Crayons Colored pencils Sterlite Show Off plastic box
(Girls Only) quart Ziploc bags (Boys Only) gallon Ziploc bags 2 Packages of loose-leaf notebook paper 4 Large boxes of Kleenex 1 Large Germ X 2 Rolls of Paper Towels Markers 2 Large containers Clorox wipes 1 Marbled composition Notebooks (assignments) Scissors
Sterlite Show Off plastic box that holds letter hanging files are found at Dollar Stores. NO LARGER BOXES or CRATES. LUNCH ORDERS ARE DUE ON MONDAYS FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK. 5th Grade #2 Pencils and extra erasers or mechanical pencils (enough for the year) Colored pencils/crayons 1 Box quart size zip lock bags Markers (not permanent) Box or bag to hold supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, etc.) 2 boxes of Kleenex 6 pocket folders (plastic or vinyl) with prongs Blue or Black Pen (no red) 1 Sterlite plastic box to store books in at desk (NO CRATES) (6) 3 subject notebooks Note/Index cards (enough for the year) 1 Roll paper towels 36 manila folders (DO NOT put names on folders) 1 Box to hold note cards **Sterlite Show Off that holds hanging files is a good plastic box. LUNCH ORDERS ARE DUE ON MONDAY MORNINGS FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK. Please make sure each item is labeled with your child’s name, except for the manila folders. Students are responsible for having supplies the entire school year. Do not send the following items to school— *Staplers, tape, pencil sharpeners, or white out *Toys—They will be taken and not returned. *Electronic Devices (Calculators, Gameboys, MP3 Player, Ipods, etc.) *hats, caps 6th Grade 1 Large 3-subject spiral bound notebook #2 Pencils and extra erasers Large square erasers 2 Boxes of Kleenex Metric Ruler Ink Pen, blue or black ink only 36 manila folders – Do not put names on folders
6 Pocket folders Scissors 6 Packages index cards 1 Box Baby Wipes Loose Leaf Paper 1 Roll of paper towels
Do not send the following items to school: Staplers, tape, pencil sharpeners or white out Toys – They will be taken and not returned. Electronic Devices (Calculators, Gameboys, MP3 Players, iPods, etc.) Caps If your child plans to eat school lunches, please send orders for the entire week on Monday. Please write on the envelope what your child would like to order each day.