Elijah - Shelter Cove Community Church

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What can we learn from Elijah’s prayer? 40-46 • He was ________________. • He was ___________________. James 5:16-18 • He was ___________________. • He was _____________________. • He was _____________________.

1. Elijah’s _____________________. • The _________________ Elijah demonstrates. 16-17

1. Decide to confront your _________ and ____________.

• The ____________________ Elijah makes. 18-19

2. Decide to not _________ ________________ and let God demonstrate His power.

• The ________________ the people are challenged to make. 20-21 • The ________________ set up between God and Baal. 22-25 2. God’s ______________________. • The __________________ of the prophets of Baal were a failure. 26-29 • The _______________________ for the altar of the Lord involved great faith. 30-35 • The _________________ of Elijah. 36-37 • The ________________ of God. 38-39

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Discussion Guide March 8-9, 2014

Difficult Decisions that Define Our Lives I Kings 18:16-46 CONVERSATION:

6. Read James 5:16-18. How have you seen prayer be powerful and effective? James says that “Elijah was a man just like us” meaning that we have the same prayer power as Elijah. Do you believe that your prayer life can be as powerful as his?


1. What are some big decisions you have made recently? What were some of the most difficult decisions you have had to make?

2. What are the most common “false gods” among our society? Are they different among Christians?


5. According to Elijah’s prayer in verses 36-37, what does he want the people to know when God answers him? Share a time when you’ve witnessed someone giving glory to God through difficult circumstances instead of seeking praise for themselves.


1. Read 1 Kings 18:16-46. How would you describe Elijah’s commitment to God? What about his commitment to the spiritual condition of the people? What decisions did Elijah have to make in this passage? 2. According to verse 21, what is the choice Elijah gives the people? How do the little decisions we make show that we are not fully committed to one way or the other? Why is the word “waver” a good description of the line Christians walk between God and the world? 3. Read Matthew 7:13-29. How do these parables compare God versus the world? Which parable resonates best with you and why? 4. Look at the contest Elijah sets up (1 Kings 18:22-25). Contrast the difference between how Elijah approached God and how the prophets approached Baal. What was the purpose of Elijah dumping water on his offering?

7. How did God reveal His power to the people (1 Kings 18:38-39)? How has God answered prayers in bigger or better ways than you had asked? What was your response? CONNECTION:


1. It’s easy to criticize the people of Israel for their idolatry. However, in many ways, we can be just as guilty. What current day “idols” do you find yourself following? 2. What do you need to do this week to quit wavering between false gods and the One True God? Do you need to change your approach to God?



Ask God for strength and wisdom to leave false gods behind and put your trust in Him in every area of your life.


Daily Readings for this week...

Week 11: March 9 – March 15 Sun: Deut. 10-12; Mark 16. Tues: Deut. 16-18; Psalm 38; Gal 2. Thurs: Deut. 22-24; Galatians 4. Sat: Deut. 28-29; Galatians 6.

Mon: Deut. 13-15; Galatians 1. Wed: Deut. 19-21; Galatians 3. Fri: Deut. 25-27; Galatians 5.