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Transition Plan and Day Expectations 12/20/13 Trial 1 10 Step Process 6:30AM-12:30PM (Teacher’s Version) Part A –Pre school


1st Transitions

Step 1&2- Wake Up - (Parent talking about the day and schedule) o o o o o

Get Dressed Eat Breakfast Brush Teeth Put on Coat and Shoes Head to Car to go to school

Step 3- Go to School (Parents reinforcing options at drop off and schedule for the day) o o o o

Greet Teachers and Friends Say Goodbye to Mom and Dad Free play with books or on carpet. Line up to go to next activity- (Light signal, when the light flashes time to pick up and line up)

Step 4- Line up for School Bus (Assigned places, talk on bus safety) Line up behind friend (should a line up order established in classroom. If not, can alternate boy/girl/boy girl) Initiate a line up song, when it time to line up. (Prompt, you will be sitting with “” when you load the bus this is your “bus buddy”-(troubles? Can refer to bus buddies) o Waiting to load the bus-waiting to load the bus song. If not, bus seating assignment loading already established based on line assignment o *On bus ride talk about what will take place a next stop and what to be expected/ sing a song as well. *Suggestible moment o

Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Transition Plan and Day Expectations 12/20/13 Trial 1 10 Step Process 6:30AM-12:30PM Part B –Unloading Leaving Reloading (Transtions2-5)

Step 4.5-Unloading *If not already discussed. As you arrive closer to destination, again speak about what will take place. What will happen when student steps off the bus? While waiting sing a song, play a clapping game. Play- I spy-letters, etc. Note this moment to an adult goes by quickly, yet for a child can appear like a long period of time. For a child that has been noted to become easily distracted. Ask a support system to bring a “busy backpack” to help keep the student occupied.

Step 5&6- Breakfast at McDonalds w/ LPD o It would be in the best interest if students we paired with officers based on personalities. However such options are not always available. Therefore attempt to give as much information as possible to the officer that will be important for them to note as although these are law enforcement. To a child they may be viewed as stranger. o Also attempt to have the child order chosen at time of arrival. o It may be in the best interest to have the student sit with and food brought to them as the volume of stimulation can be overwhelming for some. A student may need to take a breather if at all possible prior to next transition i.e. leaving. Which will be discussed in the next section

Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Transition Plan and Day Expectations 12/20/13 Trial 1 10 Step Process 6:30AM-12:30PM Part B –Unloading Leaving Reloading

*Note- If you have gotten this far with none to mild disturbances, take a moment and pat yourself on the back. The first of the most prone moments have passed. However if towards this point the student is exhibiting mild to medium disturbances (i.e. repeated reminders with no improvement in behavior), stop and take action now as this is a volcano slowly brewing.

Step 7- Line up for School Bus (Assigned places, talk about next stop) Line up behind friend-Bus buddy. Waiting to load the bus-waiting to load the bus song. o *On bus ride talk about what will take place a next stop and what to be expected/ sing a song as well. *Suggestible moment o o

Step 7.5-Unloading

*If not already discussed. As you arrive closer to destination, again speak about what will take place. What will happen when student steps off the bus? While waiting sing a song, play a clapping game. Play- I spy-letters, etc. Note this moment to an adult goes by quickly, yet for a child can appear like a long period of time. For a child that has been noted to become easily distracted. Ask a support system to bring a “busy backpack” to help keep the student occupied. Also, here ensure that students have list created with support systems to help give officer an idea of whom they are helping the student shop for and ideas on what to help student purchase.

Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Transition Plan and Day Expectations 12/20/13 Trial 1 10 Step Process 6:30AM-12:30PM Part C- Arrival Leaving Reloading

(See pervious page for arrival) Step 8- Final Destination *Note here would be to have a time set that goes off when there is 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes 1 minute left. Each time stating that time is almost up and allowing the student to see the time. Otherwise as they say: Let kids

be kids and have fun!

*If you do experience disturbance take a moment away from stimulation to allow for a breather. Also it will be important to tell the student what will happen to the item once chosen.

Step 9- Line up for School Bus (Assigned places, talk about next stop) Line up behind friend-Bus buddy. Waiting to load the bus-waiting to load the bus song. o *On bus ride talk about what will take place a next stop and what to be expected/ sing a song as well. *Suggestible moment o o

Step 10- Go to School-Parent will be there shortly afterwards for pick up

Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Student Version Trial 1 10 Step Process 6:30AM-12:30PM

Step 1- Wake Up

Step 2 -Drive to School

Step 3- Go To School

Step 4-Line Up Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Step 5- Meet Police Officer

Step 6-Eat Breakfast Step 7 Line up to go to the Store

Step 8-Go Shopping

Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

Step 9- Time to Go/Line up for Bus

Step 10-Back to school again



Developed by M. Kay Emerson, MSHS Preschool Field Trip Transition Plan-Behavioral Modification, 2014

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