Fair Oak Junior School Year 5 Autumn newsletter To parents and children - welcome to year 5! I’m sure that your child has settled into his/her new class and is back into the swing of the school routine. During the past few days I have been impressed with the work in the children’s books. All the children have worked incredibly hard on their presentation and learning and I look forward to this continuing during the year. Mrs Gowers will be leading the year 5 curriculum this year, so if you have any specific questions about what the children are learning, please arrange to see her. Thank you for your support for the science events early in this year. As mentioned on the letter, I have included the other events planned in the year, along with the voluntary contribution cost. Separate letters will be sent out closer to the events. Date
14th October
Visit to Winchester Cathedral Identifying features of a Christian place of worship with the class and completing specific tasks. The theme this year is Pilgrimage.
£8 including coach travel
23rd October
Visit to a Hindu Temple Identifying features of a Hindu place of worship with the class and completing specific tasks
£7 including coach travel
9th or 10th December
Willow workshops at school
8th – 10th or 10th - 12th February
Avon Tyrrell - The year 5 residential
Much like the spitfires along the street and in the library, the children will be creating Ancient Greek inspired works of ‘willow art’ £125
A parents’ evening was held towards the end of last year. If you require information, please see me.
Thank you for supporting your child with his/her learning. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher or to myself. Lastly, I look forward to seeing as many parents/children at the Curriculum Evening/Meet and Greet on Monday 14th September at 6pm in the school hall.
Mr De Silva
Parent Helpers
Monday 14th September at 6pm in the school hall We would like to invite year 5 parents/guardians and children to an informal ‘meet and greet’ with the year 5 team. We will also chat about expectations, assessment changes and the curriculum.
Year 5 needs
If you have any free time and are able to support children in year 5 either in the classroom or with reading, please sign up at the curriculum evening on Monday 14th September.
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ad and re diaries rk o w d ay • Home in school every day e b l e very must schoo in d e n and d a ratio is nee g, Prep in • PE kit n n la rP on a e ac h e • PPA (t ent time) will be uring this time the c, g. D Assessm h, Musi mornin Frenc esday ght IT, u Wedn ta e n will b childre Art/DT PSHE/ d n PE a
English (including spellings) and Maths homework is set on Wednesdays and will be due in on Wednesdays. Reading: Please read with your child 5 times a week. There will be a weekly reading focus to be completed in the reading records. Spelling tests will be on Wednesdays and times tables tests will be on Fridays.
Our curriculum this term— term—Planet X: To infinity and beyond! & It’s all Greek to me English As a reader and a writer we will... • Science fiction stories and space poems • Greek Myths and Legends, including democratic writing • Comparing and contrasting recipes Science As a scientist we will answer the following: • Do I know how and why objects in the solar system move? • Can I explain day and night using scientific vocabulary? • Why do we not float above the earth’s surface? • What keeps us on the ground? • Which forces act in an opposite direction? • Can forces be transferred?
Maths As a mathematician we will... • Number: Including the 4 methods a. read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit b. count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1 000 000 c. round any number up to 1 000 000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000 • Measurement: a. convert between different units of metric measure (e.g. kilometre and metre; centimetre and metre; centimetre and millimetre) b. measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres • Geometry: a. Compare and classify geometric shapes including quadrilaterals and triangles based on properties and size. b. Identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and other cuboids, from 2-D representations • Statistics: a. interpret and present discrete data using bar charts and continuous data using time graphs b. solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and simple line graphs. c. use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles
Art and Design As an artist/designer we will... • Pencil sketches—focusing on shading to create a 3D planet • Use chalk and pastels to create detailed pictures of the planets in our solar system. • Digital media on planets Continuing the learning at home •
Newspaper homework
Phases of moon
Design and Technology As an designer we will... • Design and create rockets which will be powered by air pressure • Create solar system mobiles
As a historian, we will... •
Investigate the legacy of the Ancient Greeks, including Gods and Goddesses and democracy
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Creation: Appreciating creation
Hinduism: Worship and beliefs
Advent: preparation and symbolism
New beginnings - class charter and class passports (information about each child)
We’re all different - To explore differences and consequences of racism, teasing and bullying