FALL ON ROCK, NUT FAILURE, NO HARD HAT California, Yosemite Valley J o h n Jin ish ra n and Jo e B ryant were clim bing the N o rth B uttress of M iddle C ath ed ral on J u ne 23 w hen Jin ish ra n , who was leading, fell. H e h ad ju s t placed a n u t an d was testing it. It pulled out, an d he fell ab o u t 30 feet striking his head an d becom ing unconscious. B ryant rappelled abo u t 700 feet to the ground after securing Jin ish ra n
28 / ACCIDENTS IN NORTH AMERICAN MOUNTAINEERING to a sloping ledge. Evacuation was made by a helicopter. A navy corpsman rappelled out of the helicopter to the victim and secured him. They were then lifted to the valley floor. (Source: Hal Grovert, SAR Officer, Yosemite National Park)
Analysis It appears that the climber did not have a secure stance when he tested his protection. Also, a hard hat would probably have prevented head injury. (Source: Hal Grovert, SAR Officer, Yosemite National Park)