FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE Thursday, October 13, 2016 – 11:00 am Directions: From Bisbee, ND: 4 miles west and 1 ½ mile south
Auctioneer’s note: This will be an interesting day. Everything goes, many unlisted items. Hope to see you there.
TRACTORS: JD 4650 2WD, 18.4 R38 tires (80%), 18 spd PS, 600 Koyker loader, 6252 hrs; JD 8640 4WD, 20.8x38 hub duals, 3 hyd., P.T.O., 9550 hrs; JD 4010 diesel, 18.4x34 tires (60%), PTO, 2 hyd, rock box; Case 1175, 18.4x38 tires (50%), 8 spd manual, 4709 hrs; Old twin city antique tractor, complete; Antique MM Moline HARVEST EQUIPMENT: 25’ Case IH model 8220 pull type swather w/finger reel; Older 30’ rigid head on trailer; IHC 810 pickup header; Swather roller; 400 Versatile swather, runs TRUCKS, SERVICE TRUCK, TRAILERS & VEHICLES: Chevy grain truck w/wood box, year n/a, year is in the 60’S; 1995 F-350 Ford service truck, service body, 460 automatic, 140,000 miles; 1989 Cornhusker 42’ hopper bottom trailer; 24’ Load Max goose neck flatbed trailer; 1974 Blue Ford tandem grain truck, lift tag, roll tarp, no engine; IH water truck, not running; Late 50’s two door Ford Edsel; Late 50’s four door Ford Edsel HAYING EQUIPMENT: Gehl model 520 12 wheel rake; New Holland model 499 haybine, needs rollers; JD model 37 sickle mower TILLAGE & PLANTING EQUIPMENT: 34’ Morris model 7180 air seeder, tow between cart; 45’ Wilrich field cultivator, complete walking tandems, 3 bar Herman harrow; JD model 1600 25’ chisel plow; 7 bottom Melroe 908 plow; Cockshult chisel small; (3) old JD plows; 70’ Harrow, brand unknown; IHC 19’ chisel plow; 15’ JD chisel OTHER MISC. EQUIPMENT: 6-8 yd Carry All scraper; Farm King 10x70 grain auger w/ swing out PTO hopper; Mobility 6 ton dry spreader, 50’ spread, tandem axle, twin fans, PTO; Killbros model 385 gravity wagon w/JD running gear; Head Ache rack for semi; Sakundiak auger, 7x45 gas engine; Prong type rock picker; 6000 lbs shop press; Misc. various shop tools & supplies ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Owners: Mary Meyer - (Larry Swenson, 701-303-0379)
Larry Swenson owner/operator Lic. 508 525 Main St., Cando ND 58324 (701)-968-4224 Office or (701)-303-0379 Cell Your North Central North Dakota Auction Leader