Recovery of Rare Earths from Coal by Evan Granite, Elliot Roth, and Mary Anne Alvin
Characterization and Recovery of Rare Earths from
Coal and Coal By-Products This article highlights recent research on the analysis and recovery of rare earth elements from coal and coal by-products.
What Are Rare Earths? Rare earths are chemical elements found within the Earth’s crust that are vital to many modern technologies, including consumer electronics, computers, communications, health care, clean energy, transportation, and environmental mitigation. A rare earth element is one of a set of 17 chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the 15 lanthanides, as well as scandium and yttrium.
em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • June 2016
Recovery of Rare Earths from Coal by Evan Granite, Elliot Roth, and Mary Anne Alvin
Coal is a valuable resource. The United States has an estimated 250-year supply of coal, and generates between 30 and 40 percent of its electricity through coal combustion. Approximately 1 billion metric tons (Gt) of coal is mined annually in the United States, although the 2015 total will likely be closer to 900 Mt. Most of the coal that is mined is burned for power generation, but substantial quantities are also employed elsewhere. Coal has a positive impact upon many industries, including mining, electricity generation, rail transportation, manufacturing, chemical, steel, activated carbon, and fuels.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) recently initiated research for the determination and recovery of rare earths from abundant domestic coal by-products. The NETL Rare Earth EDX Database is a resource for rare earth information relating to coal and coal by-products. Users can download datasets containing specific information on samples and detailed reports related to rare earth analyses. Many other research organizations have also initiated efforts for the determination and recovery of rare earths from unconventional sources such as coal byproducts.
Everything that is in the Earth’s crust is also present within coal to some extent, and the challenge is always to utilize abundant domestic coal in a clean and environmentally friendly manner. In the case of rare earths, these valuable and extraordinarily useful elements are present within the abundant coal and coal by-products (e.g., ashes, coal preparation wastes, mine by-products, and gasification slags) produced domestically and worldwide.
Much of the recent research on coal utilization in the United States has focused on the capture of pollutants, such as acid gases, particulates, mercury, and greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. The possible recovery of rare earth and other critical elements from abundant coal and coal by-products is an exciting new research area, representing a dramatic paradigm shift for the coal industry.
All of these coal combustion materials can be viewed as potential sources of rare earth elements. Most of the common inorganic lanthanide compounds, such as the phosphates found in coal, have very high melting, boiling, and thermal decomposition temperatures, allowing them to concentrate in combustion and gasification by-products. Furthermore, rare earths have been found in elevated concentrations in the strata above and below certain coal seams.
Additional data are needed on the rare earth contents of coals and coal by-products in order to determine the most promising potential feed materials for extraction processes. Future work will focus on the characterization of coals and coal by-products, and the separation/partitioning methods for rare earth recovery. Recent publications pertinent to rare earth element characterization and recovery are provided here. em
Evan J. Granite, Elliot Roth, and Mary Anne Alvin are with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory in Pittsburgh, PA. E-mail:
[email protected].
Recent Publications 1. Phuoc, T.X.; Wang, P.; McIntyre, D. Detection of Rare Earth Elements in Powder River Basin Sub-Bituminous Coal Ash Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS); Fuel 2016, 163; 129-132. 2. Phuoc, T.X.; Wang, P.; McIntyre, D. Discovering the Feasibility of Using the Radiation Forces for Recovering Rare Earth Elements from Coal Power Plant By-Products; Advanced Powder Technology 2015, 26; 1465-1472. 3. Noack, C.W.; Jain, J.C.; Stegmeier, J.; Hakala, J.A.; Karamalidis, A.K. Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Outcrop and Core Samples from The Marcellus Shale; Geochemical Transactions 2015, 16, 6. 4. Hower, J.; Granite, E.; Mayfield, D.; Lewis, A.; Finkelman, R. Notes on Contributions to the Science of Rare Earth Element Enrichment in Coal and Coal Combustion By-Products; Minerals 2016, 6, 32.
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em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • June 2016