Former MYU & New York New York

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Former M Y U & New York New York

To Let - Leasehold Nil Premium Rental Offers Invited

31 - 33 New Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1FJ

 Prominent trading location on the late night drinking circuit in Peterborough city centre  Total Ground Floor GIA of circa 10,672 square feet  Nearby operators include Halo nightclub and Jimmy's World Grill and Bar  Rental incentives available by way of negotiation

0121 227 2311 Studio 1, Clarks Courtyard, 145 Granville Street, Birmingham, B1 1SB [email protected]

Former M Y U & New York New York 31 - 33 New Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1FJ

To Let - Leasehold Nil Premium Rental Offers Invited

Location Peterborough is a large city located in the county of Cambridgeshire in the East of England, approximately 30 miles north east of Kettering and 35 miles north west of Cambridge. The property is prominently positioned fronting New Road in the city centre, in close proximity to Peterborough city market and the main high street and is surrounded by predominantly commercial uses. Accommodation The property comprises a two storey building of brick construction with aluminium render on the first floor. Furnished as a late night nightclub/drinking venue throughout, the trading areas are split into two separate offerings, with shared till reception and cloakroom areas. The former MyU bar is open plan set around a central servery, has the benefit of a lowered dancefloor and raised DJ booth. The perimeter comprises boothed and tiered seating, a further servery to the rear and two trade terraces to the front of the property. Ancillary trade areas comprise a set of customer WC's, commercial kitchen and cashier/cloakroom reception area. The former New York New York nightclub is open plan set around a central sunken dance floor with raised DJ booth, two serverys at either end of the dancefloor and perimeter seating. Ancillary trade areas comprise a sets of customer WC's, ground floor drinks stores, glass wash areas, office and extensive staff amenities. Ground Floor GIA amounts to circa 10,672 square feet. The former MyU and New York New York offers considerable scope for late night drinking/nightclub operators, being located on a strip including Halo, Ghost, Liquid and Envy nightclubs. The property also has potential to accommodate a food offering. * Please note that photos were taken prior to the removal of the equipment.

0121 227 2311 Studio 1, Clarks Courtyard, 145 Granville Street, Birmingham B1 1SB [email protected]

Former M Y U & New York New York 31 - 33 New Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1FJ

To Let - Leasehold Nil Premium Rental Offers Invited

General Information Licences It is understood the property currently possesses a Premises Licence. Services We are informed that all mains services are connected to the property. Trading The premises are currently closed. Tenure The premises are available by way of a new sub lease. The rent and lease term are negotiable. Rent reviews will be five yearly. Service Charge A service charge is applicable on this property. EPC An EPC has been requested.

0121 227 2311 Studio 1, Clarks Courtyard, 145 Granville Street, Birmingham B1 1SB [email protected]

To Let - Leasehold Nil Premium Rental Offers Invited

Former M Y U & New York New York 31 - 33 New Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1FJ

Agent Details For further details please contact

Amy Potter Surveyor, Birmingham 07786066481 [email protected]

George Walker Director, Birmingham 07875515952 [email protected]

Disclaimer JAMES A BAKER for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: 1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. 2. Descriptions, dimensions, plans, reference to condition and planning permission for use and occupation and other details are given without responsibility and intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each item. 3. It is emphasized that in these particulars of sale, items of furniture, fixtures, fittings and equipment mentioned are for descriptive purposes only and do not necessarily form part of the trade inventory referred to above. 4. No person in the employment of James A Baker has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.

0121 227 2311 Studio 1, Clarks Courtyard, 145 Granville Street, Birmingham B1 1SB [email protected] Viney Ltd Reg No 04515765. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: The Bank, 18 Newbridge Road, Bath, BA1 3JX. VAT Reg No 752840133