grand canyon national park

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October 17, 2014 Monica A. Divelbess National Park Service Denver Service Center Contracting Services Division 12795 W. Alameda Pkwy Lakewood, CO 80228 Reference: RFQ932870 — National Register Determination of Eligibility and HAER Documentation Dear Ms. Divelbess: Logan Simpson Design Inc. (Logan Simpson) is pleased to submit our proposal to assist the National Park Service (NPS) with Level II Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) documentation and preparation of a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Determination of Eligibility (DOE) for the Trans-Canyon Water Distribution Pipeline at Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA). Our prior work conducting the cultural landscape inventory of the Cross Canyon Historic District has provided us with not only the background resource material and knowledge of this property, but also an appreciation of the relationship between the pipeline and the surrounding NRHP-eligible landscape. We understand the logistics of conducting fieldwork at the Grand Canyon, as well as the intricacies of documenting long, linear water conveyance structures. As such, we believe we are particularly well–suited to authoring a DOE and providing comprehensive HAER documentation for the pipeline. All project work will be completed by our team of cultural resources specialists comprised of Principal Investigator/Historic Preservation Specialist Kathryn Leonard, Project Manager/Architectural Historian Greta Rayle, and Historian Helana Ruter. Kathryn has more than 15 years of experience and master’s degrees in archaeology and public history, with a concentration on historic preservation method and theory. Prior to joining Logan Simpson, Kathryn served as the National Register Coordinator at the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office for five years, an experience that has provided her with a sophisticated understanding of the National Historic Preservation Act, NRHP determinations, and application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. Under Kathryn’s supervision, Greta and Helana have completed numerous Historic American Buildings Survey/HAER documentation projects and NRHP nominations for federal agencies during their tenure at Logan Simpson, including recent HAER documentation of the Bureau of Reclamation-owned Imperial Dam on the California/Arizona border. Their NRHP portfolio includes preparation of seven NRHP nominations for NPS, documentation of complex linear irrigation properties, and Multiple Property Documentation Forms for the Arizona State University campus in Tempe, Arizona, and the Desert Southwest Region Facilities for the Western Area Power Administration. If selected, we are confident that our team will provide GRCA with the highest level of professional services and continue to meet NPS’ quality expectations. Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn Leonard, M.A., RPA Principal Investigator

Greta Rayle, M.A., RPA Project Manager

51 West Third Street, Suite 450, Tempe, Arizona 85281 | P: (480) 967-1343 | F: (480) 966-9232 |


Firm Introduction Established in 1990, Logan Simpson Design (Logan Simpson) is one of the largest environmental planning and landscape architecture firms in the Intermountain West, with more than 110 staff members and offices in Tempe and Tucson; Las Vegas; Salt Lake City; and Fort Collins, Colorado. Our historical archaeologists and historic preservation specialists are experienced in completing archival research; historic context development; reconnaissance and intensive level architectural inventories; Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/ HAER) documentation; and archaeological survey, monitoring, testing, and data recovery. Our offerings in landscape architecture and cultural resources render the firm’s historic preservation practice particularly sensitive to the important role designed landscape features play in retaining historic properties’ integrity. We have completed cultural landscape inventories (CLIs) and reports (CLRs), and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs) and National Register (NR) nominations for the National Park Service (NPS), including one for the Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District in Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA).


All cultural resources federal and state agencies investigations are carried out within the last four years, using accepted professional including the Bureau of standards consistent with the Reclamation (Reclamation), Secretary of Interior’s Standards U.S. Forest Service (Forest and Guidelines for Archaeology Service), and the Arizona and Historic Preservation Department of Transportation (Federal Register, September (ADOT). These projects 29, 1983, and 36 CFR § 800.2[a] include historic irrigation [1], revised August 2004), as well facilities, bridges, buildings, as guidance from the Arizona and roads. State Historic Preservation ▪ Kathryn, Greta, and Helana Office (SHPO). All senior recently completed five supervisory staff hold master’s NRHP nominations for degrees and meet the Secretary the NPS, including two for of the Interior’s professional Glacier National Park; one standards for archaeology, for Salinas Pueblo Missions history, and architectural history. National Monument; and Several factors that distinguish one each for Tonto National Logan Simpson include: Monument and Casa Grande National Monument. They ▪ Kathryn Leonard and Helana are also currently working on Ruter are former SHPO a NRHP nomination for the employees and have extensive Josie Bassett Morris Ranch in experience preparing strong Dinosaur National Monument. historical contexts and Our large-format photographer ▪ assisting federal agencies with Ben Hammer is a full-time assessing NRHP eligibility and Logan Simpson employee integrity of buildings, bridges, which streamlines the irrigation features, and documentation process and mining-related properties. reduces overall project cost ▪ Our team for this project has by eliminating the need to completed eight HABS/HAER hire and coordinate with documentation packages for subconsultants.

In 2009, Greta hiked the Bright Angel Trail (BAT) and recorded features associated with the Trans-Canyon Water Distribution Pipeline (TCWP) for preparation of a CLI and DOE for the BAT Historic District. In 2011, she returned to GRCA to complete a CLI and companion NRHP nomination for the Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District, which includes the TCWP, associated facilities at Indian Garden and Roaring Springs, and Silver Bridge as non-contributing resources. The 2011 project involved seven days of backpacking along the North and South Kaibab Trails as well as camping in the inner canyon.



Past Performance Logan Simpson has worked with numerous federal agencies over the last two decades on a variety of cultural resources projects. Our excellent working relationship with SHPO and our expertise in evaluating the NRHP eligibility of the most complex historic properties is largely responsible for our clients’ satisfaction. Logan Simpson’s team has collaborated together on multiple projects to deliver high quality documentation on time and within budget. We are confident that our expertise in NRHP evaluation and HABS/HAER documentation, as well as our experience working as an established team will result in deliverables that exceed NPS’s expectations. Below, we present three projects to highlight our previous experience working at GRCA; producing HABS/HAER documentation for irrigation facilities and/or related properties; and preparing DOEs and NRHP nominations for the NPS. Due to the nature of these evaluation/documentation projects, Logan Simpson has not submitted these projects for awards. NR Nomination for the Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District, GRCA

Contract: POC: Contract details redacted. - sjo Fee: Contract Type: Dates of Service: Logan Simpson completed a NR nomination at GRCA. This corridor includes the diverse landscapes of the BAT, North Kaibab Trail, South Kaibab Trail, and Colorado River Trail— which collectively represents approximately 30 miles of maintained trails within GRCA.

Exposed pipeline of the TCWP visible along the North Kaibab Trail, 2011. 2

The inventory also includes all buildings, structures, and objects associated with the facilities and campgrounds along these trails, including Yaki Point, Bright Angel Campground, Cottonwood Campground, Roaring Springs, and the distinguished Phantom Ranch landscape. The history of the North and South Kaibab trails includes construction by the NPS in the 1920s, with the Bright Angel Campground serving as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp during the 1930s. The Phantom Ranch landscape includes cabins, a lodge, a recreational center, and a shower house designed by renowned architect Mary Colter, as well as numerous buildings and structures constructed by the CCC during the 1930s. This documentation provides GRCA staff with the information necessary to make decisions regarding preservation, interpretation, and resource management.

Imperial Dam Camp Cultural Resources Assessment/Level II HABS Documentation

Contract: POC: Fee: Contract Type: Dates of Service: Logan Simpson provided HABS/ HAER documentation of the Imperial Dam (Dam), and its associated facilities, located approximately 18 miles north of Yuma along the Arizona and California Border, to mitigate the adverse effects resulting from the upgrade and refurbishing of the electrical system and communication lines at the

Control House for desilting works, Imperial Dam, 1938



Dam. Because a formal NRHP eligibility recommendation for the Dam had never been made, Logan Simpson was additionally tasked with evaluating the Dam and its associated buildings to determine the existence of an NRHP-eligible historic district. The Dam was constructed by Reclamation between 1936 and 1938 under the authorization of the Boulder Canyon Act of 1928 to provide water for the All American Canal and Gila Gravity Main Canal systems. Logan Simpson conducted archival research of primary and secondary documents to provide information on the history and significance of the Dam. Project responsibilities also included evaluating and photo-documenting historicage properties. Logan Simpson identified the presence of an NRHP-eligible historic district dating to the late 1930s. Logan Simpson prepared a report detailing the archival research, results of the historic property survey, and NRHP eligibility recommendations. Historic documentation of the Dam was conducted in compliance with HABS/HAER Level II standards and included photodocumentation and the submittal of scale drawings.

Logan Simpson conducted archival research of primary and secondary documents to provide information on the history and Contract: significance of the Caretaker’s POC: Residence. Documentation of the Caretaker’s Residence was conducted in compliance Fee: with HABS Level II standards Contract Type: and the National and State Dates of Service: Historic Preservation Acts Documentation Standards Logan Simpson provided historic for Historic Properties documentation of the caretaker’s Guidelines and included residence located near Yuma, photo-documentation and the Arizona pursuant to stipulations preparation of scale drawings. of the project’s Programmatic Agreement. The residence, which was built in the mid to late 1930s, is currently planned for demolition by Reclamation and the Yuma County Water User’s Association. It had been previously determined a contributing property of the NRHP-eligible Yuma Project Irrigation District. HABS Documentation of the 11-Mile Spillway Caretaker’s Residence

Large format photograph of the 11-Mile Spillway Caretaker’s Residence taken by Logan Simpson, 2011.




II. QUALIFICATIONS Four key personnel are assigned to this project. They include Historian/NRHP Technical Lead Kathryn Leonard; Architectural Historian/Project Manager Greta Rayle; Historian Helana Ruter, and Photographer/Graphic Artist Ben Hammer. All hold master’s degrees, meet the Secretary of the Interior’s professional qualifications standards, and are able to undertake strenuous activity, such as hiking up and down into the canyon. Their qualifications are briefly presented below. Résumés are included in the Appendix. Kathryn Leonard, M.A., RPA | Historian/ NRHP Technical Lead

Kathryn has more than 15 years of experience and master’s degrees in archaeology and history, with a concentration on historic preservation method and theory. She previously served as the NR coordinator for the AZ SHPO. Kathryn was the project manager for multiyear project to document the cultural landscape and NRHP eligibility of cultural resources located along the Bright Angel, North Kaibab and South Kaibab Trails in GRCA. Kathryn will serve as NRHP Technical Lead and will be the primary point-of-contact for the contract. She will manage the budget and schedule, and will supervise all aspects of the background research and field work, as well as the production of project deliverables. Kathryn will also provide ultimate quality review of all deliverables and implement Logan Simpson’s three-tiered quality control (QC) protocol for all reports.

Greta Rayle, M.A., RPA | Architectural Historian/ Project Manager

Greta is a historical archaeologist specializing in architecture. She has served as project manager on a number of HABS/HAER documentation projects. She has also served as architectural historian on a variety of NPS projects, including CLIs and NRHP nominations for the Cross Canyon Corridor and BAT Historic Districts in GRCA. Greta will serve as Project Manager and Architectural Historian for this project, leading the historic property documentation and the on-site assessment of the TCWP and its associated structures. She will also assist Logan Simpson’s historian with conducting the archival investigations and will serve as the primary author on the draft and final National Register DOE and historic documentation and HAER reports. Greta’s anticipated hours: 230

Helana Ruter, M.A. | Historian

Helana has more than nine years of experience and a master’s degree in history with a concentration in historic preservation method and theory. Helana has conducted extensive survey and inventory of historic-age properties throughout the southwest. Helana has assisted in the preparation of three Level II HABS/HAER documentation packages for Reclamation, including the 11-Mile Spillway Caretaker’s Residence in Arizona, as well as the Imperial Dam Camp Site and Imperial Dam. She has served as project historian for a number of contracts with the NPS. For this project, Helana will be charged with conducting the archival research and will assist Greta with the preparation of the draft and final documentation reports and NRHP nominations. Helena’s anticipated hours: 223

Kathryn’s anticipated hours: 19 4



Ben Hammer | Photography / Graphic Arts Specialist

Ben is an accomplished photographer with experience in landscape photography. He recently rephotographed a series of images within the abandoned 1880s mill town of Pinal, Arizona to illustrate changes over time to the area’s cultural and biological resources.

He generates creative solutions to challenging illustration dilemmas—from the initiation of a project through the final product. Ben works with an array of document layout and graphic design software programs, and has expert knowledge of Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Visual Nature Studio, and all Microsoft Office programs.

photographing buildings and structures of the TCWP according to HABS/HAER photographic standards and will prepare an Index to Photographs and negatives and black-and-white prints for submittal with the final project deliverables. He will also generate all maps and figures required for the draft and final National Register DOEs and historic documentation and HAER reports.

For the NRHP DOE and HAER documentation project, Ben will be responsible for

Ben’s anticipated hours: 100

K. Leonard Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District CLI and NR Nomination X BAT CLI and NR Nomination X Tonto National Monument CLI and NRHP Nomination X Glacier National Park NRHP Nomination X Gran Quivira NRHP Nomination X Casa Grande Ruins National Monument NRHP Nomination X Josie Basset Morris Ranch CLI and NR Nomination X Tumacácori National Monument NRHP Nominations X Caretaker’s Residence at 11-Mile House Spillway HAER X Documentation Imperial Dam and Campsite HAER Documentation X Oregon National Historic Trail (NHT) Documentation and X Impact Assessment Jackson Lake Lodge CLR Western Area Power Administration (Western) Desert X Southwest Region Historic Context Moose-Wilson Road Grand Teton National Park CLI X Boardman to Hemmingway Transmission Line Environmental X Impact Statement Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) Horseshoe Ranch Relevant Team Projects


G. Rayle X X X X X X X X X

H. Ruter X










B. Hammer X X X X X X X X



III. TECHNICAL APPROACH Logan Simpson will complete all tasks for the NRHP DOE and Level II HAER documentation as outlined in the RFQ (issued on 9/18/2014) and in compliance with Sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA. We will also adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation as described in the HABS/HAER Procedures Manual (1985), as well as the guidance presented in National Register Bulletins 15 (1990; revised 2002) and 16A (2007). In addition to mitigating adverse effects to the TCWP that may result from future undertakings, the project deliverables will serve as a permanent record and will provide NPS, professionals, and members of the general public with comprehensive documentation of this important water distribution system. Each task will be carried out with the oversight and input of NPS’s Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR). The following Scope of Work (SOW) is divided into four phases based on the tasks outlined in the RFQ. Due to the phased nature of work, Logan Simpson has assumed separate field visits for Phases II and III. We recognize, however, that overall project cost can be reduced if these tasks are combined, and are prepared to amend our SOW and fee to include a single field visit (to occur during Phase II of the project), if NPS is agreeable to this approach. 6

Silver Bridge, showing cables and steel decking, built in 1966 as part of the Trans-canyon Water System. Photographed 2009.

Phase I

Phase II

In Phase I of the project, Logan Simpson will attend a project orientation meeting at GRCA to review the contract and coordinate with NPS. The preferred methods of communication between Logan Simpson and the designated COTR for the project (e.g., email, telephone) will also be discussed at the meeting. Logan Simpson will employ our scheduling and administrative software to ensure that all tasks are performed on schedule and meet NPS planning needs. Kathryn and Greta will also provide thorough quality review of all deliverables and implement our three-tiered QC protocol. Logan Simpson understands the importance of communication throughout the life of a project and will engage in periodic coordination meetings to ensure that NPS is kept abreast on project progress.

In Phase II of the project, Logan Simpson will prepare a NRHP DOE and an accompanying historic documentation report for the TCWP and its associated facilities (e.g., Roaring Springs cave and water facilities, pump stations, creek crossings, the Silver Bridge, etc.) Specific tasks related to this phase of the project include: Archival Research. Logan Simpson understands that a preliminary DOE for the TCWP was prepared by Ellen Brennan in 2013. This document provides an excellent point of departure for formulating the context of the pipeline’s construction and will also form the basis for Section 8 of the NRHP DOE. Previous research compiled by Logan Simpson on the TCWP as part of the Cross Canyon Corridor project (2013) will be evaluated to verify gaps in primary source documentation



which can then be obtained by further research at the GRCA archives. Logan Simpson’s historian will coordinate with staff at the GRCA archives to obtain historical photographs, construction plans, scaledrawings and as-built documentation for the TCWP and its associated facilities, as well as documentation related to post-construction modifications, as needed. Logan Simpson will also coordinate with the COTR for the project to obtain relevant documents and maps available online through the Denver Service Center Technical Information Center’s electronic repository, or E-TIC. Further research on the TCWP and/or individuals involved in the development of the system may also be conducted using electronic resources available through the Library of Congress website,, and Field Investigation. Prior to field work, Logan Simpson will contact the COTR’s representative to arrange appropriate fieldwork dates for historic documentation of TCWP and its associated facilities. Documentation will include professional-quality digital photographs of all buildings/structures comprising the pipeline; a narrative description of construction methods, modifications, and integrity of the buildings/ structures; an assessment of the system’s setting; and a graphic representation of the TCWP’s location relative to 7

other buildings/ structures. Particular attention will be paid to character-defining features of all documented buildings/ structures, as well as an assessment of their condition. At the end of the field session, Logan Simpson will prepare a brief “trip report” that Roaring Springs pumphouse, 2011. summarizes the (Section 7) per the National tasks performed Register guidance, as well as and the methods employed. an 11x17 plan view map of the The report will be submitted property; two copies of 7.5 electronically to the COTR in minute topographic series maps, PDF format. labeled in accordance with Draft NRHP DOE & National Register guidance; and Historic Documentation photodocumentation prepared Report Preparation. in accordance with the National Based on the results of Register Photographic Policy. archival research and field The submission will be prepared documentation effort, Logan on NRHP Registration Form Simpson will supplement 10-900 and will include the existing historic context embedded archival maps and narrative statements of and historic photographs, as significance—or Section 8 of the appropriate. existing NRHP DOE (Brennan Logan Simpson will also prepare 2013)—for all applicable NRHP a historic documentation eligibility criteria, in accordance report to accompany the with the guidance presented NRHP DOE. The report will in National Register Bulletin draw from the information 16A. The revised historic context will consist of a detailed contained in the draft NRHP narrative history of the pipeline’s DOE and will minimally include a title page, table of construction focusing on the contents, and introduction; a major events that have shaped historical narrative containing and changed the landscape a discussion of historic context during the selected period of and information on Elling significance. Logan Simpson Halvorson, Inc., and Lents, Inc., will also prepare an updated the contractors responsible for description of the property



the construction of the pipeline; current condition; presence of alterations; general integrity of materials, workmanship, and setting; an NRHP eligibility of subject properties; and a bibliography. The report will also contain photocopies of existing plans and drawings, and photographic and map documentation. Additionally, a Historic Property Inventory Form for the TWCP will be prepared by Logan Simpson and included in the report as an Appendix. Logan Simpson will submit two unbound copies—or one each of the NRHP DOE and accompanying report—to the NPS for their review and comment no later than January 5, 2015. Logan Simpson understands that the draft report will be forwarded to SHPO and participating tribes by the COTR, and that all reviewing parties will have four weeks to comment on the draft materials. Final Deliverables – NRHP Documentation. Logan Simpson will submit five bound paper copies each of the revised NRHP DOE and historic documentation report within 30 days of receiving comments from NPS on the preliminary draft materials. The final copies of the DOE and report will be accompanied by two unbound photo-ready copies; one hard copy of the comment matrix; one set of original negatives and 4 x 6 color prints organized in archival sleeves; and two archival gold CDs containing Microsoft (MS) Word and PDF versions of the DOE and report, as well as copies of the digital photographs. Electronic copies of both materials in PDF and MS Word will also be uploaded to Logan Simpson’s secure ftp site for immediate download. Submission of the DOE documentation package will occur no later than April 1, 2015.

Phase III In this phase, Logan Simpson will prepare a Level II HAER documentation report and interpretive materials for the TCWP. Specific tasks related to the documentation for this phase of the project include:


Existing interpretive signage on the Transcanyon Water System. Photographed 2011. HAER Documentation & Field Investigation. Prior to conducting fieldwork, Logan Simpson’s large format photographer and architectural historian will work with the archivist at GRCA to photograph engineering drawings of the TCWP and its associated buildings and structures. Logan Simpson assumes that no more than 20 photographs of original engineering drawings will be taken. Based on the engineering plans available in the GRCA archives, Logan Simpson will provide a list of buildings, structures, and possible locations to be photographed during the field investigation. Once this list is approved, Logan Simpson will contact Ellen Brennan to arrange appropriate dates for the field investigation and commence fieldwork. Field documentation will include black-and-white, professional-quality photographs of the segments/facilities of the TCWP selected in consultation with NPS. All photographs will be taken with a large-format view camera pursuant to the Heritage Documentation Programs guidelines for HABS, HAER, and Historic American Landscape Survey photography (NPS 2011). Logan Simpson assumes that no more than 15 photographs of the pipeline will be taken during the field investigation and that measured drawings of the TCWP are not required. Preparation of Draft HAER Report & Interpretive Materials. Logan Simpson will use the information contained in the historic documentation report (prepared in Phase II of the project) to prepare a draft HAER report



for the TCWP. The report will be prepared in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation: HABS/HAER Standards (NPS 1990) and will follow the outline format for engineering sites, as outlined in HAER – Guidelines for Historical Reports (NPS 2008, updated 2010:5). It will minimally include a cover sheet; a table of contents; list of acronyms; written historical and descriptive data; design drawings; photographic scans; and a bibliography. The draft report will also include a series of aerial photographs depicting the alignment of the pipeline and its location relative to other contributing and non-contributing features comprising the system. In association with the HAER report, Logan Simpson will work with the COTR and GRCA cultural resource specialist and interpretive staff to develop appropriate text on the history of the TWCP for use in public interpretation. The interpretive text will be presented in report format and will provide a summary of the development of water services and infrastructure development at GRCA; a history of the TCWP; and a description of the significance of the pipeline. Two hard copies of the synthetic report along with two unbound copies of the Level II HAER documentation report will be submitted to NPS for their review and comment no later than January 5, 2015. Electronic copies of both materials in PDF and MS Word will also be uploaded to Logan Simpson’s secure ftp site for immediate download.

Logan Simpson understands that the draft report will be forwarded to SHPO and participating tribes by the COTR, and that all reviewing parties will have four weeks to comment on the draft materials. Final Deliverables — HAER Documentation. Logan Simpson will submit five bound paper copies each of the revised Level II HAER report and interpretive text within 30 days of receiving comments from NPS on the preliminary draft materials. All paper copies of the report will be printed on archival paper. The final copies of the DOE and report will be accompanied by two unbound photo-ready copies; one hard copy of the comment matrix; one set of original negatives and black-and-white prints; and two archival gold CDs containing MS Word and PDF versions of the Level II HAER report, as well as .TIF files of the large format photographs. Submission of the final HAER report will occur no later than April 1, 2015.

Phase IV In the fourth and final phase of the project, Logan Simpson will provide NPS with paper and/or electronic copies of all research files, negatives and photographs, field records, and other projectrelated materials used to prepare the project deliverables in the manner specified on pages 16 and 17 of the RFQ. Submission of these materials will occur no later than April 15, 2015 and confirmation of their receipt will signal the end of the contract.

In 2013, Ben Hammer created an interpretive poster for Horseshoe Ranch, an AGFD property located within the Agua Fria National Monument. 9



V. QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL PROCESS Logan Simpson has a strong, internal quality assurance (QA)/QC program. We follow a system that includes defined standards for quality and methods to ensure that our products adhere to those standards. All of Logan Simpson’s deliverables are subject to a three tier QC review process which includes a content review by a senior level technical lead; review by our Cultural Resources Director or Principal; and final edit by the firm’s technical editor. We take great pride in the quality of our reports and always strive to set the bar for the industry standard. Logan Simpson believes that the key to an effective QC process is effective project management. All of our project managers receive formal training through the firm’s in-house program, developed with the assistance of management firms PSMJ and Martin-Simonds Associates. Formal project management plans (PMPs) are developed at the outset of all of our projects, which serve as a reference tool for identifying key members of the project team, roles and responsibilities, communication expectations (frequency and format) and contact information. Delivery dates for fieldwork and deliverables are articulated in the PMP, along with critical path items and processes that must occur in order to maintain schedule. Potential risks to budget and schedule are identified, so that they may be recognized as soon they are encountered. The PMP is considered a dynamic document that is regularly consulted and updated through the life of the project.


Communication is constant through the life of the project, so that issues can be identified early and strategies adjusted, as necessary. Control of costs is achieved through use of Deltek Vision, our budget and scheduling software. Communication is a cornerstone of Logan Simpson’s QA/QC process. Project managers conduct a kick-off meeting at the start of each project during which the schedule and scope of work is carefully reviewed with our clients. Logistical issues involving fieldwork, safety protocol, background documentation, and data standards are reviewed at this time. Logan Simpson’s process for fieldwork ensures that we collect high-quality data. Data collection protocols are defined at the outset of the project in consultation with our client, and projectspecific considerations are reviewed. Prior to the end of each day’s field activities, the field director reviews the data and ensures that it is accurate. The Project manager and technical lead subsequently review the data at the end of the field session and ensure that it is sufficiently descriptive and consistent. Multiple reviews of field notes and electronic map files ensure that we have the high-quality data necessary for preparing accurate descriptions and thorough, well-conceived NRHP eligibility recommendations and integrity assessments.





Historian/NRHP Technical Lead

Kathryn has more than 15 years of experience and master’s degrees in archaeology and history, with a concentration on historic preservation method and theory. She previously served for more than five years as the National Register coordinator for the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). At SHPO, Kathryn’s duties included coordinating the State and National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) program for Arizona; authorship, technical review, and editing of NRHP documents and statewide historic contexts; review of Part I Federal Tax Act rehabilitation project applications and historic structures reports; National Park Service (NPS) cultural landscape inventories (CLI); and providing technical guidance on NRHP eligibility and historic property treatment to certified local governments and state and federal agencies. Kathryn possesses expert knowledge in matters pertaining to NRHP eligibility and documentation of both prehistoric and historic properties, with advanced training in architectural history, building recordation, and the application of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. Kathryn is Logan Simpson’s Director of Cultural Resources for the Arizona offices, and manages a staff of 20 cultural resources professionals. At Logan Simpson, Kathryn has managed and served as technical lead for a variety of historic preservation projects for NPS including CLIs for Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA), Tonto National Monument, and Dinosaur National Monument and NRHP nominations for Tumacacori National Monument, Casa Grande National Monument, Glacier National Park (GLAC), and Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument (SAPU). As a dedicated preservationist, Kathryn currently serves on the Historic Sites Review Committee, the review panel charged with advising the SHPO on State and National Register listings, as well as the City of Phoenix’s Historic Preservation Commission, where she is currently collaborating on Preserve Historic Phoenix, the City’s first formal historic preservation plan. EDUCATION M.A., History, Arizona State University (ASU), 2007 M.A., Anthropology, ASU, 2000 B.A., Anthropology, Vassar College, 1995 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Registered Professional Archaeologist CONTINUING EDUCATION IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION/CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT National Preservation Institute Training: Identification and Evaluation of Mid-Twentieth Century Buildings • Section 106: A Review for Experienced Practitioners • Section 106: Agreement Documents • Historic Structures Reports: A Management Tool for Historic Properties • Preservation Maintenance: Understanding and Preserving Historic Buildings • Secretary of the Interior’s Standards: Treatment Considerations • Cemetery Landscapes: A Practical Guide to Care and Maintenance • Cemetery Preservation • GIS: Practical Applications for Research Projects SELECTED PROJECTS Cross Canyon Corridor CLI and NRHP Nomination. NPS. Project manager for multiyear project to document the cultural landscape and NRHP eligibility of cultural resources located along the Bright Angel, North Kaibab and South Kaibab Trails in GRCA. Kathryn and Logan Simpson’s senior landscape architect and senior historic preservation specialist collaborated with the Park’s cultural resources specialist, and the NPS’s Intermountain Region historical landscape architect to ensure thorough and accurate documentation of the condition and historic integrity of the trails’ character-defining features. Documentation on this project also included recordation and NRHP assessment of contributing and noncontributing elements of Mary Colter’s Phantom Ranch and the Indian Garden campsite. Final deliverables included the CLI and associated NRHP nomination.




Architectural Historian/Project Manager

Greta is a historical archaeologist specializing in architecture. Since 1999, Greta has worked on projects in Arizona,and the West. She has served as project manager on a number of Historic American Building Survey (HABS)/HAER documentation projects for irrigation systems and their related facilities, including the Imperial Dam and its associated facilities in Imperial County, California and Yuma County, Arizona; a Reclamation construction camp (known as the Imperial Dam Camp) in Imperial County, California; and a 1940s caretaker’s residence located at the 11-Mile Spillway in Yuma, Arizona. She has also served as architectural historian on a variety of NPS projects, including CLIs and NRHP nominations for the Cross Canyon Corridor and Bright Angel Trail (BAT) Historic Districts in GRCA, the Tonto National Monument Archaeological District in Tonto National Monument (TONT), TUMA, and Josie Bassett Morris Ranch in Dinosaur National Park (DINO), and NRHP nominations for properties at CAGR, SAPU, and GLAC. Greta is a skilled researcher and she has completed intensive archival research, historic map and photograph research, and has collected and summarized numerous oral history interviews. EDUCATION M.A., Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2005 summa cum laude B.S., Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2002 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Registered Professional Archaeologist CONTINUING EDUCATION IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION/CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Landscape Preservation: An Introduction • National Preservation Institute Training: Identification and Evaluation of Mid-Twentieth Century Buildings • Section 106: A Review for Experienced Practitioners • Historic Structures Reports: A Management Tool for Historic Properties • Preparation of Cultural Landscape Reports SELECTED PROJECTS Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District CLI and NRHP Nomination. NPS. Conducted archival research for the preparation of a CLI. Landscape areas of the CLI consist of the BAT, Colorado River Trail, North Kaibab Trail, South Kaibab Trail, Phantom Ranch, Indian Garden, Roaring Springs, Bright Angel Campground, Cottonwood Campground, and Yaki Point. The history of the North and South Kaibab Trails includes construction by the NPS in the 1920s, with the Bright Angel Campground serving as a CCC camp (Camp 818) during the 1930s.The Phantom Ranch landscape includes cabins, a lodge, a recreational center, and a shower house designed by renowned architect Mary Colter, as well as numerous buildings and structures constructed by the CCC during the 1930s. BAT CLI and NRHP Nomination. ASU and the NPS. Assisted in the preparation of a CLI and consensus NRHP nomination for the BAT Corridor at GRCA. Collaborated with Logan Simpson’s senior landscape architect and preservation specialist, as well as with the Park’s cultural resources specialist, and the NPS’s Intermountain Region Historical Landscape Architect to ensure thorough and accurate documentation of the condition and historic integrity of the trail’s character-defining features. Conducted archival research on the Landscape Areas of the Corridor—the BAT, the Colorado River Trail, and Indian Garden—and prepared the Statement and Period of Significance and Chronology sections of the document. Caretaker’s Residence at 11-Mile House Spillway HAER Documentation. Reclamation. Served as the field director for HABS documentation of a 1940s ditchrider’s house at the 11-Mile Spillway in Yuma, Arizona. Conducted research of historic documents relating to the development of the house as well as of the residents who occupied the home. Completed photodocumentation and scale-drawings of the residence. NATIONAL REGISTER DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY AND HAER DOCUMENTATION - RESUMES

HELANA RUTER, M.A. Public Historian

Helana has more than nine years of experience and a master’s degree in history with a concentration in historic preservation method and theory. She previously worked at the Arizona SHPO as the interim NRHP Coordinator, as well as the manager of the Historic Property Tax Reclassification Program. At SHPO, Helana reviewed determination of eligibility requests and nominations for listing in the state register and NRHP; completed additional research; and revised four historic district nominations which passed the Arizona Historic Sites Review Committee and were listed in the NRHP. Helana has conducted extensive survey and inventory of historic-age properties throughout the southwest. At Logan Simpson, Helana has worked with Greta to author multiple CLIs and NRHP registration forms for the NPS. One of these nominations included the documentation of 116 historic buildings and structures for the Cross Canyon Corridor Historic District in GRCA.

EDUCATION M.A., Public History, ASU, 2009 B.A., History, ASU, 2000 CONTINUING EDUCATION IN HISTORIC PRESERVATION/CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Identifying Rural Historic Landscapes • National Preservation Institute Training: Identification and Evaluation of Mid-20th Century Buildings SELECTED PROJECTS Cross-Canyon Corridor Historic District CLI and NRHP nomination. NPS. Served as the project historian. Logan Simpson is completing a CLI and NRHP nomination for the entire Cross-Canyon Corridor at GRCA. This corridor includes the exceptionally diverse landscapes of the BAT, North Kaibab Trail, South Kaibab Trail, and Colorado River Trail—which collectively represents approximately 30 miles of maintained trails within the Canyon. The inventory also includes all facilities and campgrounds associated with these trails, including Yaki Point, Bright Angel Campground, Cottonwood Campground, Roaring Springs, and the distinguished Phantom Ranch landscape. Imperial Dam and Camp HAER Documentation. Reclamation. Served as the project historian to research the history of Reclamation works on the Colorado River in order to place the Imperial Dam and dam construction camp into a broader context. Also conducted research of historic documents relating to the development and construction of the dam and camp. A portion of this process included an interview with the manager of the Dam site who provided information on the history of the site, its components, as well as historic records and photographs owned by the Imperial Irrigation District. Conducted survey of the dam and campsite in order to make recommendations of eligibility for the written reports. GLAC NRHP nomination. NPS. Served as the project historian. Logan Simpson is preparing two National Register nominations for properties within GLAC including an amendment for the Many Glacier Hotel Historic District and the Apgar Glacier Park Cottage Sites Historic District. Both nominations address historic, architectural, and historic landscape resources, themes, and contexts associated with the historic districts. The NR amendment for the Many Glacier Hotel Historic District expands the district boundary and adds new contributing resources. The Apgar’s Glacier Cottage Sites Historic District nomination addresses substantive changes in context identified by the National Register Office in a prior draft of the nomination. Josie Basset Morris Ranch CLI. NPS. Served as the project historian. Helana conducted a field inventory and documentation of the historic Josie Bassett Morris Ranch in DINO, Utah. The work will be used to complete a cultural landscape inventory and revised nomination to the NRHP.




Photographer and Graphic Artist

Ben is an accomplished photographer and camera enthusiast with experience in landscape, product, and portrait photography. Prior to joining Logan Simpson in 2007, Ben worked as a photographer and graphic artist at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Mesa Research Site. From 2002 to 2007 he directed the photography for product instructional manuals, laboratory research, distinguished visitors, and official military portraits. He is experienced in a variety of camera equipment (traditional film and digital), protocols, and current photography software. Most recently, he rephotographed a series of images within Pinal Townsite, a historic mill town in central Arizona, which were originally captured by Arizona Pioneer Photographers from 1885 to 1887. Rephotographing the images from their current location allows for the interpretation of changes over time to cultural and biological resources. In addition to his experience as a photographer, Ben serves as Logan Simpson’s graphic artist and is responsible for the design, layout, and production of brochures, newsletters, exhibit boards, information signage, maps, interactive websites, and other promotional materials. He creatively produces quality materials that are Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act compliant in PDF and HTML formats. Ben has used numerous graphic design techniques to make complex technical information accessible to non-technical audiences. EDUCATION MAS-GIS, ASU, 2014 B.I.S., ASU, 2012 SELECTED PROJECTS Local Public Agency Projects Manual. Arizona Department of Transportation. Responsible for graphic design and layout of a manual that describes the development of local government projects. Nearly 200 agency and local government staff were interviewed for this manual and the design was based in part upon their input. To facilitate ease of maintenance by agency staff, the manual was designed in Microsoft Word. Responsible for ensuring the manual complied with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Also developed coordinating website graphics. Dust Abatement Handbook and Field Guide. Maricopa County Air Quality Department. Graphics specialist who assisted in the development of a dust abatement handbook for Maricopa County, Arizona. The handbook is a handy, comprehensive reference document that contains the County’s salient dust control requirements and how to comply with them. The handbook is an important tool in the County’s effort to reduce air pollution associated with PM-10 (particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter) through increased compliance with applicable rules and regulations. US 93 Wickenburg Interim Bypass. Town of Wickenburg. Design and layout text with historic photographs for six interpretive signs. The interpretive signs documented the historical buildings, events, and features of historic Wickenburg. Signs will be placed along the existing historic bridge focused on the Town’s history, the River ecology, past River bridge building efforts, and the chronology of events leading to the bypass. Kearns Improvement District Irrigation Services. Kearns Improvement District. Design and layout text into four-fold brochure format. This brochure is used to educate the public about water conservation and describe plant types and features of a public garden. Colorado Visual Resources Inventory (VRI). BLM. Coordinated with project managers and vendors to prepare public meeting materials for a series of public workshops. Responsible for the design and layout of newspaper advertisements, handouts, and display boards. Worked with outside vendors to ensure all newspaper advertisement deadlines and requirements were met.