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Hendrix Anyone who’s met Hendrix will tell you he has a zest for life and always maintains a positive attitude. Seven-year-old Hendrix is deaf, has delayed speech and battles chronic pulmonary disease. For his wish, Hendrix chose to make a documentary about his life to show people his daily routine and the support he receives that makes it possible. But more importantly to Hendrix, Randy, Hendrix’s dad shared “This was a way for him to say ‘you know what? I wouldn’t be where I’m at without you guys and I want to say thank you.’” Local filmmaker Ken Nelson stepped in to bring Hendrix’s vision to life. Nelson later reflected on this moment, saying, “I didn’t know it then, but my life was about to change. I refused to accept any payment for producing the film. For me, what I received was worth far more than money could ever buy.” For the next six months, Nelson followed the family wherever they went, documenting everything and everyone in Hendrix’s young life: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, treatment routines, doctor’s visits, school, Legos, surgeries, family gatherings and summer activities. On the night “Livin’ Like Hendrix” premiered,

one thing was clear: Hendrix has an undeniable gift for making others smile. “He has taught me to really be full of joy no matter what comes your way in life,” shared Nelson. It takes a team of doctors, nurses, teachers, specialists, therapists, family, friends and community groups to make Hendrix’s life the best that it can be. Yet each one of these people will tell you that it is Hendrix who has had the biggest impact on them, not the other way around. “It’s a team. It’s a village. It’s a group effort because we could never do it on our own,” explained Hendrix’s mom, Rebecca. And the truth is, we at Make-A-Wish® can’t make wishes come true on our own, either. We need you. It takes all of us—a community of supporters and donors like you to make every child’s wish come true.

Donate now. Your gift inspires hope. Together, every wish is possible. Together, we will transform lives. This holiday season, give the gift of hope to children and families in your community.

Hendrix, 8 respiratory condition

I wish to have a documentary made about my life

To read more about Hendrix’s story or to view the documentary, visit oki.wish.org.

“It fills my heart to know how everyone feels about him—to hear how he’s changed their lives”. – wish kid Hendrix’s mom, Rebecca

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oki.wish.org /makeawishohkyin

Movie posters from the world premier of “Livin’ Like Hendrix”.

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