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HIS HILL RANCH CAMP Spring Newsletter 2017 Is it not peculiar how quick we can be to forget something? I can have an experience which in the moment I’m certain will forever be engrained in my memory, and it’s hardly a few months later that I’m struggling to recollect the pieces of the event. In the present it is easy to be confident about how we’ll handle future situations, but when the future moment comes we are often scrambling for any source of direction. I think this is why Peter has no problem restating truth which he had countless times already spoken to the believers to whom he’s writing in his second letter. He actually goes so far as to say he is willing to incessantly remind Christians of the same thing again and again to the degree that even when he’s dead they will still be remembering his constant reminder. So what was that truth Peter was insistent on reminding them? He speaks of it in verses 2-11 in chapter 1. Mainly, that in Christ God has given them everything they need to live a life of godliness. God didn’t just save us from death, but He simultaneously saved us for life. Over the course of Peter’s life however, he saw many Christians who were “useful” and many who were “useless” (v.8-9). He saw many who had been equipped for Christ-like living, yet they were failing to live according to Christ. How does this happen in a Christian’s life? Peter states in verse 9 that it is from, “having forgotten [one’s] purification from his former sins.” We fail to live Christ’s life when we forget Christ. We forget His work at the cross. We forget Christ’s overcoming death. We forget Christ’s indwelling Spirit in our lives. From there we are found to be “useless” in living a life of godliness because we have forgotten the source of our strength. After 40 years of camp ministry, we at His Hill are teaching the same message. To every staff member, camper, and parent, we want to boldly and incessantly remind one another of what is most important — Christ. Jon Forrest Camp Director
CAMP DATES: • June 18-23........Ages 8-12 • June 25-30........Ages 8-12 • July 2-7.............Ages 12-14 • July 9-14...........Ages 14-18 • July 16-21.........Ages 12-14 • July 23-28.........Ages 8-12 • July 30-Aug.4...Ages 8-12 • August 6-11.....Ages 6-10 (Day Camp)
PARENT QUOTE: “We have sent seven children to His Hill Ranch Camp over the years and are grateful for the time, fun, and JESUS that is poured into them the week they are there. The staff and counselors are always a light!!” - Amy If you would like to rather receieve our Newsletters via email please let us know at:
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