Illinois Main Street Program AWS

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Illinois Main Street Program

Application Deadline: April 6, 2018

Illinois Main Street c/o National Main Street Center 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 350 Chicago, IL 60604

About the Illinois Main Street Program The Illinois Main Street Program, administered by the National Main Street Center, works with communities across the state to foster local economic development and enhance overall quality of life. IMS does this by providing training, networking opportunities, and access to resources to community organizations focused on revitalizing their older or historic commercial districts. Illinois Main Street is part of Main Street America, a coast-to-coast network of organizations and individuals working to bring vitality and prosperity to downtowns across the country. Main Street America programs operate at the local, city, and state-wide levels. What unites them is a commitment to preserving and enhancing the built environment, celebrating local history and culture, and creating local economic opportunity. Main Street America is a program of the National Main Street Center. The National Main Street Center (NMSC) was awarded a generous three-year grant from the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation to relaunch the Illinois Main Street program and provide direct support to communities across the state. The NMSC is pleased to announce an open call for applications to communities to take part in this re-launched program and be part of the next exciting phase of Main Street in Illinois. Applications are due on April 6, 2018 and notification of acceptance will be given no later than April 20, 2018. Once accepted, organizations will be invoiced and required to sign a membership and licensing agreement good for one calendar year. With thanks to a generous grant from Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Foundation, your community is able to take advantage of a matching contribution to reduce the cost of membership in the Illinois Main Street program. We previously let you know that annual membership dues for all communities would be $2,000. We are delighted to let you know that for every $2 your Main Street program contributes to the cost of membership, the Bass Foundation will match that with $1. That brings down the annual membership fees to just $1350 for the first year of membership. The annual value of the membership is estimated to be over $7000. Payment will be due by June 30, 2018. Each Illinois Main Street program will receive: •

One on-site technical assistance visit per year. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Organizational Development Services – consulting services to advise communities on how to create and sustain their Main Street organization. Board Member, Staff, and Committee Training – training services for staff and volunteers to understand the Main Street Approach™, their roles and responsibilities, and techniques and best practices for revitalizing downtown. Business Development Assistance – consulting and training in understanding the downtown’s economic strengths and weaknesses, development of plans and strategies to improve the downtown business climate.

Promotion and Marketing Assistance – consulting and training services to help local Main Street organizations identify and implement effective marketing strategies, as well as individual downtown promotional events and activities. Planning Assistance – consulting services to develop short-term action plans for the Main Street organization, as well as long-term plans that guide the development and revitalization of the Main Street district.

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One on-site, year-end assessment and accreditation visit Webinars on topics including Main Street overview and the Main Street Approach Phone consultation/coaching, as needed 3 statewide quarterly training workshops for Directors and volunteers o

Seminars and workshops to inform local staff and volunteers of tools, trends, resources, and techniques to strengthen their local organization and Main Street district

Membership with Main Street America, which includes: o o

Discounted conference registration Discounted Main Street America Institute registration

Accepted programs will be required to: • • • • • •

Pay annual dues of $1,350 in the first year, $2,000 in years two and three (services are valued at over $7,000) Submit quarterly reporting of reinvestment statistics Participate in quarterly training programs (for staff, volunteer, and board members) Participate in webinars Coordinate local technical assistance visits Sign licensing agreements for use of the Main Street America name and logo About Main Street

The Main Street Approach™ is a common-sense, community-driven approach to revitalizing older downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. Since 1980, the Main Street program has provided a framework and strategy-driven approach for communities to address the full range of issues and challenges facing their commercial districts. Main Street programs are encouraged to adopt Transformation Strategies. Transformation Strategies are clear statements of economic direction, and are based on a thorough assessment of underlying market conditions and a deep understanding of community needs and desires. Transformation Strategies are implemented through work in four key areas, known as the Four Points: ECONOMIC VITALITY focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, create a supportive environment for the scores of entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies. DESIGN supports a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual elements of downtown while capitalizing on the unique assets that set the commercial district apart. PROMOTION positions the downtown or commercial districts as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics.

ORGANIZATION involves creating a strong foundation for a strong and sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district. To implement the Main Street program, communities typically create a non-profit organization, or a designated department within a municipality, specifically for this purpose. The organization must involve both public and private sectors, including downtown interests and representatives from throughout the community. Local government must support downtown revitalization and the Main Street Approach both philosophically and financially. The private sector must also embrace the Main Street Approach and give its ideas, time, expertise, and resources to make a downtown revitalization program successful. The local Main Street program is typically governed by a board of directors, supported by paid, professional staff (called a Manager or Executive Director), and involves a variety of volunteers who implement projects and activities through committees or work groups. The National Main Street Center administers the Main Street America program and supports local Main Street programs, as well as the network of city, county, and state-wide Coordinating Programs. More information about the Main Street America network, the Main Street Approach, and the National Main Street Center is available at To be considered an official Main Street America program by the National Main Street Center®, communities must be members of Illinois Main Street and complete the required licensing agreement. The National Main Street Center vigorously defends its trademark and will pursue unauthorized use of the Main Street America trademark through legal means. Reinvestment Statistics Each year, the National Main Street Center collects economic impact data about each Main Street America program. These figures are a useful measure of economic conditions on the ground, can be used to track change over time, and help to tell the story of the difference Main Streets make in their communities. If you community is accepted, you will be required to track and report on the following figures on a quarterly basis: • • • • • •

Number of businesses Number of full-time jobs Number of part-time jobs Number of commercial units What is the estimated average rent per square foot for commercial buildings? (Hint: meet with a local real estate agent) How many buildings have vacant first floors? Second floors? Third floors? ▪

First floor -- By number:

Second floor -- By number: By square footage:

Third floor -- By number:

What percentage of properties are:

Owner occupied? __________

By square footage: By square footage: Renter occupied? __________

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What percentage of these renter-occupied buildings are controlled by absentee (nonlocal) landlords? Number of single-family units? ____________ Number of multi-family buildings exclusively designated as: Apartments __________ Total Units: _________ Condominiums __________ Total Units: _________ Vacant residential units? __________ Number of upper floor housing units above commercial space? ________

Illinois Main Street Application The application process for IMS is designed to be as simple as possible, while still assessing the local applicant’s understanding of the Main Street Approach, its understanding and expectations of IMS, and its readiness to be a Main Street program. The application for IMS may be accessed here.

For assistance filling out the application, please contact Steve Amraen, Manager of Network Services at the National Main Street Center [email protected]

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