Interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the benefit of both. Interfacing of the park’s natural elements over time yields products that further interact with themselves and other elements of the environment. This symbiotic cascade runs on perpetually, along the way forming media that sustains life and allow growth. In the theory of infinite symbiosis all living things seek to survive and reproduce in an effort towards improvement. During this endeavor the random, unguided energy that is abound is taken in by living things and given direction and form. The way through which this is achieved exhibits the most fundamental characteristics of living things, namely; growth, development and ultimately progress.
PARK AS A LIVING THING • Its beginning came as molten magma overran the land. This magma cooling off resulted in the original rocks in the area. The original rocks then form the first symbiosis with the weather and starts the symbiotic cascade. • The interaction of the original rock and the weather yields sand and silt that settles incrementally until enough of it has accumulated. This media then form another symbiosis with the weather, creating the moment of opportunity for the large lifeforms to take a footing. • This presence of plants allow for the formation of a subsequent symbiosis, a protective one. The roots of the trees form a network of fibers that hold the soil together and prevents the weather from washing it away. • There are several subsequent symbioses that ultimately result in the one which this park derives its name from, the relationship between the Joshua Tree Moth and the Joshua Tree. The two organisms have coevolved to the point where they have become mutually codependent on each other and hence taking one away will spell doom for both. • This development that has been chronicled by the preceding sequence of symbiotic relationships is an exhibition of the concept of Infinite Symbiosis and in that context shows that park is alive.
Development Drawings
Highlighted Sustainable Elements
Warm air
Rainwater Retention – The roofs are angled to direct rainwater to the north where it is collected and stored in a cistern, higher than the fixtures and so it will not require a pump to generate water pressure.
Fresh cooler air
Natural Ventilation – Strategic window placement allows for cool air to be drawn in as warm air rises and exits from the high North-facing windows.
Thermal Mass – Shaded exterior concrete walls ranging from12”-18” thick keep interior spaces cool by absorbing ambient heat during the day and slowly dissipating it at night time like the Pantheon.
Solar Energy – The roof space is covered with solar panels to take advantage of the abundant sunlight in the Park year round.
Total of projected points targeted for the Potential New Construction of this “Trail Hostel” is 83 out of 110; which allocates it as a LEED PLATINUM.