After creating a log in you may start a new abstract.
Create a descriptive title.
Submission Tasks Make sure to complete all information about you (the presenting author) and your co-authors, if applicable, in the first two tasks.
The Abstract Additional resources on what your abstract will be scored on and how to present can be found on this page as well as on the ASN website.
Make sure to choose an abstract category from the drop down list, pictured to the left.
D i r e c t i o n s
Images and Graphs Images and graphs can be uploaded and do not count against your character limit. Please be sure to check the quality of the image you choose to upload.
Click on your name or the names of your co-authors.
Answer the questions for each author regarding funding and disclosures.
D i s c l o s u r e s
Statement and Publication Agreement
This is necessary for the publication of you abstract. Please read statement carefully.
Travel Award Application for Students, Trainees and Young Professionals
Make sure to read all the qualifying information.
You must answer additional questions that apply to your education or work status in order to complete the award application.
Submitting your Abstract to ACCN • Once all tasks are complete you may submit your abstract. • You are welcome to submit more than one abstract. • There are no submission fees however, all abstracts will be reviewed and scored for quality assurance. • Abstracts that are accepted will be presented at ACCN 2015. Several of the highest scoring abstracts will be presented in oral format; all other abstracts will be presented in poster sessions. • If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you are expected to attend the meeting in December. Thank you!