Michelle Bazinet

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regional vice president





ilton, Ontario’s Michelle Bazinet has built a professional life around health and fitness. So when Michelle and her husband faced significant financial stress, she began looking for a way to earn some extra income — without having to trade time away from her family for money. That’s when the Arbonne opportunity presented itself. Health and wellness have always been a passion of mine. I have been a Registered Massage Therapist for 14 years and in the fitness industry for close to 10 years. Being able to help and motivate others is what drives me. A few years into my massage career, I found I was doing less and less, which meant I was earning less, because my hands were tired. So I began to look for something else. At that time the “something else” was a career as a firefighter, which came only after five years of pursuing a job in the field — and while I was pregnant with our first child. Obviously, I declined the job offer, only to miscarry a week later — 17 weeks into my pregnancy. I was devastated. But I believe that everything happens for a reason. I had to trust the path that I was on, and I knew that I needed to move forward.

Michelle Bazinet

Arbonne Independent Consultant, Regional Vice President During this time I met ERVP Gina Alfieri at the gym. She was an avid member in my fitness classes. We became good friends and she would occasionally mention this Arbonne thing she did. I was curious about it, but not interested. The idea of selling something was really not for me. I

“I intended to make a little extra money, because I thought that’s all you could make. I was in for a big surprise!” struggled telling massage therapy clients that needed therapy to come back for more treatment. How could I recommend someone purchase something from me? Well, life has a way of making you overcome your

➤ Michelle and her husband Denis.

Michelle’s daughters Madeleine and Jacqueline.

fears so you can fulfill a need. My husband and I were being challenged by someone who wanted to hurt us financially. I realized at that moment I could be the game-changer for our family. So after nine months of saying no to this business, I jumped in. My intentions were only to make a little extra money each month, because to be honest with you, I didn’t think that you could make more than that. I was in for a big surprise! A changing moment for me in my business came when I had to decide whether or not to return to my massage therapy position after I had my second daughter. I took an unpaid five-month maternity leave from the clinic I had been working at. At that point I realized what my Arbonne business could do for me. I could have gone back to the clinic two days a week and earn a paycheque the following month — or use those two days to focus on my Arbonne business.


“I made a choice, I took a chance, and changed my life.”

This business works. The evidence is all around us. I am no different than anyone reading this. I just made a decision that I would succeed no matter what — no matter how many “No’s” I got, no matter how tired I felt, no matter what people thought of me. Arbonne has changed me. It has changed my life. It has changed my family’s life. I am a more confident woman, a better mother and wife, and a better person because of Arbonne. Commitment, consistent activity and a desire for more are what you need to make this work. I have had people say, “You work so hard.” I want to laugh. “Working hard” is relative. Working 40 hours a week, being away from your children, trading your time for money, having more month than money… that’s hard. I work hard, yes. But I work hard, part time while earning a professional income. I am home with my kids Jacqueline and Madeleine and because of what Arbonne has done for us financially, we made the choice to add to our family. Julian is due August 2013. I wouldn’t have all I do now and be all I am if it were not for so many others in my life. To ERVP Gina Alfieri: Thank you for being politely persistent with me. I said no to you for nine months, but you never gave up on me! To my amazing team: You are one of the big reasons Why I do what I do every day. We can only succeed if we help those on our team succeed, and I am passionate about helping as many people as possible achieve their goals and change lives. To my amazing husband Denis, one of the kindest people I know: Thank you for being the wonderful man that you are. You are such a great husband and father. I would not be here without your support. Seeing the financial burden lifted off your shoulders has been one of the biggest blessings. You work so hard to provide for your family. You’re always giving to others first. And now I can give back to you. And to my children Jacqueline, Madeleine (and Julian who is on his way): You inspire me every single day. My desire is to teach you to dream big, to realize that anything is possible and that you can make a difference — not just by earning a cheque, but by choosing to learn and grow, to be better than you were yesterday, by giving back and helping others, and by believing in yourself.

The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensation is described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com > The Company > Corporate Information > 2011 Independent Consultant Compensation Summary. The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. Arbonne makes no guarantees regarding income. august 2013

Top to Bottom Michelle, husband Denis and daughters Madeleine and Jacqueline. • Michelle and Denis with their new Mercedes-Benz. • Michelle and her husband Denis, with Sponsor ERVP Gina Alfieri and husband Steven. • Michelle Bazinet and her team at her Mercedes-Benz Presentation.

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