MINOR BASEBALL LEAGUE RULES Wednesday, January 04, 2017 1. Refer to the TCKL Registration Forms for the player grade levels for this league. 2. Pitching and base distance will be as specified below: a. Pitching = 46 Feet b. Bases = 60 Feet 3. Each team shall provide a pitcher to pitch to the opposing team’s batters. 4. On the throw-back to the pitcher from the catcher, the ball is dead until the next pitch. 5. Three strikes are out, even if the catcher drops or misses the third strike. The ball is considered dead until put back in play by the umpire. 6. No bunting. 7. The infield fly rule will be in effect. a. The infield rule is called by the home plate umpire when a fair fly ball is hit (not including a line drive or an attempted bunt) which can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort. b. Provided the hit is made before two outs and at a time when 1st and 2nd or all bases are occupied. c. The batter is always out, but the ball is alive and runners may advance at their own risk in hope the fly may not be caught, or they may tag up and advance after the ball is caught. 8. All games are to be played with not more than 9 players in the field and 8 players are required to start a game. 9. The “1-1” count has been eliminated. ALL BATTERS WILL START WITH A FRESH COUNT OF 0-0 10. Stolen bases will not be allowed 12. Time may be called the teams listed manager only, while ball is dead, to instruct players. 13. Overthrows - Batter and/or runners will be awarded one base from the base they previously occupied or secured before the throw. 14. Runners may not advance beyond the base they are going to when the ball returns to the possession of any defensive player within the infield area. a. The spirit of the rule is to restrict runners from constantly running the bases. 15. All players are to play at least one inning in the infield per game. 16. Pitchers will be allowed to pitch a maximum of 3 innings per game. a. Delivery of a single pitch will constitute pitching an inning. b. A player who replaces a pitcher must pitch to at least one batter. c. The pitcher will be allowed 5 pitches to warm-up between innings. d. A relief pitcher shall be given 10 pitches to warm-up, unless they had pitched before in the same inning. e. If there is an injury to the pitcher which makes it necessary for his removal from the game, the player entering the game in relief of that pitcher shall be given as many pitches as necessary (within reason) for satisfactory warm-up. f. Managers will be allowed conferences with the pitchers as required to instruct pitching techniques during each inning of the game.
17. Pitchers in this league are not allowed to pitch “Breaking Ball (Curve Ball)” pitches at anytime during the game. If the umpire sees a pitcher throwing this type of pitch the pitcher will receive one warning, after that warning the pitcher will be removed from the game and not allowed to pitch the balance of the game. a. This rule is to keep our young pitchers from hurting or causing damage to their arm or shoulder.