Mountain Lakes Anti-Idling Project Electronic Flyer 3/12/10 No Idling Family Pledge Presentation Made to 3,4 and 5 Graders May 2010
Electronic Flyer sent to 500 Families 3/12/11 via School’s “Virtual Backpack”
No Idling Pledge 3-5 Graders: 240 Distributed – 65 Pledges Made
Magnet for Purchase
“No Idling” Elementary School Campaign Presented: by the Wildwood Green Team May 2010
What is Idling?
Why should you support the no-idling effort? Air Pollution Hits Home Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children and the cause of most school absences Children’s asthma symptoms increase from exposure to car exhaust Children breathe, on average, 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults Children are closer to the ground and therefore, closer to the tailpipes
Why should you support the no-idling effort? Idling harms our health Vehicle exhaust is harmful to everyone’s health, but it especially affects children who breathe more and at a faster rate than adults. By turning off your car, our students, teachers and parents won’t breathe in unhealthy fumes as they enter school.
Why should you support the no-idling effort? Idling pollutes the air we breathe Vehicle idling creates unnecessary pollution. By not idling, you reduce car exhaust and prevent up to 3 pounds of pollution per month from going into the air.
Why should you support the no-idling effort? Idling costs you money A popular misconception is that idling your car uses less gas than turning it off and restarting. The truth is, if you are going to be sitting more than 30 seconds, it is more fuel efficient to turn your engine off. Idling also causes more wear and tear on engine parts.
Where do you idle?
Can you give us of examples of when your parents idle the car now??
Other good ideas.. What would be better than idling at the MacDonald’s drive thru?? Or the bank drive thru?
Why do something? One idling vehicle isn’t the main culprit of air pollution, but thousands of them are. Small changes and individual actions make a difference.
What you can do… Get your parents to sign the pledge. Use your money if necessary to buy magnets for
your parents car so you can show other families that you support “No Idling”. Remind your parents when they idle to shut off the car…If they plan to wait more than 1 minute they should shut it off!