Northern Hay Hollow

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SEC曹工ON 30.13


B電工曹ORDAエNED by亡he Mayor and亡he Board of Aldermen of亡he Village Of FoIsom, S亡a亡e of Louisiana 亡ha亡

WH田R田AS,亡he sou亡hern one-half of Hayh01low Road is si亡ua亡ed within 亡he Parish of S亡. Tammany, S亡a亡e of Louisiana and 亡he nor亡hern one-half

Of Hayhollow Road is si亡ua亡ed wi亡hin亡he municipa1 1imi亡S Of 亡he Village

Of F01som. WHER田AS, the Board of Aldermen of 亡he Village of FoIsom des│reS tO armex the northern por亡ion of Hayhollow Road in亡O 亡he municipal limits

Of 亡he Village of FoIsom.

WHEREAS, nO亡ice of 亡he proposed amexa亡ion have been given the Police Jury of 亡he Parish of S亡. Tammany′ State of Lou│S│ana.

WH田REAS, nO亡ice of 亡he proposed armexa亡ion was duly g│Ven by Publication on January 29′ 1998 in the l-St. Tammany Farmer′II a weekly

newspaper having∴general circula亡ion in the Village of FoIsom and 亡he Parish of S亡. Tammany,

WH田REAS′ mOre 亡han 亡en days have elapsed since 亡he da亡e of said

publica亡ion and all public mee亡ings and public hearings required by law

have been held, BE エ曹 ORDA工NED by the Board of Aldermen of 亡he Vi11age of FoIsom′ Sta亡e of Louisiana 亡hat∴亡he nor亡hern por亡ion of Hayhollow Road be and亡he

Same is hereby incorpora亡ed into 亡he municipal limi亡S and boundar│eS Of

亡he Village of F01som・

BE 工曹FURTHER ORDA[N田D亡ha亡 a亡rue copy of 亡his ordinance be filed in the conveyance records of the Clerk of Cour亡 for the Parish of S亡・

Tammany to serve as occasion may requ│re. BE 工事 FUR冒HER ORDA工NED tha亡 亡his ordinance sha│l take effec亡 On and

af亡er its promulga亡ion.

F0lsom, Louisiana 亡his 9亡h day of February, 1998.


Approved : V工LLAG田 OF FOLSOM

By藍結露もr CERTエFエ⊂ATE

エ, Joyce Core′ munic│Pal clerk, Cer亡ify亡ha亡 亡he above and foregoing lS a true and correc亡 ex亡rac亡 Of 亡he minu亡es of 亡he regu│ar session of

亡he Board of Aldermen of 亡he Village of FoIsom held a亡 亡he Town Hall in 亡he Village of FoIsom, Louisiana on 亡he 9th day of February, 1998. Present: Darrell Magee′ mayOr; Marshe11 Brumfield, alderman; Willie Richardson, Jr. , alderman; Jerry Sambola, a│derman. A11 a│dermen presen亡 VO亡ed yea and 亡here were no nays.

JOYCE C RE, Village Clerk

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