Ohio Star - Bernina Las Cruces

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Ohio Star 12”x 12” Fabric Requirements: Other Supplies: Background: ¼ yd Quarter Square Ruler Main: one- 2 ½” strip x WOF Accent: one- 4 ½” square * WOF: width of fabric Cutting: From Background: Cut one 4 ½” strip x WOF Subcut into four 4 ½” squares. Cut one 2 ½” strip x WOF. Using your quarter square ruler, cut into 8 quarter square triangles.

From Main Fabric: Cut one 2 ½” strip x WOF. Using your quarter square ruler, cut into 8 quarter square triangles.

All seam allowances are ¼.” Lay your quarter square triangles out in the formation of the units that are in the block.

Pair the quarter square units together using a one background and one main color. Sew the seam between the main and background color. Using a wooden iron, press the seam allowance to the dark fabric.

Take the triangle units you just made, line up the long edges and butt the seams up against each other. (The seams will nest together because the seam allowances are going in opposite directions.) Pin together along the long edge. Stitch.

To reduce the bulk in the center of your quarter square unit, open the seam where the two units meet. Press the seams in opposite directions. The seams form a little hexi in the center of the block. (As shown at the end of the pencil.)

Lay out your squares into rows.

Stitch. Press seams towards the solid squares. To match points, put pin in corner where the triangles come together, pin rows. Stitch.