Peer Assessment1: Student 2

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Peer Assessment1: Student 2 Review by Sofie Kokelenberg

Evaluation criteria and score: The ability of the writer to reflect on their experiences of teaching and learning identifying key issues and influences related to the question. Use references to the course materials or to other sources where possible to connect their views to what the course has covered. 7. Good The ability of the writer to stand outside their own experiences and examine them critically in light of what they have learned drawing on issues and insights raised during the course so far or from other sources they have used. 5. Acceptable The ability of the writer to present their ideas, in whatever medium, in a way that is coherent, analytic and convincing 7. Good The material has been presented in a creative way and attention has been given to making it interesting to the reader 1. Acceptable If you wish to provide comments for the writer of the peer assessment, please place your comments here. Well done and good luck with the course!

Comments: 1. Nice usage of refferences (perhaps add the year of the source when citing) 2.You connect the material of the course to your own ambitions and experiences very well (you clearly elaborate on the content to show that you understand it rather than just copy it). 3.Organized in an analitical, tekstbook kind of way rather than one fluid essay - but this is a matter of style and choice maybe?

4.I particularly liked your reflective contributions (such as: " Being exposed to new ideas is not only scary, because it means moving away from my fixed mindset, but is also challenging, as it motivates me to creative thinking and the need to know and do more"). However, I would have liked to see more elaboration on how you plan to achieve your ambitions, rather than a summation of bullet points. (Take the time to explain why you would opt for those bullet points and how they relate to eachother) 5. Your English is sometimes a bit off ( mostly choice of words and collocations or prepositions), but nevertheless of a high level.

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