Restaurant Premises, Tyram Hall Hotel, Bawtry Road, Hatfield ...

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Restaurant Premises, Tyram Hall Hotel, Bawtry Road, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN7 6DR

Leasehold £18,000 per annum

Available (To Let)


Fully fitted restaurant premises

Fully Fitted Restaurant Premises (A3)


Incentives available

2618 SqFt (243.21 SqM)


Unique lakeside location


Inspections & Further Information

The First Floor premises are located off the A614 Viewings are strictly by prior appointment with the which is the main road between Hatfield and Bawtry. agent: Hatfield Woodhouse is within one mile and junction 4 of the M18 is within five miles. Matthew Brouwer MRICS Barnsdales - Chartered Surveyors Description Tel: 01302 308 182 [email protected] Available by way of a new Head Lease with no premium, fully fitted restaurant premises suitable for For details of further properties please visit our web immediate trade located in a unique lakeside setting. site: Accommodation 2618 SqFt (243.21 SqM) Services None of the services have been tested and interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves in this regard. Business Rates The adopted rateable value in the 2010 list is £7400. This information was obtained from an inspection of the Valuation Office Agency website in May 2013. Availability Leasehold £18,000 per annum SUBJECT TO CONTRACT Legal Costs Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in this transaction.

Value Added Tax (VAT) Unless otherwise stated, all rents and sale prices are quoted exclusive of VAT. Any prospective lessee or purchaser must independently satisfy himself or herself as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction. Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) An Energy Performance Certificate for this property has been instructed and will be available shortly. Please enquire of the agents for more information. You Can Follow Barnsdales

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