About the Composition This piece is a lullaby, which means that it is a quiet, gentle song to put a child to sleep. In the particular case, this very popular Japanese folk song is said to be a song that the girl Takeda would sing to soothe herself while experiencing the difficult situation of having to be the caretaker for someone else's baby. It is not really considered a happy song as the lyrics refer to the challenges this girl has in her life. You can search the internet for the complete translation of the lyrics.
Fo r un pro law m o ful tio to na co l u py se or on pr ly int
It was my goal to bring our the pensive nature of this beautiful song through this setting. I wanted to present the haunting pentatonic tune in a variety of presentations. First, with the strings emulating a Kyoto with the pizzicato notes and the deep tone of the viola over drones in the lower strings. This is followed by a lush and lyrical statement with thick harmonies while the first violins carry the tune. The cellos then add arpeggiated chords along with a harmonized version of the melody in the second violins. The cellos are given a chance at the melody with a new harmonic presentation in the other strings in parallel motion. I then composed an interlude that has yet again differing harmonies with fragments of the melody stated now and then. This all builds to the climatic statement of the song one last time that leads to a dramatic pause on an extended chord, which then subdues to a short coda to complete the work.
Full Score Expressive q = 68
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I Violin II
(Lullaby of Takeda)
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Fo r un pro law m o ful tio to na co l u py se or on pr ly int