Shishapangma, Attempt. The main goal of the Slovenian ...

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Shishapangm a, A ttem pt. T he m ain goal o f the Slovenian Shishapangm a 1997 autum n expe­ dition w as to clim b the B ritish route on the S h ishapangm a’s southw est face. B esides that, w e planned an alpine style ascent and a ski descent from the top across the B ritish route. A fter tw o nice w eeks w hen w e put up the first and the second high cam ps on the B ritish route, a period o f bad w eather forced us to give up on an alpine-style clim b. T he highest point, at about 7200 m eters, w as achieved by B lač N avranik, M ira Zori and Sandi Vaupoti. T hey w ere ju st about to put up the third high cam p w hen the sudden snow storm forced them to descend to the low er cam ps. In the follow ing days, w hen there was no end to bad w eather, w e finished the expedition, and the last m em bers left base cam p on O ctober 15. F r a n c i S a v e n c , Planinska zveza Slovenije

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