2. Stitch together using 1/2” seam allowances. Finish raw edge by serging or making a flat fell seam.
3. Apply interfacing to 1/2 of the top fabric on the wrong side (5” x 73”)
interfacing 43.5”
30.5” 4. Fold top fabric in half with the interfaced side on the inside 70”
5. Mark a line 1/2 from folded edge. Lay your shower curtain liner over this piece (be sure it’s centered) and mark for your button holes. Stitch your button holes (about 3/4” long).
6. Pin top fabric to main curtain and stitch together using 1/2” seam allowance. Press the seam allowance down.
7. Topstitch on the right side just under the seam (stitching the seam allowance down). Turn the hem under 1/2” and press, turn under another 1” and sew your hem down.
8. Remove selvages from ruffle fabric and cut 12 strips 2.5” wide.
9. Stitch 3 strips together. Finish edges by serging, zig-zagging, or using fray check. Sew 2 wide gathering stitches on each side of the mid-point of your strips. Do this with all 12 strips, creating 4 ruffles.
10. Mark lines on your curtain using the measurements shown. Pull your gathers, adjust evenly, and pin in place. Sew straight down the middle of the ruffle. Hem both sides of your curtain the same way you folded and hemmed the bottom of the curtain. Press your 16” curtain. Hang. 11” Enjoy! 7” 2”