Contact Information
Skills Camp July 18th, 2017
Coach Becky Pearl 815-836-5547
[email protected] Session 1: Girls 8-12 years old Check in at 8:30 Camp time: 9:00am-12:00pm Price: $75.00 Enrollment is limited to 60 athletes
2016-2017 Award Winners
OR Asst. Coach Ali Brems
[email protected] Skills Camp Location Lewis University Softball Field One University Parkway Romeoville, IL 60446
Session 2: Girls 13-18 years old Check in at 12:30 Camp time: 1:00-4:00 Price: $75.00 Enrollment is limited to 60 athletes Lewis University Softball Skills Camp is staffed by Lewis softball team members and coaches.
Kaylee Prieto
Dara Sanders
Carly Jaworski
3rd Team All Conference Shortstop
Team All Conference Outfield
Team All Conference Pitcher
2nd team NFCA All Region 2nd team D2CCA All Region
16th in the Nation for Team GPA
In case of rain we will move it to Wednesday July 19th, 2017 Registration deadline is July 14th, 2017 We do not offer refunds on cancelled campers, just a future camp credit if you decide to cancel.
Equipment: Each player must bring her own equipment. Glove, bat, helmet, cleats, and any other equipment you feel necessary. Please bring a pair of tennis shoes. Camp t-shirts are included in the price. Water will be provided.
Email: Medical Insurance Company
Mail this registration form and payment to:
Attn: Softball Office Romeoville, IL 60446
Lewis University One University Parkway #166
Check Payable to: Around the Horn, LLC
Note: Please send a $50 non-refundable deposit with this registration form. Send check or money order, please; no cash accepted. The balance is payable upon arrival.
Signature of Parents or Guardian
Policy No.
Printed Name of Parent or Guardian:
(the participant) to attend and fully participate in the Around the Horn, Lewis Softball Skills Camp and I hereby release the ______________________ (Hereinafter Camp), its agents and employees from any liability therein. I am aware of no condition which would prohibit the Participant from participating in any activities of the Camp therein. _______________________ (the participant) has received a physical examination within the last twelve (12) months. In consideration for permission to use the Lewis facilities, I hereby agree to assume all risk of injury which may occur as a result of using such facilities. I further agree to release and hold Lewis, its officers, trustees, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, damages costs or cause of action which the Participant may have or raise in the future as a result of injures or damages sustained or incurred while using the Lewis facilities. By my signature affixed below, I acknowledge the risk involved and assume all responsibility for the safety and conduct of the Participant while using the Lewis facilities. I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have read and understand the above agreement and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
I herby grant permission for _________________________
Parental Release and Participant Waiver Agreement
T-shirt Size: __________________ (small, medium, large, extra-large)
Primary Position:_____________________ Secondary Position:___________________
Travel Team:________________________ Years played: ______________
Middle or High School name:___________________________
Year in school: ______________________ Age: _________
Cell phone:_________________________ Email Address: ____________________________
State:______________________________ Zip:__________ City:_____________
Name of player: ______________________________________________________________________
Player Information and Waiver Agreement